Two New Yorkers who moved to my area saw explosions bring down World Trade Centers

you are just too ignorant and dont get it that as long as americans only care about that and ignore whats going on around them like so many do and thats their ONLY concern which is what is for many of them,were going to be in nazi germany sometime in the next decade or two because they ignored it and took no steps to try and stop it.

Hey Toto,thanks for proving again that your afraid if the truth .still waiting for the day for you to not run off with your tail between your legs and at least TRY and prove ONE of those 65 canada wants the truth videos is wrong.:lol: but as we both know,just like you proved here,when those videos are shown to you,you close your eyes and cover your ears and sing out loud to yourself since the truth scares you so much.:lol:

so between you and Ditzcon,which one of you decided the other was wrong on the kennedy assassination and who was right? still waiting for an anwer on that.:lol: since the truth scares both of you and you are both too arrogant to admit your wrong,although in THIS case you wouldnt be arrogant cause there is far too much evidence there was more than one shooter.please just once,let me see you two dook it out on which one of you is able to admit the other is wrong.would LOVE to see a discussion on that between two frady cat Bush dupes.:lol: here,this is as good of a thread as any to have that discussion.

pm him and get him on over there.oh and get agent fizz over there as well and pm also since he also supports the other fairy tale commission of the governments,the warren commission also.
According to NIST WTC7 collapsed due to "normal office fires" which created a "new phenomenon" in high rise catastrophes: destruction due to the thermal expansion of the beams leading to progressive collapse of nine floors.

"This ultimately caused the failure of column #79--the first one to fail--followed by all the rest."

Physics instructor David Chandler has used network TV video to prove WTC7 descended at free fall acceleration for two seconds over a distance of at least 8 stories.

In its final report NIST reversed its initial denial of free fall but still failed to address how free fall could be compatible with its fire induced progressive collapse analysis.

"For the observed straight down collapse, a thick network of heavy steel columns and beams, had to be forcibly removed and more that 400 structural steel connections had to fail per second, evenly across all of the eight floors involved.

"These failures had to occur ahead of the collapsing section--NOT caused by it--because a freely falling object can not exert force on anything in its path without slowing its own fall."

All 47 stories (plus the mechanical penthouse) fell uniformly at nearly free-fall speed through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel.

Republic Magazine P.22
Yeah, the sane people don't worry about the little things in life, like "their children," when Bush, Cheney and the other murderers roam free!

you are just too ignorant and dont get it that as long as americans only care about that and ignore whats going on around them like so many do and thats their ONLY concern which is what is for many of them,were going to be in nazi germany sometime in the next decade or two because they ignored it and took no steps to try and stop it.

Hey Toto,thanks for proving again that your afraid if the truth .still waiting for the day for you to not run off with your tail between your legs and at least TRY and prove ONE of those 65 canada wants the truth videos is wrong.:lol: but as we both know,just like you proved here,when those videos are shown to you,you close your eyes and cover your ears and sing out loud to yourself since the truth scares you so much.:lol:

so between you and Ditzcon,which one of you decided the other was wrong on the kennedy assassination and who was right? still waiting for an anwer on that.:lol: since the truth scares both of you and you are both too arrogant to admit your wrong,although in THIS case you wouldnt be arrogant cause there is far too much evidence there was more than one shooter.please just once,let me see you two dook it out on which one of you is able to admit the other is wrong.would LOVE to see a discussion on that between two frady cat Bush dupes.:lol: here,this is as good of a thread as any to have that discussion.

pm him and get him on over there.oh and get agent fizz over there as well and pm also since he also supports the other fairy tale commission of the governments,the warren commission also.
wtf are you babbling about now, rimjob?

Nobody knows.
Pollsters like Zogby, Scripps Howard, Reuters, and Angus Reid along with cable news outlets like CNN and MSNBC continue to reveal wide swaths of the American public with a devout distrust of the Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory.

In August of 2004 a Zogby International poll found that "half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say 'some of our leaders knew in advance attacks were planned on or around 9/11/2001, and that they consciously failed to act."

In May of 2006 the same pollsters concluded 45% of voting Americans believe "Congress or an International Tribunal should re-investigate the attacks, including whether any US government officials consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success."

In August 2006 Scripps Howard/Ohio University conducted a poll that concluded "more than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the US could go to war in the Middle East."

In October 2006, a CBS News/New York Times poll revealed "only 16% of respondents say the government headed by US president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks."

There are more than enough voters with legitimate doubts concerning the events of 9/11 to warrant an investigation that demands testimony under oath.

Start with Dick and Dubya.
All 47 stories (plus the mechanical penthouse) fell uniformly at nearly free-fall speed through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel.

George. It has been REPEATEDLY pointed out to you that this is NOT the case.


You have even admitted that the mechanical penthouse fell first into the building.

Please explain why you STILL post this stuff even though you know it's incorrect.
There are more than enough voters with legitimate doubts concerning the events of 9/11 to warrant an investigation that demands testimony under oath.

Start with Dick and Dubya.

so go ahead and start demanding. nobody is stopping you. good luck. :eusa_whistle:
All 47 stories (plus the mechanical penthouse) fell uniformly at nearly free-fall speed through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel.

George. It has been REPEATEDLY pointed out to you that this is NOT the case.


You have even admitted that the mechanical penthouse fell first into the building.

Please explain why you STILL post this stuff even though you know it's incorrect.

Are you disputing the fact WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 TONS of structural steel?

I STILL post this stuff because with only one exception you have FAILED to raise any doubt in my mind.

Possibly you are more impressed with your rhetorical powers than the rest of the world is.

Personally, I find experiments like the one about The Mysterious Eutectic Steel far more likely to be correct than anything you've provided so far.
Hmmm still no word from Toto on WHO decided which of the arrogant posters was right between him and Ditzcon and agent Fizzle about the JFK assassination.and no word from him on taking me up on my challenge to duke it out with those two.hmmmm could it be that he we wont do it because he knows that their all three too arrogant to concede that one of them is wrong? I think
George I dont know WHY you bother with Gam and Fizzle.You DO know dont you that they are government disinformation agent trolls paid by their bosses sent here to post lies and propaganda to support the governments version dont you? same as candycorn just so you know.The way you can tell is they devote their lives night and day to coming here all the time.nobody has THAT much time on their hands if they are not paid government plants.They got trolls like them on message boards everywhere to try and brainwash us with their lies and propaganda,thats the ONLY reason they constanlty come back for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday is they are paid well by their bosses.

the way you can tell is how they devote their lives to coming here everyday spending hours on end day and night with most their posts talking about 9/11.If they were just in denial and ignorant to the truth like Toto,Ditzcon and Madeline are,they wouldnt constantly come here everyday night and day posting their disinformation and ignoring the evidence like they do. The ones that are just in denial like the three I just mentioned,when they are presented with evidence and facts,they run off and dont come back.something Toto and Ditzcon have done too many times to remember in the past and Madeline,she REALLY ran off when I debunked what she said early on in case you did not notice.It was one of the first pages on the thread.

also INTERNET people are the worst people in thr world to reason with,they never can be mature enough to admit it when they are proven wrong and never change their its realy pointless trying to reason with them.ESPECIALLY agents Gam and Fizzle.Fizzle REALLY exposed himself as an agent when I told him its strange how he immediately replys to 9/11 threads when someone like me or you posts and he said-he gets email notifications on pathetic.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa

Guess his bosses are really anxious for him to get there and post his propaganda.also ever notice when you try and have a civilized debate with them,when they cant refute the evidence,facts,or witness testimonys,they start in with personal attacks and name calling? Guess it hurts them when they get their asses handed to them on a platter like they have too many times to remember in the past,hense the attacks and name calling.and they wonder why I got them on ignore? sheesh.

well Fizz anyways.agent Gam usually in the past has been more civilized in his posts and doesnt post childish photos like his fellow agent Fizzle does which is why i dont have HIM on ignore and will actually bother to read his posts once in a great blue moon and reply.But not on this thread since he stopped to childish personal attacks on a post that had NOTHING to do with he blew it then.again Gammy,you REALLY should pass that message on to agent fizzle to try and debate civilized like you have done with me and others in the past IF he wants people to take him serious and wants them to listen to him.Its too late with me for him to get someone to listen to him,but maybe others in the future,that would be advise you should give him if he wants people in the future to take him serious.
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Are you disputing the fact WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 TONS of structural steel?

I STILL post this stuff because with only one exception you have FAILED to raise any doubt in my mind.

Possibly you are more impressed with your rhetorical powers than the rest of the world is.

Personally, I find experiments like the one about The Mysterious Eutectic Steel far more likely to be correct than anything you've provided so far.

find any evidence of any controlled demolitions yet?:lol:
All 47 stories (plus the mechanical penthouse) fell uniformly at nearly free-fall speed through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 tons of structural steel.

George. It has been REPEATEDLY pointed out to you that this is NOT the case.


You have even admitted that the mechanical penthouse fell first into the building.

Please explain why you STILL post this stuff even though you know it's incorrect.

Are you disputing the fact WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 TONS of structural steel?

I STILL post this stuff because with only one exception you have FAILED to raise any doubt in my mind.

Possibly you are more impressed with your rhetorical powers than the rest of the world is.

Personally, I find experiments like the one about The Mysterious Eutectic Steel far more likely to be correct than anything you've provided so far.

Yes I am disputing that fact because it's not true. You mislead people. WTC7 did not collapse symmetrically.

Your quote above:
WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance

Should read:
6 seconds after the mechanical penthouse collapsed into the interior of the building, the rest of WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance

You have repeatedly tried to make it seem like the ENTIRE WTC7 structure collapsed at free fall speed in about 6 seconds. Do you understand what ENTIRE means?

I bet you don't.
BTW Georg, you STILL haven'tt addressed this post:

And this George?

You seem to believe that thermite was used on that column. So tell me how thermite created the above scenario?
Are you saying the interior surface of the left plate along with the exterior surfaces of the top and right plates are visible in this photo?

This is the second time I've asked you this simple question.

Can you quote me the first time you asked this? I seem to have missed it.

Now follow closely and please answer the questions pertaining to what you believe the photo shows.

1. What type of thermite cutting was used based on the photo above? Was it a cutting charge or did it "burn through" the steel?

2. If it was a cutting charge, there would not be grooves oriented 45 degrees to the face of the plate as shown in this marked up photo here using red lines. The force of the charge would have made lines PERPENDICULAR lines (if any) to the face as that would have been the direction the force of the charge would have gone.

3. If you claim a thermite "burn through" process was employed then why is there no slag on the outside face on the left plate, but there is slag on the outside face of the bottom plate? If you are trying to tell me that the slag appears on the opposite face of where the thermite "burn through" process was started, then how did the slag get on the outside face of the bottom plate? You're not being consistent.

I'm also still waiting for you to quote the first time you asked me the "simple question" you mentioned above. Where is that question anyways? I may have missed it.
George I dont know WHY you bother with Gam and Fizzle.You DO know dont you that they are government disinformation agent trolls paid by their bosses sent here to post lies and propaganda to support the governments version dont you? same as candycorn just so you know.The way you can tell is they devote their lives night and day to coming here all the time.nobody has THAT much time on their hands if they are not paid government plants.

Really 9/11?

I'll tell you what. Here is why I have "so much time on my hands." I work in a law firm as a TelCom engineer and also do computer support. I sit in front of a laptop and remote people's desktop, troubleshoot phone issues, and do project work. It doesn't take long to rip off a bunch of posts when I sit right here to pass the time. Don't flatter yourself thinking you know what you're talking about.
George. It has been REPEATEDLY pointed out to you that this is NOT the case.


You have even admitted that the mechanical penthouse fell first into the building.

Please explain why you STILL post this stuff even though you know it's incorrect.

Are you disputing the fact WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 TONS of structural steel?

I STILL post this stuff because with only one exception you have FAILED to raise any doubt in my mind.

Possibly you are more impressed with your rhetorical powers than the rest of the world is.

Personally, I find experiments like the one about The Mysterious Eutectic Steel far more likely to be correct than anything you've provided so far.

Yes I am disputing that fact because it's not true. You mislead people. WTC7 did not collapse symmetrically.

Your quote above:
WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance

Should read:
6 seconds after the mechanical penthouse collapsed into the interior of the building, the rest of WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance

You have repeatedly tried to make it seem like the ENTIRE WTC7 structure collapsed at free fall speed in about 6 seconds. Do you understand what ENTIRE means?

I bet you don't.
What is the relative mass of the mechanical penthouse compared to the 47 story building supporting it?

Do you understand "distinction without a difference?"

Are you disputing the fact WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 TONS of structural steel?

I STILL post this stuff because with only one exception you have FAILED to raise any doubt in my mind.

Possibly you are more impressed with your rhetorical powers than the rest of the world is.

Personally, I find experiments like the one about The Mysterious Eutectic Steel far more likely to be correct than anything you've provided so far.

Yes I am disputing that fact because it's not true. You mislead people. WTC7 did not collapse symmetrically.

Your quote above:

Should read:
6 seconds after the mechanical penthouse collapsed into the interior of the building, the rest of WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance

You have repeatedly tried to make it seem like the ENTIRE WTC7 structure collapsed at free fall speed in about 6 seconds. Do you understand what ENTIRE means?

I bet you don't.
What is the relative mass of the mechanical penthouse compared to the 47 story building supporting it?

Do you understand "distinction without a difference?"


What does the relative mass of the penthouse compared to the entire mass of the building supporting it have to do with anything? You clearly don't understand loads and structures do you?

Mechanical penthouses can contain elevator motors, chillers, HVAC units, cooling towers, electrical panels, etc. Do you know how much this stuff weighs George?

What was in the east penthouse?

Are you disputing the fact WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance, i.e., 40,000 TONS of structural steel?

I STILL post this stuff because with only one exception you have FAILED to raise any doubt in my mind.

Possibly you are more impressed with your rhetorical powers than the rest of the world is.

Personally, I find experiments like the one about The Mysterious Eutectic Steel far more likely to be correct than anything you've provided so far.

Yes I am disputing that fact because it's not true. You mislead people. WTC7 did not collapse symmetrically.

Your quote above:

Should read:
6 seconds after the mechanical penthouse collapsed into the interior of the building, the rest of WTC7 collapsed symmetrically through the path of greatest resistance

You have repeatedly tried to make it seem like the ENTIRE WTC7 structure collapsed at free fall speed in about 6 seconds. Do you understand what ENTIRE means?

I bet you don't.
What is the relative mass of the mechanical penthouse compared to the 47 story building supporting it?

Do you understand "distinction without a difference?"

You never addressed the actual issue either. Why do you still say that the ENTIRE WTC7 building collapsed in 6 seconds at freefall when that is clearly not the case? Do you have an answer or are you going to avoid discussion like you did with the thermite cut issue when asked some questions?
Well George,since you somehow have been able to sit through their ramblings-god I dont know how you do, it gets old watching them make up stuff after a while to support their version of events of the fairy tales of the governments.anyways since you still ARE discussing this with them,point out how the skyscraper in La in 88 burned for three hours and was lit up like a torch far more severe than the twin towers were,yet it did not collapse, or the skyscraper in philly in 99 how it got lit up like a torch as well and burned for 19 hours and did not collapse.It was the worst fire in the history of skyscrapers and they did not collapse either. yet these towers that were oxygen starved as indicated by the black smoke which is hardly a serious fire, collapsed.

Gam and Fizzle cant use the planes caused the towers to collapse because they hit them above.damaging a few columns above cant cause the towers to collapse.Only if you remove all the support columns from below can it cause a complete freefall collapse like they did. Whats really funny is Gam and Fizzle will really get desperate then and say they did not fall at freefall speed.

which is pure B.S cause all you got to do is time the collapse and it happens in 11 seconds which equals free fall go to the top of those towers and drop a rock,the time it takes to land is around 11 seconds which equals free fall speed.

what I thought was so funny about Gams explanation of the fire exploding is the majority of the fire exploded OUTSIDE the towers so it was hardly serious enough as the oxygen starved fires indicated,to cause the steel columns to weaken. and as i said earlier,the tapes that were released in 2005 from the familys efforts through a freedom of information act,you can hear the voices of the firefighters themselves saying-yeah their nothing serious,we should have them put out soon.right before it collapses.I assume you HAVE heard those tapes? I guarantee you Gammy and Fizzle havent.

That fire wasnt hot enough to roast a marshmellow, let alone hot enough to cause the towers steel to weaken like the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists like to claim it did.

and Like I said before,the designers anticipated this when they designed the towers.John Skilling the lead engineer said-There would be a great loss of life due to the fires but the structure itself would remain standing.and the head construction manager said they could take hits from multiple airliners traveling at 600 mph thats why Toto attacked me earlier cause he knows it is true and he cant refute the experts since the towers remained standing and did not fall after the initial impacts.thats why all he could do was throw personal attacks because he cant refute the experts.Like I said,he always runs off when he cant counter the facts and evidence.

same as agents Fizzle and Gammy.

It also means nothing to them of course that scientists found evidence of military grade thermite and explosive residue in samples that were collected by bystanders or that there was mid air pulverization of 90,00 tons of concrete thrown upwards in the air inconsistant with the mere collapse of a building or that body parts were found on rooftops several blocks away ,impossible due to a mere collapse of a tower,or that a mere collapse of a tower doesnt throw several tons of steel columns into other buildings found several blocks away or cause steel columns to be melted like Terral has showed pics of many times in the past or that wintesses heard explosions in the basement before the plane struck above.they'll make up the craziest shit to try and save face in their posts and say your a liar that none of those things happened as you'll find out soon enough.but go ahead and ask them about all that and explain it all.your in for some good laughs from them I guarantee you that.
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planes hit the towers. towers collapsed. you have evidence of anything i missed other than people saying "that can't happen" (because it actually did) then i would love to see it. until then i will stick with the facts. :eusa_whistle:

same thing with building 7. it was on fire. it collapsed. show me proof of another cause and i will look at it. until then i'm sticking with the evidence at hand.
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Another inconsistency against a thermite cut in this photo:

Why is there slag on the INSIDE of the left, top, and right plates of the column (inside the column), with no slag on the outsides? The supposedly burning thermite "pushed the slag into the interior of the column as it supposedly cut from the outside in correct?

If that's the case, why is there slag on the OUTSIDE of the bottom plate of that column in the photo? Did they magically create a thermite charge on the INSIDE of that box column to cut from the inside out, thus creating the slag we see there?

Or is it more obvious that someone with a torch cut those three side from the outside while the column section above was held in place? Then bent forward so they could make the last cut from the inside on that last bottom plate. The last cut made from the INSIDE out so the person using the torch was not putting himself in danger by cutting from BENEATH the columns as that's where it's weight would carry it once completely cut.

And this George?

You seem to believe that thermite was used on that column. So tell me how thermite created the above scenario?
Are you saying the interior surface of the left plate along with the exterior surfaces of the top and right plates are visible in this photo?

This is the second time I've asked you this simple question.
My mistake.
This was NOT the second time I posted the question.
It WAS the first.

Now tell me if the interior of the left plate along with the exterior surfaces of the top and right plates are visible in this photo?

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