tweet then delete ?

Why? Seriously - $78.00 pre tax is UUUUGGGGGE-

Paul Ryan Deletes Tweet Boasting $1.50 Pay Increase For Secretary After Tax Bill

happy days are here AGAIN !!
She finally made it to nine dollars an hour??

threw her in another tax bracket
So now it's 30%....

it wasnt enough for Ryan to keep his tweet public
Nothing like living by a shoestring in a very expensive part of the world..
Why? Seriously - $78.00 pre tax is UUUUGGGGGE-

Paul Ryan Deletes Tweet Boasting $1.50 Pay Increase For Secretary After Tax Bill

happy days are here AGAIN !!
She finally made it to nine dollars an hour??

threw her in another tax bracket
So now it's 30%....

it wasnt enough for Ryan to keep his tweet public
Nothing like living by a shoestring in a very expensive part of the world..

the people who benefited most from the magic tax cuts wouldnt know .. if the woman shops at costco she buys in bulk so she wouldnt know either

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