Turkey invades Syria...


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Naw man, they're on their own. Screw that. They don't get to invade Syria and have the US backing them up.

Erdogan is a turd. He cut power to Incirluk for a few days not long ago. He's no ally of the US.
The Hussein backed Erdofag instead of the Ataturks which we’ve always backed.

Obama: All parties in Turkey should support Erdogan gov't

This is all apart of the Hussein’s vision of allowing radicals take over the Middle East, start wars, flood Europe with refugees, increase terror attacks in the West, and eventually eradicate white culture.
Why is Turkey still a member of NATO? Isn't that a rather major security risk?
Turkey bombed the Syrian airbase that was used by the US and Russia to supply the Kurds already twice. No response from Washington and Moscow.
Obama’s good buddy Erdogan the warmonger is up to no good. Another great example of how the Hussein’s foreign policy was a disaster and wrong at every step.

As I have been saying for years now, it’s time we boot these barbaric Islamists out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to defend these Muslim dogs for their warmongering ways.

I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly.

The Kurds in Syria and Iraq are supplying arms and support to the PKK in Turkey.

If we have the right to intervene in Afghanistan to go after Al Qaeda, then Turkey certainly has the right to go into Syria to go after the PKK.
Why is Turkey still a member of NATO? Isn't that a rather major security risk?

Depends, what do you think the purpose of NATO is at this point?

A British Diplomat once described the purpose of NATO to "Keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down".

The Russians are pretty much out and we can't keep the Germans down, so why are the Americans still in?

But if you are one of these rednecks who think that Muslims are all this great hive mind determined to bring sharia and violate your women-folk, you are probably not up to a conservation like this.
Obama’s good buddy Erdogan the warmonger is up to no good. Another great example of how the Hussein’s foreign policy was a disaster and wrong at every step.

As I have been saying for years now, it’s time we boot these barbaric Islamists out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to defend these Muslim dogs for their warmongering ways.

I'm not sure what your complaint is, exactly.

The Kurds in Syria and Iraq are supplying arms and support to the PKK in Turkey.

If we have the right to intervene in Afghanistan to go after Al Qaeda, then Turkey certainly has the right to go into Syria to go after the PKK.

Of course, God forbid the Kurds get their own country. This is a globalist world where borders are drawn by bureaucrats and cultures eradicated if they don’t comply with the Agenda.
Of course, God forbid the Kurds get their own country. This is a globalist world where borders are drawn by bureaucrats and cultures eradicated if they don’t comply with the Agenda.

Um, that happened a long time before 'globalism". Cultures get wiped out all the time. Just look at all the cultures we wiped out in the whole "Manifest Destiny" thing.

So if Hispanics in the South West decide they want to be part of Mexico and not the US, you are totally cool with that, right? Viva Atzlan, baby!!!!

Okay, here's the thing, I don't have a dog in the fight between the Kurds and the Turks, who have been fighting each other since the Middle Ages, pretty much.

Maybe Kurdistan DOES deserve their own nation, carved out of Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, but I don't expect Syria, Iraq, Iran or Turkey to be all that cool with the idea. More than likely, these four countries will simply stomp the movement into the curb.

And you know what, I'm okay with that. These fights are not worth the blood of one American Serviceman. The Kurds have been playing us for chumps since 2003.
Of course, God forbid the Kurds get their own country. This is a globalist world where borders are drawn by bureaucrats and cultures eradicated if they don’t comply with the Agenda.

Um, that happened a long time before 'globalism". Cultures get wiped out all the time. Just look at all the cultures we wiped out in the whole "Manifest Destiny" thing.

So if Hispanics in the South West decide they want to be part of Mexico and not the US, you are totally cool with that, right? Viva Atzlan, baby!!!!

Okay, here's the thing, I don't have a dog in the fight between the Kurds and the Turks, who have been fighting each other since the Middle Ages, pretty much.

Maybe Kurdistan DOES deserve their own nation, carved out of Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, but I don't expect Syria, Iraq, Iran or Turkey to be all that cool with the idea. More than likely, these four countries will simply stomp the movement into the curb.

And you know what, I'm okay with that. These fights are not worth the blood of one American Serviceman. The Kurds have been playing us for chumps since 2003.

Hispanics have many other countries to move to if they want, so idiotic comparison.

I’m not for fighting for Kurds, but we sure as hell don’t need to be backing or friendly to Turkey.
Obama’s good buddy Erdogan the warmonger is up to no good. Another great example of how the Hussein’s foreign policy was a disaster and wrong at every step.

As I have been saying for years now, it’s time we boot these barbaric Islamists out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to defend these Muslim dogs for their warmongering ways.

Turkey INVADES Syria – tanks and soldiers cross the border

Turkish military enters Syrian city after days of airstrikes - CNN
Hope the Kurds will be left alone.
Hispanics have many other countries to move to if they want, so idiotic comparison.

I’m not for fighting for Kurds, but we sure as hell don’t need to be backing or friendly to Turkey.

You mean other than we signed several treaties of alliance with them?

Here's the thing. Turkey is a stabilizing force in an unstable region.

So if we were to take a side, we should probably take the side of the country that brings stability to the region, not the tribe that just saw our ill-advised invasion of Iraq as an opporunity.
Hispanics have many other countries to move to if they want, so idiotic comparison.

I’m not for fighting for Kurds, but we sure as hell don’t need to be backing or friendly to Turkey.

You mean other than we signed several treaties of alliance with them?

Here's the thing. Turkey is a stabilizing force in an unstable region.

So if we were to take a side, we should probably take the side of the country that brings stability to the region, not the tribe that just saw our ill-advised invasion of Iraq as an opporunity.
Kurds deserve a homeland and have been our best ally in that particular area.
Putin and Russia do not like our support for Kurds.
Moscow has said it will fire on U.S. Special Forces in Syria if provoked
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Turkey bombed the Syrian airbase that was used by the US and Russia to supply the Kurds already twice. No response from Washington and Moscow.

Time for the US to JUMP INTO THE FRAY---at least with material support-------bomb ANKARA might be a consideration---- (non-muslims
must be evacuated before the bombs fall) ----better yet---a bullet in the head of Erdogan -----Moscow? Moscow does not
like kurds either. Pootin does not care how many Kurdish kids end up dead in the gutter any more than he cares how many Yemeni kids get guttered
Obama’s good buddy Erdogan the warmonger is up to no good. Another great example of how the Hussein’s foreign policy was a disaster and wrong at every step.

As I have been saying for years now, it’s time we boot these barbaric Islamists out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to defend these Muslim dogs for their warmongering ways.

Turkey INVADES Syria – tanks and soldiers cross the border

Turkish military enters Syrian city after days of airstrikes - CNN
Hope the Kurds will be left alone.

Salaadin was a kurd-------and a VERY MODERATE guy with conquered people
compared to the rest of the followers of the rapist dog of mecca. Muslims often
cite his actions as ------"SO WONDERFULLY ISLAMIC"-------in fact----he was more
like KURDISH (kinda unislamic)
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Obama’s good buddy Erdogan the warmonger is up to no good. Another great example of how the Hussein’s foreign policy was a disaster and wrong at every step.

As I have been saying for years now, it’s time we boot these barbaric Islamists out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to defend these Muslim dogs for their warmongering ways.

Turkey INVADES Syria – tanks and soldiers cross the border

Turkish military enters Syrian city after days of airstrikes - CNN
Hope the Kurds will be left alone.

Salaadin was a kurd-------and a VERY MODERATE guy with conquered people
compared to the rest of the followers of the rapist dog of mecca. Muslims often
site his actions as ------"SO WONDERFULLY ISLAMIC"-------in fact----he was more
like KURDISH (kinda unislamic)
Thank you. Your history is spot on!

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