TSA Sexually Assaults My Mother


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This horrifying scene is a metaphor for everything that is wrong with our Big Government Freedom Destroying system. We expend ungodly amounts of money restricting law-abiding citizens, and yet we can't perform the proper function of government in areas such as border security.

Note how none of the TSA, security, and police personnel are able to cite a relevant law, and how the woman is treated like a criminal for asking for the police when she has been de facto sexually assaulted in public.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZdp13LFtOY]YouTube - ‪TSA Sexually Assaults My Mother‬‏[/ame]
After 911, GWB asked for the world and it was given to him over the objections of the people. The Patriot act, homeland security and airport screenings were then put in place, with nothing given to securing the borders. This was done by Republicans. The Democrats failed to give us our freedoms back after the Republicans took them from us, this proves that they are one in the same.

Now let me be clear, no one makes anyone fly. You can drive yourself, you can take a bus, you can walk, you can take a train, you can ride your bike, or you can hitch hike. If you don't like McDonalds you don't eat there no one forces you to patronize them. As with the airlines if you don't like the way they do things then don't fly. Just like we can't pass legislation to make Mcdonalds serve better food, we are not going to get rid of screeners. If we do restrict the way screeners do their job, why have them at all?
This TSA bullshit is necessary because the left will not allow for travel screening to be done simply the way criminal investigations are done. Statistics.
The very existence of a "TSA" is unconstitutional and certainly their screening techniques violate the 4th amendment. So, what to do about airline security?

How about the same thing any private property owner does about security? Pay for it himself! If the airlines and airports provided their own security, customers could choose the level of security procedures they are comfortable with. You want to feel REALLY safe? Fly the airline that requires rectal exams. Willing to take your chances? Choose another airline with more lax security measures. Not only would this approach be lawful and preserving of our freedoms and liberty, it would result in MUCH SAFER air travel. The TSA goons have no incentive to thrive because they have no competition. I'll take someone with their skin in the game every time over a bureaucrat.
The very existence of a "TSA" is unconstitutional and certainly their screening techniques violate the 4th amendment. So, what to do about airline security?

How about the same thing any private property owner does about security? Pay for it himself! If the airlines and airports provided their own security, customers could choose the level of security procedures they are comfortable with. You want to feel REALLY safe? Fly the airline that requires rectal exams. Willing to take your chances? Choose another airline with more lax security measures. Not only would this approach be lawful and preserving of our freedoms and liberty, it would result in MUCH SAFER air travel. The TSA goons have no incentive to thrive because they have no competition. I'll take someone with their skin in the game every time over a bureaucrat.

I can think of at least two posters here who would enjoy Rectal Airlines.
The very existence of a "TSA" is unconstitutional and certainly their screening techniques violate the 4th amendment. So, what to do about airline security?

How about the same thing any private property owner does about security? Pay for it himself! If the airlines and airports provided their own security, customers could choose the level of security procedures they are comfortable with. You want to feel REALLY safe? Fly the airline that requires rectal exams. Willing to take your chances? Choose another airline with more lax security measures. Not only would this approach be lawful and preserving of our freedoms and liberty, it would result in MUCH SAFER air travel. The TSA goons have no incentive to thrive because they have no competition. I'll take someone with their skin in the game every time over a bureaucrat.

I can think of at least two posters here who would enjoy Rectal Airlines.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!!!
I will say it again. I hate the fucking tsa.

I love the way they threaten the son, "do you want to fly"
The TSA practices on Chicago Hotel Maids!!

"One day I was cleaning the men's restroom and a man walked in while I was cleaning, pulled his pants down and took out his private parts," recalled Yazmin Vasquez.

"I was very angry," Vasquez said. "I'm not a prostitute. I come here to work. I work hard. I deserve respect for the work that I do."

Another housekeeper, Apolonia Rivera, recounted a similar experience.
She said her supervisor laughed at her after she complained about a hotel guest flashing her.

"I was afraid and that was not funny to me," Rivera said.

Claudia Virto said the management at her hotel also did nothing when she reported how she had to escape a naked guest.

"I was freaked out. I literally had to jump over the bed to get to the door," she recalled.

The single mom didn't pursue it because she was afraid she'd lose her job.

Hortensia Valera, a housekeeper at a downtown hotel, recalled how one guest left $20 on the dresser.

"He asked me, 'Do you want to make extra money and do you want to do massage to me?'" Valera recounted. "Men shouldn't treat women like that. I was scared but after that I was very mad because I'm a mother and I'm working very hard to give the best to my kids."

Some hotels in New York are now starting to give their housekeepers panic buttons.

"I would like to tell the company that I work for that we deserve more protection. I agree guests are important but so are we, and we need to be treated that way," Vasquez said.

And to her fellow housekeepers: "We work hard for our families. We need to not stay quiet. We need to speak up."
It's a hallmark of totalitarian systems that law abiding people are treated like criminals. They're easier to control that way.
Don't fly.

Problem solved.

Ah, a free will guy. Okay, are you also okay with a business owner starting an airline but refusing to allow the TSA to provide security. Free will, right?

Damn right!

Call it "The Shit Happens" airline.

Great. The problem is the Feds will not allow that and there's the problem with stating "so don't fly". We have NO choice with top down central planners in charge.
I'de rather put up with the TSA than muslim terrorist hijackers with box cutters.

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