Two Minnesota GOP Candidates Attacked, Punched In Separate Incidents

The Left is not only a Mob, they are NPCs.

Mob NPC.jpg
Right wing hubris.

When the Tea Party "patriots" disrupted town hall meetings, spat upon legislators and shouted down dissent, they were called patriots.

When the asshole Trump tells his goons to punch out dissenters, calls POWs not heroes, mocks the disabled, insults citizens both public and private, his comportment is embraced by the low brow, the knuckle dragging angered followers.

And now citizens are protesting the depths to which Trump has dragged us. Set an example or stop bitching!
These people need to be stopped by ANY MEANS necessary..

They claim to be pro women, but punch a women because of politics?

These people are disgusting........I hope they try it in Texas and are forced to take a dirt nap.

'Anarchists,' middle-class avengers are attacking Minnesota GOP candidates | City Pages
Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court....... :)
Then stop your incessant fucking whining every time you post.

You've Won!!!
You've Won!!!
No, I don't like people being attacked, clearly you're for violence......and when you're people end up dead by attacking the wrong people....I'll laugh my ass off......violence has no place in politics....but when you start shit.....we'll finish it....

and get used to 5 4 decisions and hope RBG doesn't kick the bucket soon.

The mob consists of men made out of soy and women wearing pussy hats. Stopping this zombie horde isn't quite as difficult as they make it out to be in movies.

Why we are allowing the mind-virus to spread is beyond me though.
People who call themselves "conservatives" do not report it when they make threats or attack people, so why am I supposed to believe this? Look at all the comments on USMB about somebody getting ready to shoot someone. The chants of "lock her up" at rallies headlined by the whore in the Oval Office. Hoodlums on the streets of NYC from this "proud boy" gang. This "patriot prayer" garbage on the west coast.

Who is threatening Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her family?

Who is threatening Kavanaugh and his family? Why is it when Antifa attacks individuals in cities on both coasts no one on the left objects? Remember the riots after Trump was elected and Obama failed to lead the people? Waters advocates violence and the left loves and defends it.

Again, where are the politicians? Let’s have all those running for offices condemn the violence instead of justifying it? You haven’t done so, you just justified the violence by saying they do it to.

The riots after Trump was elected???? About 200 idiots ran amok in Washington. That's it. There were no riots. There have been a ton of demonstrations, marches, and protests, all of which are legal under the First Amendement (something that Republicans HATE), none of which threatened anybody.

Republicans have taken to calling Democrats "dangerous". There is no limit to the depths that Republicans will sink to in order to hang onto power.

First Amendment is fine, rioting is not, you claim just 200 people in DC? It seems you are distorting what really went on. The extreme sides are

This story talks about riots in NYC, Portland, San Francisco, Oakland and others. Fires, broken windows, arrests, fights, police in riot gear, yep, no violence as far as you nuts are concerned.

Donald Trump's US presidential election win sparks riots by Hillary Clinton fans as fighting erupts outside the White House

This looks peaceful doesn't it?

Anti-Trump protests erupt as crowds burn flags and chant "Not our president"

Try to rewrite history again dragon? The media called them riots, people were hurt, fires started property destroyed and you won't condemn it, you just excused it. During the Obama Administration there were calls for right wing groups to be listed as terrorist groups, so the left wing nuts are really no different than the right wing nuts.

Quit trying to rewrite history.

Like I said, 200 idiots in Washington. A car and ablaze and in the night makes for a scary picture but the streets are deserted and no one was harmed.

This pales in comparison to the right wing riots in Charlottesville where right wing nazis killed one woman and injured 34 others, not to mention two police officers killed in a helicopter crash. Or Dylan Rooff murdering 8 black people in church while displaying Confederate, Nazi and racist symbols on his website. Or the right winger who stabbed two white men on a train because they dared defend the Muslim woman he was threatening and harassing.

American law enforcement now ranks right wing terrorism as the greatest threat to US safety and security. And as usual, right wingers accuse the left of doing the very thing they're doing. Be it lying, attacking women, or destroying the economy of the nation, it's never the Republicans who are the problem, even when they control all three branches of the government. It's always those obstructionist Democrats who are to blame, even as McConnell and Ryan can't even muster enough votes in their own party to pass their pieces of shit legislation.
These people need to be stopped by ANY MEANS necessary..

They claim to be pro women, but punch a women because of politics?

These people are disgusting........I hope they try it in Texas and are forced to take a dirt nap.

'Anarchists,' middle-class avengers are attacking Minnesota GOP candidates | City Pages
Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court....... :)
Then stop your incessant fucking whining every time you post.

You've Won!!!
You've Won!!!
No, I don't like people being attacked, clearly you're for violence......and when you're people end up dead by attacking the wrong people....I'll laugh my ass off......violence has no place in politics....but when you start shit.....we'll finish it....

and get used to 5 4 decisions and hope RBG doesn't kick the bucket soon.
You are a fucking loon, LOL.
The flowers of the tolerant, open-minded, and peace loving progressives reveal themselves again.

So much for the mythical "Minnesota nice".

The guy who attacked the female candidate was a libertarian, not a leftist at all.

In a country where the President only shows respect for facists and authoritarians, and who openly encourages his side to "get rough" with the other, it's hardly surprising your politics are descending into further violence and chaos. Trump said that only he can stop the lawlessness and violence, but in fact, it is Trump who is fanning the flames of violence and division as a way of demonizing the left and driving his base to the poles.
The guy who attacked the female candidate was a libertarian, not a leftist at all.

In a country where the President only shows respect for facists and authoritarians, and who openly encourages his side to "get rough" with the other, it's hardly surprising your politics are descending into further violence and chaos. Trump said that only he can stop the lawlessness and violence, but in fact, it is Trump who is fanning the flames of violence and division as a way of demonizing the left and driving his base to the poles.
I just mailed in my absentee ballot today, voted straight R. I know it doesn't mean much in California, but at least I can say I did my part to keep the leftist lynch mob out of power.
Right wing hubris.

When the Tea Party "patriots" disrupted town hall meetings, spat upon legislators and shouted down dissent, they were called patriots.

When the asshole Trump tells his goons to punch out dissenters, calls POWs not heroes, mocks the disabled, insults citizens both public and private, his comportment is embraced by the low brow, the knuckle dragging angered followers.

And now citizens are protesting the depths to which Trump has dragged us. Set an example or stop bitching!
Well this is the're an idiot.
Tea Parties were fun with speakers, but what they didn't do:
1)We didn't have stupid chants and have people brainwash into those chants like this:

2)We didn't attack anyone physically
3)We didn't go into restaurants or peoples homes
4)We didn't accuse any democrats of rape to prevent them from attaining office
5) Trump didn't mock any disabled
6) Punching protestors is now ok by me, they are violent.....and why the fuck do you go to Trump rallies unless you want violence?

So yeah no comparision...the Tea Party was fun, pleasant, attacked no one and asked tough questions of congressmen AT MEETINGS....not at their home or restaurants.
These people need to be stopped by ANY MEANS necessary..

They claim to be pro women, but punch a women because of politics?

These people are disgusting........I hope they try it in Texas and are forced to take a dirt nap.

'Anarchists,' middle-class avengers are attacking Minnesota GOP candidates | City Pages
Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court....... :)
Then stop your incessant fucking whining every time you post.

You've Won!!!
You've Won!!!
No, I don't like people being attacked, clearly you're for violence......and when you're people end up dead by attacking the wrong people....I'll laugh my ass off......violence has no place in politics....but when you start shit.....we'll finish it....

and get used to 5 4 decisions and hope RBG doesn't kick the bucket soon.
You are a fucking loon, LOL.
ah no answer, got it....I love owning the libs.
Right wing hubris.

When the Tea Party "patriots" disrupted town hall meetings, spat upon legislators and shouted down dissent, they were called patriots.

When the asshole Trump tells his goons to punch out dissenters, calls POWs not heroes, mocks the disabled, insults citizens both public and private, his comportment is embraced by the low brow, the knuckle dragging angered followers.

And now citizens are protesting the depths to which Trump has dragged us. Set an example or stop bitching!
Well this is the're an idiot.
Tea Parties were fun with speakers, but what they didn't do:
1)We didn't have stupid chants and have people brainwash into those chants like this:

2)We didn't attack anyone physically
3)We didn't go into restaurants or peoples homes
4)We didn't accuse any democrats of rape to prevent them from attaining office
5) Trump didn't mock any disabled
6) Punching protestors is now ok by me, they are violent.....and why the fuck do you go to Trump rallies unless you want violence?

So yeah no comparision...the Tea Party was fun, pleasant, attacked no one and asked tough questions of congressmen AT MEETINGS....not at their home or restaurants.

I remember members of the Obamaggot regime calling the TEA party the "real terrorists" in order to minimize muslim violence. It shows how jaw-droppingly, breathtakingly full of shit that regime was.
Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court....... :)
Then stop your incessant fucking whining every time you post.

You've Won!!!
You've Won!!!
No, I don't like people being attacked, clearly you're for violence......and when you're people end up dead by attacking the wrong people....I'll laugh my ass off......violence has no place in politics....but when you start shit.....we'll finish it....

and get used to 5 4 decisions and hope RBG doesn't kick the bucket soon.
You are a fucking loon, LOL.
ah no answer, got it....I love owning the libs.
No answer to what? LOL. What was your question? LOL.
Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court....... :)
Then stop your incessant fucking whining every time you post.

You've Won!!!
You've Won!!!
No, I don't like people being attacked, clearly you're for violence......and when you're people end up dead by attacking the wrong people....I'll laugh my ass off......violence has no place in politics....but when you start shit.....we'll finish it....

and get used to 5 4 decisions and hope RBG doesn't kick the bucket soon.
You are a fucking loon, LOL.
ah no answer, got it....I love owning the libs.
No answer to what? LOL. What was your question? LOL.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
Then stop your incessant fucking whining every time you post.

You've Won!!!
You've Won!!!
No, I don't like people being attacked, clearly you're for violence......and when you're people end up dead by attacking the wrong people....I'll laugh my ass off......violence has no place in politics....but when you start shit.....we'll finish it....

and get used to 5 4 decisions and hope RBG doesn't kick the bucket soon.
You are a fucking loon, LOL.
ah no answer, got it....I love owning the libs.
No answer to what? LOL. What was your question? LOL.
Well you get to like 5 4 decisions......yummy
and when you guys attack the wrong person.......bang!!!!!!!!! And I will laugh.......stop accosting your own fucking life.
You're such a moron.

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