Two Simple Tax code Changes That will work

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
1) End the payroll deduction. Why should an employer be on the hook to make sure you pay your taxes? Set up your own payroll deduction and have that money put into your own tax account. Pay your own Social Security and unemployment taxes.

2) Change tax day from April 15 to the first Monday in November. Wouldn't it be great to cast a vote the day after sending in a huge check to the government?

These 2 simple changes will wake up the sheep and then we might actually get people to think about who they vote for.
1) End the payroll deduction. Why should an employer be on the hook to make sure you pay your taxes? Set up your own payroll deduction and have that money put into your own tax account. Pay your own Social Security and unemployment taxes.

2) Change tax day from April 15 to the first Monday in November. Wouldn't it be great to cast a vote the day after sending in a huge check to the government?

These 2 simple changes will wake up the sheep and then we might actually get people to think about who they vote for.

Better yet, outlaw payroll deduction. On Tax Day (and I like your idea) every working American must write a check for his income taxes to the gov't.
We'll see how long taxes take 1/3 and more of people's paychecks after that.
1) End the payroll deduction. Why should an employer be on the hook to make sure you pay your taxes? Set up your own payroll deduction and have that money put into your own tax account. Pay your own Social Security and unemployment taxes.

2) Change tax day from April 15 to the first Monday in November. Wouldn't it be great to cast a vote the day after sending in a huge check to the government?

These 2 simple changes will wake up the sheep and then we might actually get people to think about who they vote for.

I like these ideas...sort of.

However, your employer would still have to report your income even if they weren't collected you share of the taxes every paycheck.

And they'd still have to kick in their share of your SSI and medicade payments, too.

So in terns of saving the businesses the hassel of taxes, it really wouldn't help much.

But the idea that Americans would have to pay their tax bill PERSONALLY BEFORE the elections is, I think, rather brilliant.

Of course many people simply would not bother to create tax accounts OR file their taxes if you did that.

Still I like the idea.
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