Twice As Many Americans Say Obamacare’s Hurting Them As Say It’s Helping


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Not so good news for the nipple suckers.

From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family are, in general, better off, worse off or about the same now that the major provisions of the health care law have taken effect?
July 18-20 Sept. 27-29 Sept. 21-23 Mar. 25-28 Mar. 19-21
2014 2013 2010 2010 2010
Better off 18% 17% 18% 22% 19%
Worse off 35% 40% 37% 39% 47%
About the same 46% 41% 43% 37% 33%
No opinion 1% 2% 3% 1% *
QUESTION WORDING FOR 2013: From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family would, in general, be better off, worse off or about the same when the provisions of the health care law take effect?
QUESTION WORDING FOR 2010: From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family would, in general, be better off, worse off or about
My premiums immediately went up 20%, and they're scheduled to rise much more over the next couple of years. But hey- I've got all the coverage I don't need, and then some. :thup:
I think in a couple years, you're going to see even more people unhappy about this.

It won't take that long, come August or September when the employer mandate starts to kick in and the cancellation notices start appearing in mail boxes. Shit will hit the fan then.
Why are Pubs and crony insurers afraid of transparent competition?

If your coverage cost went up 20%, it was a scam policy...

74 per cent of Republicans are happy with their policies from the exchanges...
Why are Pubs and crony insurers afraid of transparent competition?

If your coverage cost went up 20%, it was a scam policy...

74 per cent of Republicans are happy with their policies from the exchanges...

It's not a scam policy. I've been with this insurer for years. The premium increased because they replaced my then current policy with one that is ACA compliant. Maybe it's because I don't collify for none of them subbidies. :dunno:
Why are Pubs and crony insurers afraid of transparent competition?

If your coverage cost went up 20%, it was a scam policy...

74 per cent of Republicans are happy with their policies from the exchanges...

If your coverage cost went up 20%, it was a scam policy...

I liked my policy before O'Care.
Now I don't.

What happened to Obama saying I could keep my old policy....

Oh yeah...

He lied.
Not so good news for the nipple suckers.

From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family are, in general, better off, worse off or about the same now that the major provisions of the health care law have taken effect?
July 18-20 Sept. 27-29 Sept. 21-23 Mar. 25-28 Mar. 19-21
2014 2013 2010 2010 2010
Better off 18% 17% 18% 22% 19%
Worse off 35% 40% 37% 39% 47%
About the same 46% 41% 43% 37% 33%
No opinion 1% 2% 3% 1% *
QUESTION WORDING FOR 2013: From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family would, in general, be better off, worse off or about the same when the provisions of the health care law take effect?
QUESTION WORDING FOR 2010: From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family would, in general, be better off, worse off or about

I never put much stock in the current popular opinion. The public is so fickle.

Did you know that 58% of the public believes in ghosts. Oh, you know those Road Runner cartoons where the coyote runs off the cliff, goes straight out about six feet, stops, pauses for a second, then suddenly false straight down? Yeah, an amazing percentage of people think that is what really happens.
Twice As Many Americans Say Obamacare’s Hurting Them As Say It’s Helping

How many people were polled who actually now have Obamacare? Try this poll:

A poll of Obamacare enrollees published Thursday by the Commonwealth Fund found that 74 percent of newly insured Republicans are happy with the plans they bought. Overall, 77 percent of people who had insurance prior to the rollout of the Affordable Care Act said they are pleased with the new coverage they obtained in the last year.

More: Republicans Who Signed Up For Obamacare This Year Are Pretty Happy
For the first time ever, experts all agree the cost curve will bend down. It'll also help when Pubs and crony insurers stop doing all they can to make it look bad, not to mention lying about EVERYTHING in a tidal wave of bs propaganda, and btw blocking 6 million people for getting Medicaid, ie a doctor, preventive medicine instead of ER care that's ridiculously expensive and cruel....
I know it hurt me. I was use to premiums going up by 5-10% per year prior to the ACA. This year, the increase was 25%. Surely, there are many more like me who experienced similar sticker shock.

As for the "success" of the exchanges, of course the freeloaders are happy: the government is paying between 40% and all of the bill. What's not to like about free stuff? Of course, even those people are starting to complain about "narrow networks" which many plans on the exchange have, but that can be safely ignored by dems.
I think it is interesting that people expect everything to be bliss. However, if you actually opened your eyes for about a second and a half and refused to see everything through rose-colored glasses, people would realize that not everyone is doing better because of this plan. That is my main issue with it.
The truth is, "Twice As Many Americans Say Obamacare’s Either Helping Them Or Needs To Be Improved." Look at the stats.

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