Tucker Carlson double interview (1 for,1 against) segment:"Why its so popular to slam white people"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"the powerful mocking the weak in order to feel virtuous."

i'll have the video up shortly.

Also saw it but been seeing it for years with my eyes and ears . i see this kind of thing as hurting young White kids in school especially and in general society . One thing in my opinion but this kinda thing may hurt the young liberal parents of the kids and i have no problem with that .----------------- course , this kinda stuff may encourage young White kids to start sticking together . Plus as mentioned on Tucker this kinda stuff may encourage ' Balkinization' of the USA ,
The White Nationalist channel has a story on how butthurt whites are.

What a surprise.
Also saw it but been seeing it for years with my eyes and ears . i see this kind of thing as hurting young White kids in school especially and in general society . One thing in my opinion but this kinda thing may hurt the young liberal parents of the kids and i have no problem with that .----------------- course , this kinda stuff may encourage young White kids to start sticking together . Plus as mentioned on Tucker this kinda stuff may encourage ' Balkinization' of the USA ,
-------------------------------------------- its no big deal if it gets certain groups to start sticking together Issac .
The White Nationalist channel has a story on how butthurt whites are.

What a surprise.
---------------------------------- as said , no big deal if it gets certain groups to start sticking together . In fact , if sticking together is the outcome that will be a good thing Issac .
it'll be kinda neat when White people as the worlds smallest minority people or group start to recognize that they are being oppressed and disrespected Issac .
and White People as the worlds smallest minority have done pretty well throughout World History . Maybe the anti White things that are happening nowadays will wake them up AGAIN Issac .
White people lack flavor and they do weird shit. Some are really nice but they are very bland and out of sync with the rhythm of the world. I know this family of whites that are so nice that they call me and apologize everytime Drumpf says something racist. I told them to stop because I know Drumpf is racist but I dont consider them an extension of Drumpf.
"the powerful mocking the weak in order to feel virtuous."

i'll have the video up shortly.

White people are the most loved people on the planet.

There is not a place you can name on this earth where a white person can't go and people would have a problem.

White people can go to China, Japan, Africa, Carribbean and set up shop and no-one would have problem.

The parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opinions known at once before they even met the guy.

I have rarely if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.

White men will have positive stereotypes associated with them, making it easier to "cross over" and their positive stereotypes makes it such that most white women prefer them along side the shaming that comes with white women wanting to date outside their race.

The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. Favouritism is consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

I’m reminded of the film "The Last King of Scotland" for instance, wherein James McAvoy's character (the 'good guy' of course) engages in a very explicit sexual encounter with the wife of the Ugandan dictator, played by a stunning Kerry Washington.

"Monster's Ball" is another good example. A scruffy Billy Bob can have hot, no-holds barred steamy sex scene with Halle Berry.

The very same scene with the races reversed, outside of downright pornography, would simply be unheard of. It would be the equivalent of Lil Wayne or Rick Ross getting it on with Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox on screen.

"That's what the future is going to look like unless we start insisting on treating each other as individuals, rather than racial groups."

"That's what the future is going to look like unless we start insisting on treating each other as individuals, rather than racial groups."
--------------------------------------------- not going to happen , Whites are on the run , Its why i keep saying that the upcoming generation , maybe generations of White kids , boys especially are going to have it tough . Luckily my kids are grown and in their 40s BBro .

"That's what the future is going to look like unless we start insisting on treating each other as individuals, rather than racial groups."

Really? Whites invented the concept of race 400 years ago. That's how log whites have looked at people in terms of race. So when WHITES stop looking at people that way, no one else, then we get the change.
"the powerful mocking the weak in order to feel virtuous."

i'll have the video up shortly.


Here is the classic whining about white victimization. Do whites have amnesia or psychosis? This idiot doesn't understand why? Continuing white racism and race baiters like him are the reason.
I agree that nowadays it is fashionable on the part of some people to criticize Caucasian Americans.

I truly believe that people (including Caucasians) who do this are making a TRAGIC mistake that will harm their grandchildren's grandchildren's children.

This is 2018.

While Caucasians are still the majority ethnicity (outside of large cities), the government itself predicts that by about 2050, the percentage of Caucasians in the United States will drop below 50%. I am guessing that the number will then continue to decrease rapidly.

I really believe that Caucasians are the glue that holds this diverse nation together.

Since the 1960s, Caucasians have been sort of a referee, making sure that African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans all get a slice of the American pie.

I am terrified to think of what MAY happen if (when?) Caucasians disappear from the scene.

I do wish that some activists (including the Caucasian presidential candidate who kept referring to "white privilege") would realize this and stop blaming everything on Caucasian Americans.
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I agree that nowadays it is fashionable on the part of some people to criticize Caucasian Americans.

I truly believe that people (including Caucasians) who do this are making a TRAGIC mistake that will harm their grandchildren's grandchildren's children.

This is 2018.

While Caucasians are still the majority ethnicity (outside of large cities), the government itself predicts that by about 2050, the percentage of Caucasians in the United States will drop below 50%. I am guessing that the number will then continue to decrease rapidly.

I really believe that Caucasians are the glue that holds this diverse nation together.

Since the 1960s, Caucasians have been sort of a referee, making sure that African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans all get a slice of the American pie.

I am terrified to think of what MAY happen if (when?) Caucasians disappear from the scene.

I do wish that some activists (including the Caucasian presidential candidate who kept referring to "white privilege") would realize this and stop blaming everything on Caucasian Americans.
--------------------------------------------- you describe the time that 'liberals' kids and 'grandkids' and general population get their due for what liberals and lefties have created Parser .
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a third world USA is coming . See the concepts of English style law like 'innocent till proven guilty' being thrown away in the recent case of the Senatorial election in Alabama [Roy Moore] . Seems to me that the USA is moving to being ruled by emotions rather than law based on Reason .
I agree that nowadays it is fashionable on the part of some people to criticize Caucasian Americans.

I truly believe that people (including Caucasians) who do this are making a TRAGIC mistake that will harm their grandchildren's grandchildren's children.

This is 2018.

While Caucasians are still the majority ethnicity (outside of large cities), the government itself predicts that by about 2050, the percentage of Caucasians in the United States will drop below 50%. I am guessing that the number will then continue to decrease rapidly.

I really believe that Caucasians are the glue that holds this diverse nation together.

Since the 1960s, Caucasians have been sort of a referee, making sure that African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans all get a slice of the American pie.

I am terrified to think of what MAY happen if (when?) Caucasians disappear from the scene.

I do wish that some activists (including the Caucasian presidential candidate who kept referring to "white privilege") would realize this and stop blaming everything on Caucasian Americans.

I don't really think Caucasians hold this nation together. And the reality is that it has been Caucasians that have kept things divided. But I do think that Caucasians are part of this nation as all other races and deserves the same space as all others. But Caucasians want more than their fair share of space. Thy want all the space. But they are not all the population. So until they stop with this attitude, we are going to have problems.

The criticism of whites is earned. They have earned it with 241 and one half years(minimum) of their own behavior.
a third world USA is coming . See the concepts of English style law like 'innocent till proven guilty' being thrown away in the recent case of the Senatorial election in Alabama [Roy Moore] . Seems to me that the USA is moving to being ruled by emotions rather than law based on Reason .


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