Tucker And Laura Are Right -- The Military Needs To Be Defunded


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him "a pig" and "stupid" for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory. "Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Carlson added. "He didn't get that job because he's brilliant or because he's brave. Or because people who know him respect him. He is not, and they definitely don't. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he's more than happy to do it."

Tucker is spot on.....The Joint Chief Of Staff isn't brave or smart....he is a stupid pig who sucks up to to people in power and tell them what they want to hear......he probably fooled Trump into thinking he loved America and loved Trump.....but unfortunately, Trump in all of his brilliance; was outsmarted by this stupid pig dressed in a military uniform.

"The segment on her 10 p.m. show is the latest episode of prominent Fox personalities putting the military on blast, with the network's top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, mocking "woke generals" -- she tore into the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We are sending our tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called extremists, which just means conservative Evangelicals, as far as I can tell," Ingraham said. And he's chosen to indulge the radical whims of Democrats. He'll do everything they tell him as long as they keep the military-industrial complex flush with cash." "Why is Congress not saying we're not going to give you a penny until all of this is eradicated from the military budget," Ingraham said."

Once again.....The conservative Patriots at Fox news are spot on.....Until Milley and all others like him are kicked out of the military; we should not give them another penny.....That is the one thing you can at least give the Republicans credit for; when it comes to keeping the military flushed with cash; that is not something they do....they do not support just increasing and increasing military spending...especially if all the military will do with it is attack evangelical white conservatives....maybe this is why despite loud calls for a military coup from evangelicals across the country; the military did nothing....it was because all of the white christian evangelicals were kicked out and replaced with Satanic anti-white racist trannies. Time to defund the military!

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him "a pig" and "stupid" for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory. "Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Carlson added. "He didn't get that job because he's brilliant or because he's brave. Or because people who know him respect him. He is not, and they definitely don't. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he's more than happy to do it."

Tucker is spot on.....The Joint Chief Of Staff isn't brave or smart....he is a stupid pig who sucks up to to people in power and tell them what they want to hear......he probably fooled Trump into thinking he loved America and loved Trump.....but unfortunately, Trump in all of his brilliance; was outsmarted by this stupid pig dressed in a military uniform.

"The segment on her 10 p.m. show is the latest episode of prominent Fox personalities putting the military on blast, with the network's top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, mocking "woke generals" -- she tore into the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We are sending our tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called extremists, which just means conservative Evangelicals, as far as I can tell," Ingraham said. And he's chosen to indulge the radical whims of Democrats. He'll do everything they tell him as long as they keep the military-industrial complex flush with cash." "Why is Congress not saying we're not going to give you a penny until all of this is eradicated from the military budget," Ingraham said."

Once again.....The conservative Patriots at Fox news are spot on.....Until Milley and all others like him are kicked out of the military; we should not give them another penny.....That is the one thing you can at least give the Republicans credit for; when it comes to keeping the military flushed with cash; that is not something they do....they do not support just increasing and increasing military spending...especially if all the military will do with it is attack evangelical white conservatives....maybe this is why despite loud calls for a military coup from evangelicals across the country; the military did nothing....it was because all of the white christian evangelicals were kicked out and replaced with Satanic anti-white racist trannies. Time to defund the military!

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him "a pig" and "stupid" for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory. "Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Carlson added. "He didn't get that job because he's brilliant or because he's brave. Or because people who know him respect him. He is not, and they definitely don't. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he's more than happy to do it."

Tucker is spot on.....The Joint Chief Of Staff isn't brave or smart....he is a stupid pig who sucks up to to people in power and tell them what they want to hear......he probably fooled Trump into thinking he loved America and loved Trump.....but unfortunately, Trump in all of his brilliance; was outsmarted by this stupid pig dressed in a military uniform.

"The segment on her 10 p.m. show is the latest episode of prominent Fox personalities putting the military on blast, with the network's top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, mocking "woke generals" -- she tore into the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We are sending our tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called extremists, which just means conservative Evangelicals, as far as I can tell," Ingraham said. And he's chosen to indulge the radical whims of Democrats. He'll do everything they tell him as long as they keep the military-industrial complex flush with cash." "Why is Congress not saying we're not going to give you a penny until all of this is eradicated from the military budget," Ingraham said."

Once again.....The conservative Patriots at Fox news are spot on.....Until Milley and all others like him are kicked out of the military; we should not give them another penny.....That is the one thing you can at least give the Republicans credit for; when it comes to keeping the military flushed with cash; that is not something they do....they do not support just increasing and increasing military spending...especially if all the military will do with it is attack evangelical white conservatives....maybe this is why despite loud calls for a military coup from evangelicals across the country; the military did nothing....it was because all of the white christian evangelicals were kicked out and replaced with Satanic anti-white racist trannies. Time to defund the military!
So, for whatever reason, we ALL agree that the military needs to be defunded?

Great. Progress.
Well indeed if our military is heading into an extension of our college campus indoctrination system, then I'm all for defunding their asses.
Aren’t we pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Why would they need the same funds?
They don't

But the Dems kept increasing and increasing military spending..and turned around and attacked Republicans when they tried to defund the bloated Pentagon budget...

Even tho I just made that last part up --- it feels good to believe it
Methinks and those above do not. trump gave Russia hegemony the Middle East; now the fools above want to give China hegemony East Asia.
Methinks and those above do not. trump gave Russia hegemony the Middle East; now the fools above want to give China hegemony East Asia.

We know, you're god's gift to the world. Without your all powerful intellect we'd be lost. Biden is poking both the Bear and the Dragon.

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others

Methinks and those above do not. trump gave Russia hegemony the Middle East; now the fools above want to give China hegemony East Asia.

We know, you're god's gift to the world. Without your all powerful intellect we'd be lost. Biden is poking both the Bear and the Dragon.

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others

LOL, so you believe defunding the defense of our nation is good thing? An do you agree that our military should be defunded? It doesn't take a powerful intellect to speak out when stupidity continues to be posted.

As for your off topic copy of the personality disorder, you're clearly ignorant and did not research the Diagnostic Criteria for this Disorder.
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"Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him "a pig" and "stupid" for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory. "Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Carlson added. "He didn't get that job because he's brilliant or because he's brave. Or because people who know him respect him. He is not, and they definitely don't. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he's more than happy to do it."

Tucker is spot on.....The Joint Chief Of Staff isn't brave or smart....he is a stupid pig who sucks up to to people in power and tell them what they want to hear......he probably fooled Trump into thinking he loved America and loved Trump.....but unfortunately, Trump in all of his brilliance; was outsmarted by this stupid pig dressed in a military uniform.

"The segment on her 10 p.m. show is the latest episode of prominent Fox personalities putting the military on blast, with the network's top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, mocking "woke generals" -- she tore into the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We are sending our tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called extremists, which just means conservative Evangelicals, as far as I can tell," Ingraham said. And he's chosen to indulge the radical whims of Democrats. He'll do everything they tell him as long as they keep the military-industrial complex flush with cash." "Why is Congress not saying we're not going to give you a penny until all of this is eradicated from the military budget," Ingraham said."

Once again.....The conservative Patriots at Fox news are spot on.....Until Milley and all others like him are kicked out of the military; we should not give them another penny.....That is the one thing you can at least give the Republicans credit for; when it comes to keeping the military flushed with cash; that is not something they do....they do not support just increasing and increasing military spending...especially if all the military will do with it is attack evangelical white conservatives....maybe this is why despite loud calls for a military coup from evangelicals across the country; the military did nothing....it was because all of the white christian evangelicals were kicked out and replaced with Satanic anti-white racist trannies. Time to defund the military!
We need to cut the military budget and bring all the troops on foreign soil home to the United States. It is unacceptable that we risk American's sons and daughters protecting other countries for no real reason. We need to quit sacrificing our kids lives to be the police of the world.
Desktop generals like Milley are why we can't win a war anymore....don't cut the budget just cut out pigs like Milley....

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him "a pig" and "stupid" for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory. "Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," Carlson added. "He didn't get that job because he's brilliant or because he's brave. Or because people who know him respect him. He is not, and they definitely don't. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he's more than happy to do it."

Tucker is spot on.....The Joint Chief Of Staff isn't brave or smart....he is a stupid pig who sucks up to to people in power and tell them what they want to hear......he probably fooled Trump into thinking he loved America and loved Trump.....but unfortunately, Trump in all of his brilliance; was outsmarted by this stupid pig dressed in a military uniform.

"The segment on her 10 p.m. show is the latest episode of prominent Fox personalities putting the military on blast, with the network's top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, mocking "woke generals" -- she tore into the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We are sending our tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called extremists, which just means conservative Evangelicals, as far as I can tell," Ingraham said. And he's chosen to indulge the radical whims of Democrats. He'll do everything they tell him as long as they keep the military-industrial complex flush with cash." "Why is Congress not saying we're not going to give you a penny until all of this is eradicated from the military budget," Ingraham said."

Once again.....The conservative Patriots at Fox news are spot on.....Until Milley and all others like him are kicked out of the military; we should not give them another penny.....That is the one thing you can at least give the Republicans credit for; when it comes to keeping the military flushed with cash; that is not something they do....they do not support just increasing and increasing military spending...especially if all the military will do with it is attack evangelical white conservatives....maybe this is why despite loud calls for a military coup from evangelicals across the country; the military did nothing....it was because all of the white christian evangelicals were kicked out and replaced with Satanic anti-white racist trannies. Time to defund the military!
We need to cut the military budget and bring all the troops on foreign soil home to the United States. It is unacceptable that we risk American's sons and daughters protecting other countries for no real reason. We need to quit sacrificing our kids lives to be the police of the world.
I have agreed with this since pre the Iraq War.....problem is, I was called a terrorist and traitor for thinking this way....

Good to see the same folks who called me that back then have finally came around 20 years later
The military does need to be defunded.
I just dont agree with them on why.
They don't even agree it needs to be defunded...they are just doing performance art for their easily aggrieved audience
Oh the FUCKING irony.

"Oh the FUCKING irony"

I agree. The OP talks out of both sides of his mouth.
I stand on everything I say....I was for cutting the military budget 20 years ago....

You folks on the other hand are only whining about the military because of bullshit reasons......

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