Two people from Dallas who moved into my area saw the men who shot Kennedy.

I have met those guys, and one of them took this photo of one of the shooters posing as a policeman.....:lol:


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I went to Pascal class with a guy who served under Patton in Sicily. I was talking to him about the movie, and he told me about the time the entire command was marched to his headquarters to hear him apologize for hitting a couple sick soldiers.

He still preferred Patton to Clark.
so says the man afraid of the truth that the CIA killed kennedy.oh and just so you know-"not that this will do any good to tell you since you always cover your ears and eyes and just yell out so you dont see or hear the evidence," but its a known FACT that two CIA men came forward during the House Select Committe's investigation of the Kennedy assassination during the 70's when the investigation was winding down,they came forward and said-We did it,where do you want to go with this investigation? and of course the HSCA did not investigate it because anything that pointed towards government involvement they ignored which is why Senator Gaston Fonzi resigned from the commission in disgust because of how they ignored evidence that pointed towards government involvement.he wrote about it in his book THE LAST INVESTIGATION.

Also E Howard Hunt a CIA operative that worked for Dick Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower,many researhers over the years thought that picture of those three tramps in dallas,that the older man was E Howard Hunt.For years, Hunt denied it and said he was never in Dallas that day which he was caught lying about in a civil suit by the way.Over the years he denied it but recently a year ago or so on his death bed he confessed and boasted loudly to his son who tape recorded him that that was a pic of him and he was in dallas and did participate in the assassination. Not surprisingly Dick Nixon and E Howard Hunt were the only two people questioned over the years who could not remember where they were that day.Dick Nixon also lied about not being in dallas that day as well.

Just so you know where I get my information.not that it matters though since again you always cover your ears and eyes when evidence and facts are presented to you and just sing out loudly to avoide seeing or hearing it like you always did in JFK and 9/11 debates.
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oH btw in case you didnt know this,even fellow 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologist Toro doesnt believe in your fairy tales either that oswald killed Kennedy.Unlike in 9/11,he at least has recognized that to accept the offcial version of the governments,that oswald was the lone assassian,that you got to say that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore.something you,Ditzcon,Slackass,and Fizzle and others here have always ignored since you all toot the horn of the governments version.Its funny that he will admit that in the kennedy case but even though the same is true in the towers collapse on 9/11 he will dodge that one.

Unlike you all,he'll at least acknowledge their was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy with at least two men involved only since the truth scares him that the government was behind it,he'll only go so far as saying that it was the mob and the mob alone that did it even though the mob did not have ther power or the means to set up Oswald like he was or to control the media like it was.
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so says the man afraid of the truth that the CIA killed kennedy.oh and just so you know-"not that this will do any good to tell you since you always cover your ears and eyes and just yell out so you dont see or hear the evidence," but its a known FACT that two CIA men came forward during the House Select Committe's investigation of the Kennedy assassination during the 70's when the investigation was winding down,they came forward and said-We did it,where do you want to go with this investigation? and of course the HSCA did not investigate it because anything that pointed towards government involvement they ignored which is why Senator Gaston Fonzi resigned from the commission in disgust because of how they ignored evidence that pointed towards government involvement.he wrote about it in his book THE LAST INVESTIGATION.

Also E Howard Hunt a CIA operative that worked for Dick Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower,many researhers over the years thought that picture of those three tramps in dallas,that the older man was E Howard Hunt.For years, Hunt denied it and said he was never in Dallas that day which he was caught lying about in a civil suit by the way.Over the years he denied it but recently a year ago or so on his death bed he confessed and boasted loudly to his son who tape recorded him that that was a pic of him and he was in dallas and did participate in the assassination. Not surprisingly Dick Nixon and E Howard Hunt were the only two people questioned over the years who could not remember where they were that day.Dick Nixon also lied about not being in dallas that day as well.

Just so you know where I get my information.not that it matters though since again you always cover your ears and eyes when evidence and facts are presented to you and just sing out loudly to avoide seeing or hearing it like you always did in JFK and 9/11 debates.

Nobody cares.
If you can't spell "avoid", why in the fuck would anybody believe you?
so says the man afraid of the truth that the CIA killed kennedy.oh and just so you know-"not that this will do any good to tell you since you always cover your ears and eyes and just yell out so you dont see or hear the evidence," but its a known FACT that two CIA men came forward during the House Select Committe's investigation of the Kennedy assassination during the 70's when the investigation was winding down,they came forward and said-We did it,where do you want to go with this investigation? and of course the HSCA did not investigate it because anything that pointed towards government involvement they ignored which is why Senator Gaston Fonzi resigned from the commission in disgust because of how they ignored evidence that pointed towards government involvement.he wrote about it in his book THE LAST INVESTIGATION.

Also E Howard Hunt a CIA operative that worked for Dick Nixon while he was vice president under Eisenhower,many researhers over the years thought that picture of those three tramps in dallas,that the older man was E Howard Hunt.For years, Hunt denied it and said he was never in Dallas that day which he was caught lying about in a civil suit by the way.Over the years he denied it but recently a year ago or so on his death bed he confessed and boasted loudly to his son who tape recorded him that that was a pic of him and he was in dallas and did participate in the assassination. Not surprisingly Dick Nixon and E Howard Hunt were the only two people questioned over the years who could not remember where they were that day.Dick Nixon also lied about not being in dallas that day as well.

Just so you know where I get my information.not that it matters though since again you always cover your ears and eyes when evidence and facts are presented to you and just sing out loudly to avoide seeing or hearing it like you always did in JFK and 9/11 debates.

Nobody cares.
If you can't spell "avoid", why in the fuck would anybody believe you?
he couldnt figure out just what this was actually a response to
he really is that fucking stupid
Yanno, 9/11 inside job, there really are cases of injustice in this country. There are even people on death row who are innocent. How is it you have no desire to dig up facts and defend them?

Why's your ire and energy limited to cases you can never solve and which serve to feed your need to self-aggrandize?
I know a guy who knows a guy whose hairdresser cut the hair of a gal who's married to a guy who knows who killed Cock Robin.

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