Two Big Losing Issues for GOP


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?
Either my Republican Party reaches out with genuine policies for women and immigrants, or we will remain nationally a minority party until it is extinguished by its irrelevance.
The abortion issue is not as divisive as you wish it was.

Two thirds of Americans are against second trimester abortions.

The problem is that the media aids and abets those who believe abortion should be legal well into the third trimester. It does so by putting the spotlight on the occasional yahoo who makes an rhetorical misstep like saying a woman's body stops pregnancy during rape.

The media also invariably throws up the "what about in cases of rape or incest" question every time someone says they are pro-life. Rape and incest account for less than two percent of all abortions, and so that question uses victims of rape and incest as human shields to conceal the one million-plus abortions a year that have nothing to do with rape or incest, and are for the most part convenience abortions. The rape-and-incest question is a disgusting tactic used to divert attention away from the mountain of corpses.

Most Americans, even pro-choicers, are uncomfortable with the number of convenience abortions, but as long as the weasels use the disgusting tactic of using crime victims as human shields, we will make no progress in finding a proper solution to the problem.
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The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

1. Their entire message

2. Their candidates
- Gay Marriage is a loser
- Preserving tax cuts for the wealthy
- Substituting WeDon'tCare for Obamacare
The republicans are weak politicians. They don't have the media nor hollyweird on their side giving them much less of a public voice.
So g5000 victimizes the victims. Two words: shut up.

The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.
Yes. God forbid that people are made to give the elections office their current residence so they vote in the proper location.
The republicans are weak politicians. They don't have the media nor hollyweird on their side giving them much less of a public voice.

I think the GOPs biggest problem is that they have too large a public voice. They don't know when to shut up
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

Maybe they should study their party's history. In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed massive immigration changes into law which ultimately granted amnesty to about six million illegals.
So g5000 victimizes the victims. Two words: shut up.

The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.

I have no problem with limiting abortion to cases of rape, incest, and life of mother.

Yes, your tactic of victimization of the victims is sickening.
So g5000 victimizes the victims. Two words: shut up.

The hell I will. Start paying attention to how often rape and incest victims are used as human shields, and you will see what I am talking about.

It never fails. EVERY time a pro-life politician is questioned, he or she is asked, "What about in cases of rape and incest?"

It's a sickening tactic.

I have no problem with limiting abortion to cases of rape, incest, and life of mother.

Yes, your tactic of victimization of the victims is sickening.

Most people do not have a problem with allowing victims of rape and incest to get an abortion.

The effect of asking the rape-and-incest question is to make the entire abortion issue about rape and incest, at the cost of ignoring the vast, vast, vast majority of abortions and their causes, thus aiding and abetting the continuing of these abortions on a mass scale.

Now that I have made you aware of it, you will not be able to miss the using of rape and incest victims as human shields from now on.
g5000 continues to make us aware that he is willing to victimze the victims of rape and incest.

That will not go unchallenged.

End of story.
Rape is a no winner for the gop in the main. Personal views being aside, and I tend towards libertaraian on social issues. But, look who is voting for the gop. Dispropionately white and older people. Anti-abortion folks will claim there are homes for all these fetuses that could be babies. Non-whites know that's bs, and that includes even latinos who tend to being Catholics.

The only reason a sane woman would have an abortion is the abortion is the least bad option. Economic empowerment through education.

Now should we not give welfare that may be an incentative to a teen having a child out of wedlock or unprotected sex. Frankly, I'd rather a woman/girl have an abortion that look to tax dollars to raise the child, who in many instances will just repeat the cycle.
Either my Republican Party reaches out with genuine policies for women and immigrants, or we will remain nationally a minority party until it is extinguished by its irrelevance.

Again with the "my Republican party" thing? You've never fooled anyone with that comrade and you never will. It's embarrassing to watch. :eusa_hand:
The GOP has managed to alienate two huge voting blocks by taking impractical positions on the following issues:

1. Abortion. By implying that all abortions should be made illegal, the GOP has driven unmarried women to the Dems. At most, the GOP should consider this an issue to be decided by individual states and cite late term abortions as Democratic excess.

2. Immigration. By implying that all illegals should be deported they have "alienated" Hispanic voters, many of whom are U.S. born children of illegal parents. Since 10+ million people are NOT going to be deported, the GOP should disavow this idea and promote a reasonable immigration reform bill that requires border security.

What say you?

Maybe they should study their party's history. In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed massive immigration changes into law which ultimately granted amnesty to about six million illegals.

You need to educate yourself on why that happened and what the consequences were.

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