CDZ Two options...the European model of self defense, and the American model of Self defensse.

Really? Those with a good record have a good record. Is that suppose to mean something?

Of course it does.

Or are you incapable of looking at the whole?

Accidental gun deaths are a rare event in relation to the number legal gun uses
500 accidental not enough, huh? Don't worry, the intentional murder rate makes up for it with about 20,000 each year! Are you proud now? Now if everyone had a gun you'd be able to double that figure in the first month.
500 out of the how many instances of legal gun use annually?

And there is absolutely no analogy between an accident and intentional murder
Two options...the European model of self defense, and the American model of Self defensse.
In Britain and the rest of Europe, their citizens have no Right to protect themselves from violent attack...and the best tool for self defense, guns....has been taken away from most of them, in particular the low income groups.
Actually I was surprised (pleasantly so) to find this out, but parts of Europe have begun to fight back against the draconian anti-freedom agenda of the left.

The Czech Republic and the Baltic states have adopted the American model of self defense.

It's true that they don't have Constitutional protection of their rights like we have in America. One change of the law could remove their rights. However, the people have started organizing themselves and becoming politically active enough to fight any attempts to do that.

And it seems likely that other states could be persuaded to join them in the cause of freedom. Poland, Austria, and Slovakia in particular. Maybe even Italy, Switzerland, and Finland in the long run.

The left has finally found an evil dictatorship that hates freedom just as much as they do.

I advise the left to not get too attached to their new best friend though. You never know when an evil dictatorship will get smashed into a radioactive crater.
The left has finally found an evil dictatorship that hates freedom just as much as they do.

I advise the left to not get too attached to their new best friend though. You never know when an evil dictatorship will get smashed into a radioactive crater.
Easy enough to find fault with China, but could you point out which of his remarks weren't true?
Easy enough to find fault with China, but could you point out which of his remarks weren't true?
It sounded like a mix of gun control whining, BLM whining about the police enforcing the law, and Islamic whining about the government opposing terrorism.

I'm sure it's true that Islamic terrorists get dronestriked on a regular basis, and also true that BLM types get arrested when they break the law. But I don't see that as a bad thing.

As for the gun control nonsense, murder victims would be just as dead if they were killed with a different kind of weapon. So, so what if they were killed with a gun?

Let's give the guy something real to whine about. Start selling Taiwan long-range missiles (conventional of course) so they can bomb Chinese targets if China attacks Taiwan.
It sounded like a mix of gun control whining, BLM whining about the police enforcing the law, and Islamic whining about the government opposing terrorism.

I'm sure it's true that Islamic terrorists get dronestriked on a regular basis, and also true that BLM types get arrested when they break the law. But I don't see that as a bad thing.

As for the gun control nonsense, murder victims would be just as dead if they were killed with a different kind of weapon. So, so what if they were killed with a gun?

Let's give the guy something real to whine about. Start selling Taiwan long-range missiles (conventional of course) so they can bomb Chinese targets if China attacks Taiwan.
So you can't point out anything he said that wasn't true. You just like spouting silly childish crap, don't you?
So you can't point out anything he said that wasn't true. You just like spouting silly childish crap, don't you?
Our human rights record even with it's abuses is so far above that of China's that any criticism from them is meaningless
So you can't point out anything he said that wasn't true. You just like spouting silly childish crap, don't you?

We are constantly working on our problems, while China wants to export their slavery and genocide around the world.....that is a big difference......and anyone defending China vs. the U.S. record, after China murdered 70 million innocent men, women and children and abort millions of babies every year.........yeah, you are not a serious individual.
I agree. That doesn't make us immune from hypocracy. It doesn't excuse the things that we do wrong.

Wrong....china has nothing to say to the U.S....again, they aren't even pretending to improve, they want to expand their slavery and genocide around the world........they have actual slavery, they are committing actual genocide...

Would you have supported hitler's criticism of the U.S. in the 1930s?

China is Germany of the 1930s but with more money, better tech and a longer reach........

The only thing we need to do is fight against their attempt to spread around the world...
We are constantly working on our problems, while China wants to export their slavery and genocide around the world.....that is a big difference......and anyone defending China vs. the U.S. record, after China murdered 70 million innocent men, women and children and abort millions of babies every year.........yeah, you are not a serious individual.
Typical crazy response from you. Using your logic, emergency room personnelle would be justified in turning away someone with a broken arm because the hospital on the other side of town has patients with worse injuries. If something needs correcting, it needs correcting. It doesn't matter if there are worse examples.
Wrong....china has nothing to say to the U.S....again, they aren't even pretending to improve, they want to expand their slavery and genocide around the world........they have actual slavery, they are committing actual genocide...

Would you have supported hitler's criticism of the U.S. in the 1930s?

China is Germany of the 1930s but with more money, better tech and a longer reach........

The only thing we need to do is fight against their attempt to spread around the world...
It's rare to find someone as arrogant as you, yet with so little to offer.
Typical crazy response from you. Using your logic, emergency room personnelle would be justified in turning away someone with a broken arm because the hospital on the other side of town has patients with worse injuries. If something needs correcting, it needs correcting. It doesn't matter if there are worse examples.

Not the point.....China is evil.....they have slavery and are committing genocide.....using them to support your argument is the same as using hitler and the nazis to support your criticism of the U.S.....
Not the point.....China is evil.....they have slavery and are committing genocide.....using them to support your argument is the same as using hitler and the nazis to support your criticism of the U.S.....
Got it. Say you hate one of your neighbors. That guy you hate says you have a flat tire. Are you going to drive on that flat tire just because you hate the person who mentioned it? On second thought, forget that question. Obviously you would.
So you can't point out anything he said that wasn't true.
He acted like we are doing something bad when we arrest black criminals or dronestrike Islamic terrorists.

It isn't true that we are doing anything bad. Arresting criminals is a good thing even when they happen to have black skin. Blowing up terrorists is a good thing even when they are Muslims.

You just like spouting silly childish crap, don't you?
No. Which is why I never do it.

That doesn't make us immune from hypocracy. It doesn't excuse the things that we do wrong.
No hypocrisy on America's end. America isn't committing any wrongdoing.
I agree. That doesn't make us immune from hypocracy. It doesn't excuse the things that we do wrong.
I never said it did but I will give nothing the Chinese government says about human rights any credence at all.

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