Turing Test and Humans


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Years ago I tried to write an expert system - they used to be big in technology (still are), follow the lines, answer the question, and soon you arrive at the answer. I gave up the expert system and instead wrote a monthly tips newsletter for the first PC users. But the experience taught me about complexity and problem solving.

So how many out there believe AI is possible? Computers today try to solve your problem immediately, I find it a useless function 99% of the time. Does anyone remember Eliza? ELIZA This was so real to some they thought a person was behind the answers. Are we any more sophisticated today? Are computers?

Machine Intelligence, Part I: The Turing Test and Loebner Prize

Suppose instead we reversed the Turing test and the test were to judge us? Can we think 'outside the box' while a buzzword, can we? Or are we so predictable, I can ask you a question and know lots about you? http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/100438-which-is-which.html

I tested one AI program below, it failed.


'Hi there!'

are you green
'Most people think I am white.'

'It is part of my personality.'

that is biased
'You don't hear that sentiment very often.'

- so I tried over again and got this -

'Because my botmaster taught me it.' [is the bot master mom should have been my next question.]

so you aren't real?
'Interesting deduction. Thanks for the information.'

Fails Turing test totally imho. What do you think?

TuringHub.com - take a Turing Test

Worth a read

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Being-Certain-Believing-Right-Youre/dp/031254152X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8]Amazon.com: On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not (9780312541521): Robert Burton: Books[/ame]

Fictional account of the issue. excellent too: [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Galatea-2-2-Novel-Richard-Powers/dp/B004KAB4D8/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8[/ame]

PS This stuff came back to me reading David Deutsch's 'the beginning of infinity.'
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Why use an example from the early 1990s? AI has improved immensely sense then.

/When you can pass an ideological Touring test you can come back and talk about computers and Touring tests.

Did you miss the Jeopardy shows where IBM wipe the champions with "Watson"?? I too have been involved in "expert systems" and AI for a couple decades and when Watson can go on a TV game and be charming and brilliant at the same time -- Turing would be impressed...
Years ago I tried to write an expert system - they used to be big in technology (still are), follow the lines, answer the question, and soon you arrive at the answer. I gave up the expert system and instead wrote a monthly tips newsletter for the first PC users. But the experience taught me about complexity and problem solving.

So how many out there believe AI is possible? Computers today try to solve your problem immediately, I find it a useless function 99% of the time. Does anyone remember Eliza? ELIZA This was so real to some they thought a person was behind the answers. Are we any more sophisticated today? Are computers?

Machine Intelligence, Part I: The Turing Test and Loebner Prize

Suppose instead we reversed the Turing test and the test were to judge us? Can we think 'outside the box' while a buzzword, can we? Or are we so predictable, I can ask you a question and know lots about you? http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/100438-which-is-which.html

I tested one AI program below, it failed.


'Hi there!'

are you green
'Most people think I am white.'

'It is part of my personality.'

that is biased
'You don't hear that sentiment very often.'

- so I tried over again and got this -

'Because my botmaster taught me it.' [is the bot master mom should have been my next question.]

so you aren't real?
'Interesting deduction. Thanks for the information.'

Fails Turing test totally imho. What do you think?

TuringHub.com - take a Turing Test

Worth a read

Amazon.com: On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not (9780312541521): Robert Burton: Books

Fictional account of the issue. excellent too: Amazon.com: Galatea 2.2: A Novel: Richard Powers: Books

PS This stuff came back to me reading David Deutsch's 'the beginning of infinity.'

Robotic devices are nothing but dumb chunks of materials until told what to do or say: Robotic devices are only as smart as the person or group of persons that programmed them. Regardless of any propaganda, robots do not think and cannot reason. Below is one of my favorite sample test of difference between human and robot:

Supposed a human manager and a robot manager of a restaurant are given directives to only feed hungry crew with basic meal and not gourmet meal, and basic meal runs out with hungry crew waiting.

What do you supposed each manager would most likely do?

1). Robot manager will let crew die of hunger!

2). Human manager is most likely to consider circumstance and feed hungry crew with gourmet meal and talk about losses later.

Humans are humans and robots are robots: Unlike humans, robots do not think and they cannot reason! And while some of our power-crazed leaders are bent on creating robotic societies, the fact still remains that any true human is capable of outsmarting any robot anytime (if given ample time).
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Why Alan Turing should be better well-known...
Alan Turing: why the tech world's hero should be a household name
18 June 2012 > Rory Cellan-Jones gets a preview of an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of scientist and computer pioneer Alan Turing.
The life and achievements of Alan Turing - the mathematician, codebreaker, computer pioneer, artificial intelligence theoretician, and gay/cultural icon - are being celebrated to mark what would have been his 100th birthday on 23 June. To mark the occasion the BBC has commissioned a series of essays to run across the week, starting with this overview of Turing's legacy by Vint Cerf. I've worked in computing, and more specifically computer networking, nearly all my life. It's an industry in a constant state of innovation, always pushing beyond the limits of current capability. It is sometimes said that "broadband" is whatever network speed you don't have, yet!

Things we take for granted today were, not that long ago, huge technological breakthroughs. Although I've been lucky enough in my career to be involved in the development of the internet, I've never lost sight of the role played by my predecessors, without whose pioneering labour, so much would not have been accomplished. This year, in the centenary of his birth, there is one man in particular who is deservedly the focus of attention: Alan Turing. Turing was born into a world that was very different, culturally and technologically, yet his contribution has never been more important.

His is a story of astounding highs and devastating lows. A story of a genius whose mathematical insights helped save thousands of lives, yet who was unable to save himself from social condemnation, with tragic results. Ultimately though, it's a story of a legacy that laid the foundations for the modern computer age. In 1936, while at King's College, Cambridge, Turing published a seminal paper On Computable Numbers which introduced two key concepts - "algorithms" and "computing machines" - that continue to play a central role in our industry today.

Computing before computers
I have often wondered if intelligence is simply a product of enough connections. And how close is the net to becoming intelligent? And would it tell us if it suddenly gained self awareness?
Uncle Ferd says, "Hmmm, how queer...
Alan Turing: Gay codebreaker's defiance keeps memory alive
22 June 2012 - Experts at a centenary celebration at Cambridge University consider what Alan Turing's greatest contributions are
Did Alan Turing's death come as a shock to the Britain of 1954? To close friends, it was a trauma which even after decades remained unhealed. But to the public it was virtually unknown. He was no icon of the early computer industry. In 1954, and in the succeeding decades, there was little to suggest a connection with practical developments, which anyway were largely assumed to be American in origin.

In pure mathematics his name was not forgotten. In philosophy the Turing Test was talked about - and reflected, for instance, in Arthur C Clarke's 2001. But the overall picture was of a purely theoretical figure. As a Fellow of the Royal Society, he received a long scientific obituary in 1955, but his practical computer role was given minimal attention, and this set the tone for all later accounts.

Modest approach

Turing largely allowed himself to be written out of the story in this way. Although he briefly figured in early newspaper accounts of British computers, and spoke on BBC radio twice - unfortunately, without any recording being kept - he never put himself forward as the person who had conceived of the universal machine in 1936, and shown how to make it practical 10 years later. Nor, it seems, did anyone press him on this question. After an athletics meeting on Boxing Day 1946, a sports reporter, who was aware of his life as designer of the "electronic brain", interviewed him. On top of this, there was a matter that no-one wished to know about.

Turing was arrested on 7 February 1952 for his affair with a young Manchester man. He was obliged to undertake injections of female hormones intended to render him asexual. Until the 1970s, this was thought utterly unprintable and circulated only in academic gossip. Even if unconsciously, this meant a black cloud hung over his scientific reputation. In 1973, the Gay Liberation Front broke this silence, publishing a brief statement of what had happened as an example of what gay men had endured from the law and medicine, but few then were interested and his name meant little.

Unashamed BBC News - Alan Turing: Gay codebreaker's defiance keeps memory alive
I have often wondered if intelligence is simply a product of enough connections. And how close is the net to becoming intelligent? And would it tell us if it suddenly gained self awareness?
It really is not about having sufficient connections though that is important. The real issue is whether or not it can create new connections, particularly those outside of the scope that the device was intended to make.
Years ago I tried to write an expert system - they used to be big in technology (still are), follow the lines, answer the question, and soon you arrive at the answer. I gave up the expert system and instead wrote a monthly tips newsletter for the first PC users. But the experience taught me about complexity and problem solving.

So how many out there believe AI is possible? Computers today try to solve your problem immediately, I find it a useless function 99% of the time. Does anyone remember Eliza? ELIZA This was so real to some they thought a person was behind the answers. Are we any more sophisticated today? Are computers?

Machine Intelligence, Part I: The Turing Test and Loebner Prize

Suppose instead we reversed the Turing test and the test were to judge us? Can we think 'outside the box' while a buzzword, can we? Or are we so predictable, I can ask you a question and know lots about you? http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/100438-which-is-which.html

I tested one AI program below, it failed.


'Hi there!'

are you green
'Most people think I am white.'

'It is part of my personality.'

that is biased
'You don't hear that sentiment very often.'

- so I tried over again and got this -

'Because my botmaster taught me it.' [is the bot master mom should have been my next question.]

so you aren't real?
'Interesting deduction. Thanks for the information.'

Fails Turing test totally imho. What do you think?

TuringHub.com - take a Turing Test

Worth a read

Amazon.com: On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not (9780312541521): Robert Burton: Books

Fictional account of the issue. excellent too: Amazon.com: Galatea 2.2: A Novel: Richard Powers: Books

PS This stuff came back to me reading David Deutsch's 'the beginning of infinity.'

Robotic devices are nothing but dumb chunks of materials until told what to do or say: Robotic devices are only as smart as the person or group of persons that programmed them. Regardless of any propaganda, robots do not think and cannot reason. Below is one of my favorite sample test of difference between human and robot:

Supposed a human manager and a robot manager of a restaurant are given directives to only feed hungry crew with basic meal and not gourmet meal, and basic meal runs out with hungry crew waiting.

What do you supposed each manager would most likely do?

1). Robot manager will let crew die of hunger!

2). Human manager is most likely to consider circumstance and feed hungry crew with gourmet meal and talk about losses later.

Humans are humans and robots are robots: Unlike humans, robots do not think and they cannot reason! And while some of our power-crazed leaders are bent on creating robotic societies, the fact still remains that any true human is capable of outsmarting any robot anytime (if given ample time).
Perhaps that is the truth TODAY but the fact remains that may not be the truth in the future. There are already computers that are completely capable of 'learning' and overcoming obstacles they were NOT programmed to overcome. We are not at the point of creating true AI but it would not surprise me if we don't cross that bridge within my lifetime.

The real question is going to be whether or not we can compete with AI.

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