U.S. Border Patrol reports spike in smuggling in tractor-trailers


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
CALIFORNIA - U.S. Border Patrol agents are reporting a disturbing trend of smugglers attempting to use tractor-trailers to sneak people into the United States.

The Border Patrol says that in the latest incident on April 20, a tractor-trailer was being inspected as it attempted to cross the border in Southern California. During the inspection of the vehicle, a canine detection team alerted to the cab area of the truck and the vehicle was taken aside for further inspection.

When brought to the secondary inspection area, Border Patrol agents say they saw three people jumping out of the truck cab and attempting to run away. Agents quickly detained all three, including two men and an unaccompanied girl.

Well, that's stupid.
California is providing bigger financial stimulus checks to Illegals that does Mexico or the Central American Shit Hole Republics.

Can't blame the people

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