U.N.’s Fear of Angering Assad Leaves Gap in Syria Aid Effort

Billy Boy, the anti-Semitic Bum, has been a very busy boy today. I think he needs a payday loan so that a swinger like he is could be out hunting for some chick instead of his usual posting nonsense about Israel. He asked me to post something to blame Israel, but he has been busy doing just that. Meanwhile, since he crawled over here just now, I wonder if he has actually any news to impart to us about what is going on in the Middle East which doesn't concern Israel since he has been busy concentrating on Israel all day long on another forum. How about it, Billy Boy, you can report to us about the fog in the Emirates which is causing passengers to book different flights? Or how about the old King of Saudi Arabia who is having breathing problems and is on a ventilator. For his sake, I hope he pulls through, but I don't think you really care since you claimed you don't care about the Arabs.

How does a troll masturbate?

By hijacking its own thread!

I think that Billy Boy and the Pipsqueak in Germany are telling us that they want to watch each other mastubate. After all, they really are not on this forum to tell us what is happening around the Middle East, which is a huge, huge place. They are just looking for partners who will watch them diddle with themselves. Go research their names for this forum, and the viewers can see how many posts they have made about what is going on in the Middle East in general, and then you can get a good idea about them

I think that Billy Boy and the Pipsqueak in Germany are telling us that they want to watch each other mastubate. After all, they really are not on this forum to tell us what is happening around the Middle East, which is a huge, huge place. They are just looking for partners who will watch them diddle with themselves. Go research their names for this forum, and the viewers can see how many posts they have made about what is going on in the Middle East in general, and then you can get a good idea about them
You are right. It is a huge place...

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