'Twas The Night Before FISA & All Through The House...

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Clinton's Campaign was Failing, Because She's a Louse...

Laundered money through C.O.I.E.

Passed cash to Fusion GPS
Surely you now Know The Sordid Rest?

Despite we've yet to get a Confession
Chris Steele was working for The Russians

Clinton and Obama used an Agent of The Kremlin
To try to vanquish the Orange Haired Gremlin

They tried and tried until they were Spent
They called Commie Comey and off He Went

"We need a favor from you," Clinton said with a Cackle
Putin Decreed "Put the Orange Menace in Shackles."

So James Comey and his Posse Thunk and They Thunk
In to the wee hours of the Night, They Drunk and They Drunk

Then Comey drunk and in a stupor, in frustration said
I don't know how to do this or get ideas from my head.

Looking down on his desk he saw to his surprise an Assurance
Some bills, some junk mail, & an Advertisement for "Insurance"

And with that James Comey was done with his drink, and threw down his Stein
And told all the others to do the same even Fink Rod Rosenstein.

Oh boy he declared, Eureka I've Found It, a way to carry out our Grudge!
We take KGB Lies, use KGB Spies and Present them toThe FISA Judge!

What sweet joy, what a triumph, what sweet Insurrection!
Vladimir Putin can help us Win This Election!

The Lies We'll Tell will make us so Jolly
The Media will say this was Trump's Last Folly

And that was the beginning of the Plot You see
When Vladimir Putin Grabbed Comey's Pussy!
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Nixon illegally spied on McGovern’s campaign and he was vilified for 40 years.
Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump’s campaign and he is being defended by the Press.

Christopher Steele in early 1991, with newspaper editors in the Tatar city of Kazan. Photograph: Anatoly Andronov


All told, Steele spent 22 years as a British intelligence officer. There were some high points – he saw his years in Moscow as formative – and some low ones. Two of the diplomats with whom he shared an office in the embassy library, Tim Barrow and David Manning, went on to become UK ambassadors to the EU and the US respectively.


The Fifa corruption episode burnished Steele’s reputation inside the US intelligence community and the FBI. Here was a pro, a well-connected Brit, who understood Russian espionage and its subterranean tricks. Steele was regarded as credible. Between 2014 and 2016, Steele authored more than 100 reports on Russia and Ukraine. These were written for a private client but shared widely within the US state department, and sent up to secretary of state John Kerry and assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland, who was in charge of the US response to Putin’s annexation of Crimea and covert invasion of eastern Ukraine. Many of Steele’s secret sources were the same people who would later supply information on Trump.

One former state department envoy during the Obama administration said he read dozens of Steele’s reports. On Russia, the envoy said, Steele was “as good as the CIA or anyone”.

Steele’s professional reputation inside US agencies would prove important the next time he discovered alarming material.

Trump’s political rise in the autumn of 2015 and the early months of 2016 was swift and irresistible. The candidate was a human wrecking ball who flattened everything in his path, including the Republican party’s aghast, frozen-to-the-spot establishment. Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz – all were batted aside, taunted, crushed. Scandals that would have killed off a normal presidential candidate made Trump stronger. The media loved it. Increasingly, so did the voters. Might anything stop him?

In mid-2015, the Republican front-runner had been Jeb Bush, son of one US president and brother of another. But as the campaign got under way, Bush struggled. Trump dubbed the former Florida governor “low-energy”. During the primaries, a website funded by one of Trump’s wealthy Republican critics, Paul Singer, commissioned Fusion to investigate Trump.

After Trump became the presumptive nominee in May 2016, Singer’s involvement ended and senior Democrats seeking to elect Hillary Clinton took over the Trump contract. The new client was the Democratic National Committee. A lawyer working for Clinton’s campaign, Marc E Elias, retained Fusion and received its reports. The world of private investigation was a morally ambiguous one – a sort of open market in dirt. Information on Trump was of no further use to Republicans, but it could be of value to Democrats, Trump’s next set of opponents.

Before this, in early spring 2016, Simpson approached Steele, his friend and colleague. Steele began to scrutinise Paul Manafort, who would soon become Trump’s new campaign manager. From April, Steele investigated Trump on behalf of the DNC, Fusion’s anonymous client. All Steele knew at first was that the client was a law firm. He had no idea what he would find. He later told David Corn, Washington editor of the magazine Mother Jones: “It started off as a fairly general inquiry.” Trump’s organisation owned luxury hotels around the world. Trump had, as far back as 1987, sought to do real estate deals in Moscow. One obvious question for him, Steele said, was: “Are there business ties to Russia?”

Over time, Steele had built up a network of sources. He was protective of them: who they were he would never say. It could be someone well-known – a foreign government official or diplomat with access to secret material. Or it could be someone obscure – a lowly chambermaid cleaning the penthouse suite and emptying the bins in a five-star hotel.

Normally an intelligence officer would debrief sources directly, but since Steele could no longer visit Russia, this had to be done by others, or in third countries. There were intermediaries, subsources, operators – a sensitive chain. Only one of Steele’s sources on Trump knew of Steele. Steele put out his Trump-Russia query and waited for answers. His sources started reporting back. The information was astonishing; “hair-raising”. As he told friends: “For anyone who reads it, this is a life-changing experience.”

Steele had stumbled upon a well-advanced conspiracy that went beyond anything he had discovered with Litvinenko or Fifa. It was the boldest plot yet. It involved the Kremlin and Trump. Their relationship, Steele’s sources claimed, went back a long way. For at least the past five years, Russian intelligence had been secretly cultivating Trump. This operation had succeeded beyond Moscow’s wildest expectations. Not only had Trump upended political debate in the US – raining chaos wherever he went and winning the nomination – but it was just possible that he might become the next president. This opened all sorts of intriguing options for Putin.

In June 2016, Steele typed up his first memo. He sent it to Fusion. It arrived via enciphered mail. The headline read: US Presidential Election: Republican Candidate Donald Trump’s Activities in Russia and Compromising Relationship with the Kremlin. Its text began: “Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in the western alliance.”


How Trump walked into Putin’s web

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow
It's pretty Damn Clear Steele was working for Russia and was Peddling Kremlin Propaganda, and The DNC, HIllary Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Lying, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein, Lynch, Strozk, Page, Rice, Zelinsky, & Baker Didn't Care.

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