Tunisian uprising shows that, maybe, Obama's pragmatic idealism was a good call


unbannable non-troll
May 29, 2009
theartching thapphireth
The Tunisian uprising shows that, maybe, Barack Obama's pragmatic idealism was a good call


Life is full of unintended consequences. Barack Obama, on coming to power, turned away from Bush-era rhetoric about bringing freedom and democracy to the world. His idealism was pragmatic. When I saw him tell the Muslim world in Cairo in June 2009 that he wanted to be its friend, he shocked some people because he didn’t say it was conditional on reform.


It’s too early to divine the full meaning of the revolution in Tunisia. But it does look like the people of that country, realising that Mr Obama wasn’t going to come to their rescue, decided to do it for themselves. That is a rare realisation in the the Arab world of how things ought to be: rather than complaining that other people haven’t brought change, do it yourself.


Nevertheless, it may have been a good call, or at least a lucky break, on Mr Obama’s part.

factually accurate, due to journalistic standards.
American's always think everything revolves them.

The people of Tunisia had lived under a brutal dictator for 23 years.

They finally get fed up and demanded change.

What Obama said or didn't say had zip to do with the ousting of the the president. :cool:
American's always think everything revolves them.

The people of Tunisia had lived under a brutal dictator for 23 years.

They finally get fed up and demanded change.

What Obama said or didn't say had zip to do with the ousting of the the president. :cool:

so you contest the factual accuracy of the cited blog?
I think, that none of what has happened in Tunisia has to do with Obama.
The journalist portrays it like:
"Hey, Obama won't help us, so we make it on our own".
None of that demonstrators had Obama in their mind.

Arab confidence in Obama collapsing | Marc Lynch

Positive view on President Obama
2009: 45 percent
2010: 20 percent

Negative view on President Obama
2009: 23 percent
2010: 62 percent

Favourable view of USA
Bush's last year: 15 percent
Obama: 12 percent

61 percent say Obama's failure on Palestine is reason for increasingly negative views.
There is no difference anymore between Bush and Obama.

Iran has right for its nuclear program:
2009: 53 %
2010: 77 %

Positive effect on region, if Iran gets nukes
2009: 29 %
2010: 57 %

Most popular countries in the region:
France, Turkey

Most popular leaders:
39 % Erdogan
19 % Ahmadinajad
12 % Nasrallah
Muslims don't look out for USA, they only look-out into the sky to be sure there is no US plane around that drops bombs on their wedding-party or houses.

Guilt by religion.

BBC NEWS | In Depth | Photo Gallery | In pictures: Iraq wedding video


I'm just playing with your statement.

You said that's what Americans think. That's pretty immature to think that a country of 400 million people can think "A" way.

So, I posted more stupidity Sunni Man.

Quid pro Quo :)
American's always think everything revolves them.

The people of Tunisia had lived under a brutal dictator for 23 years.

They finally get fed up and demanded change.

What Obama said or didn't say had zip to do with the ousting of the the president. :cool:

so you contest the factual accuracy of the cited blog?

The statement that you bolded is not a factual statement but an opinion. You should know better. Unless the blogger can read the minds of the people then what is stated there is conjecture. Now, such a statement can be supported by some evidence but it is precisely that which is missing. I see nothing that makes a strong connection between BO and these events.
There are facts in the article. They are accurate. Ergo, it is factually accurate, not hot air based on a non-existent 'facts', such as right wing extremism caused Loughner's rampage.

Happy now, L.K.?
There are facts in the article. They are accurate. Ergo, it is factually accurate, not hot air based on a non-existent 'facts', such as right wing extremism caused Loughner's rampage.

Happy now, L.K.?

The extensions made are all opinion though CG. The end result of opinion is not factually based.

OK, not as "out there" as your example, but still...


Sunni Man thanked me.

I must be wrong...
American's always think everything revolves them.

The people of Tunisia had lived under a brutal dictator for 23 years.

They finally get fed up and demanded change.

What Obama said or didn't say had zip to do with the ousting of the the president. :cool:

so you contest the factual accuracy of the cited blog?

The statement that you bolded is not a factual statement but an opinion. You should know better. Unless the blogger can read the minds of the people then what is stated there is conjecture. Now, such a statement can be supported by some evidence but it is precisely that which is missing. I see nothing that makes a strong connection between BO and these events.

that is very much correct.

the blogger prematurely concludes that obama may have something to do with the uprising, while the uprising is still going on, the facts not in by far. and even if the facts were in, the conclusion that obama has something, maybe, to do with it in the way the blogger has insinuated, is risible.

this was a little lesson about blogs, opinions, and journalistic standards of the telegraph.

intended target: the professional spouter of hot air, callybrat.

sorry for the trolling.
There are facts in the article. They are accurate. Ergo, it is factually accurate, not hot air based on a non-existent 'facts', such as right wing extremism caused Loughner's rampage.

Happy now, L.K.?

The extensions made are all opinion though CG. The end result of opinion is not factually based.

OK, not as "out there" as your example, but still...


Sunni Man thanked me.

I must be wrong...

This whole thread is another one of LK's little bitchfests because he dislikes facts. Evidence suggests that he prefers bullshit to intelligent discussion. I won't interfere with his pathetic attempt at 'point scoring'. Suffice to say, the article contains factual information - leading to an informed opinion. Unlike the NY Times.
The Tunisian uprising shows that, maybe, Barack Obama's pragmatic idealism was a good call


Life is full of unintended consequences. Barack Obama, on coming to power, turned away from Bush-era rhetoric about bringing freedom and democracy to the world. His idealism was pragmatic. When I saw him tell the Muslim world in Cairo in June 2009 that he wanted to be its friend, he shocked some people because he didn’t say it was conditional on reform.


It’s too early to divine the full meaning of the revolution in Tunisia. But it does look like the people of that country, realising that Mr Obama wasn’t going to come to their rescue, decided to do it for themselves. That is a rare realisation in the the Arab world of how things ought to be: rather than complaining that other people haven’t brought change, do it yourself.


Nevertheless, it may have been a good call, or at least a lucky break, on Mr Obama’s part.

factually accurate, due to journalistic standards.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

It sounds like you're saying the Tunisian revolutions happened and was a success b/c Obama did nothing?
There are facts in the article. They are accurate. Ergo, it is factually accurate, not hot air based on a non-existent 'facts', such as right wing extremism caused Loughner's rampage.

Happy now, L.K.?

if you learned something from that little lesson, then yes, i am happy.

i am, after all, here, to help the children.
There are facts in the article. They are accurate. Ergo, it is factually accurate, not hot air based on a non-existent 'facts', such as right wing extremism caused Loughner's rampage.

Happy now, L.K.?

The extensions made are all opinion though CG. The end result of opinion is not factually based.

OK, not as "out there" as your example, but still...


Sunni Man thanked me.

I must be wrong...

This whole thread is another one of LK's little bitchfests because he dislikes facts. Evidence suggests that he prefers bullshit to intelligent discussion. I won't interfere with his pathetic attempt at 'point scoring'. Suffice to say, the article contains factual information - leading to an informed opinion. Unlike the NY Times.

and here comes the lying: because he dislikes facts

i like facts, i can even sort them from opinion.
The Tunisian uprising shows that, maybe, Barack Obama's pragmatic idealism was a good call


Life is full of unintended consequences. Barack Obama, on coming to power, turned away from Bush-era rhetoric about bringing freedom and democracy to the world. His idealism was pragmatic. When I saw him tell the Muslim world in Cairo in June 2009 that he wanted to be its friend, he shocked some people because he didn’t say it was conditional on reform.


It’s too early to divine the full meaning of the revolution in Tunisia. But it does look like the people of that country, realising that Mr Obama wasn’t going to come to their rescue, decided to do it for themselves. That is a rare realisation in the the Arab world of how things ought to be: rather than complaining that other people haven’t brought change, do it yourself.


Nevertheless, it may have been a good call, or at least a lucky break, on Mr Obama’s part.

factually accurate, due to journalistic standards.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

It sounds like you're saying the Tunisian revolutions happened and was a success b/c Obama did nothing?

never mind

I read the other postings.

weird thing to do.

Next time you get that bored, try porn, it has a calming effect if you do it right. :lol:

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