‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Risks Career to Tell Truth


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May 1, 2012
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‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Risks Career to Tell Truth

November 30, 2012
By Ben Shapiro

This week, Angus T. Jones, who plays teenager Jake on the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men, told the truth about the show on which he is featured: it harms American culture. Jones, who has become a believing Christian, cut a video for Forerunner Christian Church in which he stated, “If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men. I’m on Two and a Half Men, and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth.” Jones made the point that television has a marked impact on how people think, feel, and shape their own values. “Do some research on the effects of television and your brain,” he urged, “and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television.”

The blowback has been immediate from the left. It’s one thing for Charlie Sheen to go completely insane, hook up with two willing ladies, and then do a drunken tour on which he repeats the word “winning” ad infinitum. It’s quite another for a young man to express the Christian view of much of the trash on television.

So instead of focusing on Jones’ message – an eminently true one – the left is calling him crazy. E! Online ran a piece today suggesting that Jones’ church membership actually made him a cult member:


Daniel Greenfield
I heard all about this....and at the same time....Charlie Sheen said he thinks the show is cursed.
My goodness tho......that young lad.....with a name of Angus.......has been on that show for years, I watched him grow up.
He was a small wee little man, then now, he is all grown up!!!
Who knows why he said what he said...he was prolly talking out his ass.
I personally.....like the show Two & Half Men......but I like it best with Charlie Sheen.....not with Ashton Kutcher, it's not the same.
But reruns are on every night here, I have DirecTv...and I can laugh at almost every episode.
Granted, it's more for mature audiences......but I do enjoy the show~
Evidently millions of other people did too.......the show was a hit...still is!
I always enjoyed the show when Charlie was on it...no, it's not the same at all with Kutcher. Sheen may be a nut job, but he is very funny and he makes the show! Now for "Angus"...I'm not sure what to make of his statement, but if it's how he feels and if it's because of his Christianity or whatever religion, then that should be ok too. It's how HE feels and believes, that's his right and shouldn't be put down for what he believes......
Truth? To you maybe.

I've watched that crappy show a handfull of times and found zero merit to that. 30 minutes of time you'll never get back.
Where did i say "Truth"?
And sometimes it's fun to watch a stupid show....
If a person can't relax, have a sense of humor and have fun sometimes, they turn out like you. :)
‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Risks Career to Tell Truth

November 30, 2012
By Ben Shapiro

This week, Angus T. Jones, who plays teenager Jake on the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men, told the truth about the show on which he is featured: it harms American culture. Jones, who has become a believing Christian, cut a video for Forerunner Christian Church in which he stated, “If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men. I’m on Two and a Half Men, and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth.” Jones made the point that television has a marked impact on how people think, feel, and shape their own values. “Do some research on the effects of television and your brain,” he urged, “and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television.”

The blowback has been immediate from the left. It’s one thing for Charlie Sheen to go completely insane, hook up with two willing ladies, and then do a drunken tour on which he repeats the word “winning” ad infinitum. It’s quite another for a young man to express the Christian view of much of the trash on television.

So instead of focusing on Jones’ message – an eminently true one – the left is calling him crazy. E! Online ran a piece today suggesting that Jones’ church membership actually made him a cult member:


Daniel Greenfield

Why does he not quit being on the show?
‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Risks Career to Tell Truth

November 30, 2012
By Ben Shapiro

This week, Angus T. Jones, who plays teenager Jake on the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men, told the truth about the show on which he is featured: it harms American culture. Jones, who has become a believing Christian, cut a video for Forerunner Christian Church in which he stated, “If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men. I’m on Two and a Half Men, and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth.” Jones made the point that television has a marked impact on how people think, feel, and shape their own values. “Do some research on the effects of television and your brain,” he urged, “and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television.”

The blowback has been immediate from the left. It’s one thing for Charlie Sheen to go completely insane, hook up with two willing ladies, and then do a drunken tour on which he repeats the word “winning” ad infinitum. It’s quite another for a young man to express the Christian view of much of the trash on television.

So instead of focusing on Jones’ message – an eminently true one – the left is calling him crazy. E! Online ran a piece today suggesting that Jones’ church membership actually made him a cult member:


Daniel Greenfield

Why does he not quit being on the show?

I don't think that would be "Winning" for him.

He'd never find another gig.
‘Two and a Half Men’ Star Risks Career to Tell Truth

November 30, 2012
By Ben Shapiro

This week, Angus T. Jones, who plays teenager Jake on the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men, told the truth about the show on which he is featured: it harms American culture. Jones, who has become a believing Christian, cut a video for Forerunner Christian Church in which he stated, “If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men. I’m on Two and a Half Men, and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth.” Jones made the point that television has a marked impact on how people think, feel, and shape their own values. “Do some research on the effects of television and your brain,” he urged, “and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television.”

The blowback has been immediate from the left. It’s one thing for Charlie Sheen to go completely insane, hook up with two willing ladies, and then do a drunken tour on which he repeats the word “winning” ad infinitum. It’s quite another for a young man to express the Christian view of much of the trash on television.

So instead of focusing on Jones’ message – an eminently true one – the left is calling him crazy. E! Online ran a piece today suggesting that Jones’ church membership actually made him a cult member:


Daniel Greenfield

Why does he not quit being on the show?

I don't think that would be "Winning" for him.

He'd never find another gig.

So the "God gig" does not compare?

So many talk the talk but so few walk the walk.
I guess that we have found the Kirk Cameron of today and I, for one, could not be any more proud of the boy. :) :) :)

God bless you and him and Kirk always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Why would anyone name their kid after a burger meat?
I always enjoyed the show when Charlie was on it...no, it's not the same at all with Kutcher.
Great show when Charlie was on it. Some of the best writing on Television (sit-com) It took a 90 degree turn when Ashton came on board. They didn't know how to write for him and the writing was horrendous. I watched 2 1/2 Men religiously for years and lasted 3 episodes with Ashton at the helm.
The kid is right, because its a shit show, and always has been.

I bet he didn't complain when he took their money.

I don't see how saying all of this makes him honest. Everyone knows most sitcoms are garbage. It's not like he attained a moment of zen.

At nineteen years old and making $300,000 an episode for years, he is a multi millionaire by now and why, since joining the Seventh Day Adventist church, is he still on that funny sitcom, my fave, and which I watched him last night, making an appearance. Has he actually quit the show, or is he trying to eat his cake, and have it too?
I always enjoyed the show when Charlie was on it...no, it's not the same at all with Kutcher.
Great show when Charlie was on it. Some of the best writing on Television (sit-com) It took a 90 degree turn when Ashton came on board. They didn't know how to write for him and the writing was horrendous. I watched 2 1/2 Men religiously for years and lasted 3 episodes with Ashton at the helm.

I have all seasons on DVD. Sheen made that show. The chemistry between Sheen, Cryer, and Jones, was superb and made me laugh out loud as no sitcom has ever done, which is why I don't watch them.

I did not like Two and a Half Men when Kutcher came on, but as of last night, watching it, in hopes of it taking off, in a better direction, I laughed myself silly and now have hopes that the writers and actors have gotten their new sitcom legs and it becomes something I can look forward to on Thursday mights at 8:30 PT.

Nothing can replace Charlie. How is his new sitcom doing? It bored me for the first few eps., and I haven't watched it, since.
Actually I think the the show is funny as hell. one of the best anyway. the ratings show that a lot of people feel that way too. I think the show was better with charlie sheen. I don't think ashton kutcher brings as much to the show. I also feel that characters like berta and alan have been brought down a notch this season. they focus too much their traits. like alan being cheap and a moocher. Jake has been one of the strong mainstays. the writing is obviously still good because the show still has some very srtong moments. I think it has the possibility to remain a strong contender. they need to work on the chemistry, keep it form becoming to riduculous and the characters from becoming to narrow and one dimmensional.

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