Tucker Carlson: Trump could well lose this election


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.
"Could" is the word used by those who want to say "See? I was right!" No matter the outcome.
If Trump wins Fucker can say, "I only said "could" '. If he loses he will congratulate himself because what "could" happen happened.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.
Trump is all talk and no substance. In short, he is weak.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.

the chosen one is letting amerika crash & burn. he knows he's losing & will take the country down with him.

he is that vengeful - he is that spiteful- & he's certainly childish enough to let it happen.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.

The riots? How is that round up of millions of illegals coming? How is the wall coming (three miles in three and a half years). Where is this great health care program he had ready to unveil? Has he actually done anything other than tweet and call people names?

Do you understand that if he loses what you end up with is 3-4 miles of new wall?
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.

He is also not a dictator that can order Congress to pass whatever laws and legislation he wants, nor does he have the absolute authority to "crush" the violence that erupts in our cities. That responsibility lies SOLELY with the states and local gov'ts. Trump can only step in when the situation is such that the state and local LEs can't do it. Can't, not won't.

However, I think it is true that Trump could lose in November. He himself has made a couple of references to that possibility in recent days. Frankly, I think his act has worn thin with the public, due in part to the never-ending diatribes from the MSM, most of which is exaggerated or out and out lies. These days times are tough and incumbent president have a problem getting re-elected when that happens. The single best thing the Dems have going for them is Trump's big mouth.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.

He's letting the American Taliban hang themselves
True enough but he HAS to either step in with the military and stop this or he is gonna lose those people he needs that these terrorists are threatening. People WANT a strong leader who will defend them from terrorists. He is walking a VERY fine line...I don't understand what he is waiting on. Over a month of this shit now.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.

the chosen one is letting amerika crash & burn. he knows he's losing & will take the country down with him.

he is that vengeful - he is that spiteful- & he's certainly childish enough to let it happen.

The American Taliban are the ones doing the burning with the approval of their mayors and governors
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Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.

Things are not as simple as they appear, and as to the anarchists, one is wise not to produce martyrs to the cause unless you plan to go all the way with elimination.

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