Turkey to shape new patterns within Muslim world


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
...together with Indonesia and Iran, if it achieves to give itself a post-clerical system.
That's the conclusion of 16 US intelligence agencies for their projection of the World in 2025.

Full report:

As I see it, USA will remove from Iraq by end of 2011 and from Afghanistan by 2014 and Turkey is central in the efforts to stabilize those countries after USA has re-deployed.
Than there is the Arab Spring which will transform many countries into new political systems by the experiments of truly representative democracy.
In the best case scenario those transformed countries should more resemble Turkey than Iran.

Some people here advocate to "kick Turkey out of NATO".
On the contrary it is time that NATO gets it's first Turkish General Secretary after Rasmussen's term ends.
The backward, barbaric Muslim world can go to paradise and nobody would blink an eye, Mahoundian.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
The backward, barbaric Muslim world can go to paradise and nobody would blink an eye, Mahoundian.

Turkey will establish a new order in this region.
Now that foreign interest's lackey Mubarak is gone, this has not to be achieved against and by substituting Egypt, but in co-operation with it.
Egypt is the center of the Arab world, with the biggest Sunnite population in this region. Everything South of Turkey will never become like Turkey, and Egypt is the real model for this region.
We'll assist them in every aspect of their future democracy and economy, and they'll take their place side-by-side Turkey stabilizing this region to this region's terms and conditions.
Egypt is the natural partner of Turkey and in near future Turkey will install Syrian version of Muslim Brotherhood in Syria which we are already uniting and breeding in Turkey.

Where does Israel stand in this?
Well, who gives a shit? This ain't anymore the 20th century.
You can go chase some Iranian nukes. :eusa_angel:
The backward, barbaric Muslim world can go to paradise and nobody would blink an eye, Mahoundian.

Turkey will establish a new order in this region.
Now that foreign interest's lackey Mubarak is gone, this has not to be achieved against and by substituting Egypt, but in co-operation with it.
Egypt is the center of the Arab world, with the biggest Sunnite population in this region. Everything South of Turkey will never become like Turkey, and Egypt is the real model for this region.
We'll assist them in every aspect of their future democracy and economy, and they'll take their place side-by-side Turkey stabilizing this region to this region's terms and conditions.
Egypt is the natural partner of Turkey and in near future Turkey will install Syrian version of Muslim Brotherhood in Syria which we are already uniting and breeding in Turkey.

Where does Israel stand in this?
Well, who gives a shit? This ain't anymore the 20th century.
You can go chase some Iranian nukes. :eusa_angel:

And if your Iranian friends decide to pitch a nuke, Israel will turn them into vapor.
16th February 2004:

Turkey has a mission in the Middle-East, we are one of the co-chairmans of the Greater Middle Eastern Project and we're doing this duty.
- Prime Minister Erdogan

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLaGMPoFIcg]Recep Tayyip Erdogan BOP Esbaskani - YouTube[/ame]

A few months before the November 2002 elections, Erdogan had come to Washington to make the case for the election of a JDP government. While he was unable to see senior American officials during that visit, he was invited to the White House in December 2002, even though he was not yet prime minister, because of the importance of Turkey in American planning for the imminent war with Iraq.

At that time he was banned from politics and after December 2002 visit to USA he was somehow cleared from his political ban and there was a re-election in Siirt province because of "voting irregularities". In that re-election Erdogan ran and was elected Parliamentarian, and after that today's President Gül stepped down as PM and Erdogan became PM.

In December 2002 the Supreme Election Board canceled the general election results from Siirt due to voting irregularities and scheduled a new election for February 9, 2003. By this time, party leader Erdoğan was able to run for Parliament thanks to a legal change made possible by the opposition Republican People’s Party. The AK Party duly listed Erdoğan as a candidate for the rescheduled Siirt election, and he won, becoming prime minister after Gül subsequently handed over the post.
Recep Tayyip Erdo
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Today he says the project is dead and was never started.

Erdoğan said the Greater Middle East Project, a concept put forth by the US administration, was never more misunderstood anywhere else than in Turkey. “In the first phase of the project, Turkey, Italy and Yemen were co-president countries. But it was killed before it was born. Our part was improving women’s rights and democratization. Would it have hurt if we had made gains in these areas?
PM Erdoğan: No one can stand against the people’s will


"South Park" shows Turkey's real face

A recent episode of famous American animated TV show “South Park” featured an image of terrorist attacks being carried out by al-Qaeda aircraft bearing Turkish flags.

The plot of the episode, titled “Jersey Things,” jokingly posited that New Jersey’s inhabitants were slowly expanding and taking over a greater portion of the United States. Following a zombie-like siege of the small town of South Park, Colorado, the town’s inhabitants fight back against “the tanned, sleeveless hordes.” One of the show’s characters then decides that the solution to the Jersey “problem” is to request help from the elusive al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. After bin Laden agrees, suicide bombers crash into South Park’s Jersey population with planes that bear Turkish flags.


Free tip: It would be prudent for South Park producers to avoid Turkey on their holidays because it is a "secular democratic country"

THE BLACK BLOG OF TURKEY: "South Park" shows Turkey's real face
Erdogan publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines: "The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers..."


Recep Tayyip Erdogan

* (2011), during his speech about the protester who died during police operation in Hopa. [1]

* "Those who will not take sides will be eliminated from the process"

And get this:

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday denied that Omar Hassan al-Bashir was responsible for genocide in Darfur and said he would be more comfortable talking to the indicted Sudanese president than to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the state-run news agency Anatolian reported.

I wouldn't be able to speak with Netanyahu so comfortably but I would speak comfortably with Bashir. I say comfortably: "What you've done is wrong." And I would say it to his face. Why? Because a Muslim couldn't do such things. A Muslim could not commit genocide.

Erdogan says favors Bashir over Netanyahu - Israel News, Ynetnews

(November, 2009) quoted in

Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel’s Tomb “were not and never will be Jewish sites, but Islamic sites.”

'Rachel's Tomb was never Jewish' - JPost - Middle East
You mean like Simplicity or McCalls patterns?

I would think that burks all had the same pattern. But turkey can knock themselves out with the new shape of burkas.
Turkey seems to have the sanest government in the mid-eastern Islamic world.

At least of late.

I suppose the Armenians might not entirely agree with that theory.
The backward, barbaric Muslim world can go to paradise and nobody would blink an eye, Mahoundian.

Turkey will establish a new order in this region.

Respecting basic human rights in the Arab Muslim worlds won't be part of the new order.

In an annual report released on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the top judicial body to rule on human rights violations in Europe, found that Turkey is by far the worst violator of human rights among the 47 signatory states of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human rights violations in Turkey « European Court of Human Rights
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Turkey seems to have the sanest government in the mid-eastern Islamic world.

At least of late.

I suppose the Armenians might not entirely agree with that theory.

Sanity in the Muslim world is relative.

US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey
Unlawful killings, poor prison conditions, excessively long trials and limits on freedom of expression are among the alleged human-rights violations in Turkey that the U.S. State Department denounced in a recent report.

“Security forces committed unlawful killings; the number of arrests and prosecutions in these cases was low compared to the number of incidents, and convictions remained rare,” the State Department said late Friday in the section devoted to Turkey in its annual report on the status of human rights throughout the world.

U.S. officials also commented on the recent arrests of Turkish journalists, which came too late to be included in this report, saying they would be monitored and addressed in next year’s survey.

During the year human-rights organizations reported cases of torture, beatings and abuse by security forces. Prison conditions improved but remained poor, with overcrowding and insufficient staff training,” the State Department said in its 2010 human-rights report.

“The overly close relationship between judges and prosecutors continued to hinder the right to a fair trial. Excessively long trials were a problem. The government limited freedom of expression through the use of constitutional restrictions and numerous laws,” the State Department said.

“Press freedom declined during the year. There were limitations on Internet freedom. Courts and an independent board ordered telecommunications providers to block access to Web sites on numerous occasions,” it said in the report. “Violence against women, including honor killings and rape, remained a widespread problem.”

US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News
Turkey has regained its self confidence after years of The failed social manipulation by Ataturk.

And Egypt under the guidance of the Muslim Brotherhood Will assume the leadership position of Arab nations in the middle east.

Hopefully Syria willl soon follow Egypt's lead.

And Israel will become a pariah among the world's nation.

Isolated and embargoed .

Israel will cease to exist as it implodes from its own evil and racist policies.
Turkey seems to have the sanest government in the mid-eastern Islamic world.

At least of late.

I suppose the Armenians might not entirely agree with that theory.

I have a very close friend who was a historian and worked in the geneological section of the local library for years. My evenings with her have become a priceless treasure to me, as schooled history had never seemed to sink in for me without the coorespondence that she and I share.

She mentioned several current things that middle eastern countries stand for and practice that came from Turkey. They are obviously a force. Many things that confuse us here in America indeed came from them. Perhaps we could learn a great deal just by observing them and the reactions they have.... It's sometimes painful, though, to be a novice. :-[
...together with Indonesia and Iran, if it achieves to give itself a post-clerical system.
That's the conclusion of 16 US intelligence agencies for their projection of the World in 2025.

Full report:

As I see it, USA will remove from Iraq by end of 2011 and from Afghanistan by 2014 and Turkey is central in the efforts to stabilize those countries after USA has re-deployed.
Than there is the Arab Spring which will transform many countries into new political systems by the experiments of truly representative democracy.
In the best case scenario those transformed countries should more resemble Turkey than Iran.

Some people here advocate to "kick Turkey out of NATO".
On the contrary it is time that NATO gets it's first Turkish General Secretary after Rasmussen's term ends.

new patterns? does that mean turkey will stop murdering it's minority populations? you know, like armenians and kurds?
Then I am sure the Zionist Jews will jump right in and help the Kurds form their own nation. :cool:

Why don't the Muslims help their own people instead of persecuting the Kurds and murdering the Kurds, Mahoundian?

Israel provides safe haven to refugees from Darfur being slaughtered by Arabs and Muslims, shown here waving Israeli flags and praising Israeli democracy..
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGa2_8tgsKw]Darfur Muslim Refugees demonstrating in Israel to support ICC - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-ojg9UjMk0]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]

While, the Arab League embraces the president of Sudan indicted for war crimes for the genocide in Darfur Arab League Embraces Sudanese President Wanted for War Crimes - ABC News

Islam, the religion of peace :lol: :clap2:
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...together with Indonesia and Iran, if it achieves to give itself a post-clerical system.
That's the conclusion of 16 US intelligence agencies for their projection of the World in 2025.

Full report:

As I see it, USA will remove from Iraq by end of 2011 and from Afghanistan by 2014 and Turkey is central in the efforts to stabilize those countries after USA has re-deployed.
Than there is the Arab Spring which will transform many countries into new political systems by the experiments of truly representative democracy.
In the best case scenario those transformed countries should more resemble Turkey than Iran.

Some people here advocate to "kick Turkey out of NATO".
On the contrary it is time that NATO gets it's first Turkish General Secretary after Rasmussen's term ends.

new patterns? does that mean turkey will stop murdering it's minority populations? you know, like armenians and kurds?

The new patterns will be the best way HOW to murder the minority populations.

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