TSA Question for the Pant-wetters


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
I don't know about you, but back after 9/11, we libertarian types didn't like the knee-jerk reaction of trading our liberty for security with things like the Patriot Act and the TSA. The Republicans and Democrats passed them overwhelmingly and President Bush signed them into law and everyone seemed happy and warm and fuzzy. I remember the mantra being, "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about".

As the terrorist change tactics and look for innovative ways to get a bomb on board an airliner, the TSA has had to change how and what they are looking for. My question is why all of the pant wetting all of a sudden over how the TSA does their job? You guys were happy to have them when the were created. You liked big gubmint then. Now not so much. What did you expect long term? What changed for you?

Oh yeah...........I told you so. :eusa_whistle:
I don't know about you, but back after 9/11, we libertarian types didn't like the knee-jerk reaction of trading our liberty for security with things like the Patriot Act and the TSA. The Republicans and Democrats passed them overwhelmingly and President Bush signed them into law and everyone seemed happy and warm and fuzzy. I remember the mantra being, "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about".

As the terrorist change tactics and look for innovative ways to get a bomb on board an airliner, the TSA has had to change how and what they are looking for. My question is why all of the pant wetting all of a sudden over how the TSA does their job? You guys were happy to have them when the were created. You liked big gubmint then. Now not so much. What did you expect long term? What changed for you?

Oh yeah...........I told you so. :eusa_whistle:

Personally, I like having a TSA, even though I can appreciate the argument of some of my libertarian friends that holds that it is the job of the various AIRLINES to protect passengers. Frankly, there's room for both arguments, but it's a long-winded argument not worth starting at this moment.

As far as HOW our pals in the TSA are doing their jobs, that's a very different story. They are being ass-clowns.

I'm gonna go WAY the hell out on a limb here and suggest that MAYBE, possibly, conceivably, it is not a bunch of nuns and 3 year old kids who need the heightened scrutiny. Sure sure. A clever terrorist MIGHT think to "use" a person dressed as a nun to conceal a bomb. So, nuns get no free pass. A certain base-line level of scrutiny is required for everybody.

But pat downs? Hands down the pants? For nuns? Are you fucking kidding me?

Why not START with the very same observation made by Dennis Miller a long time ago: “When you notice that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from one country, that’s not ‘profiling’, that’s called being ‘minimally observant’.”

Oh, and if Mrs. Abullah bin Laden doesn't like the profiling and being on the receiving end of the heightened scrutiny -- too fucking bad.
The nun thing happened over a year ago, as did the child being inspected. FAUXRAGE!

Giving the government uber power is only okay when it is a Republican president.

The nun thing happened over a year ago, as did the child being inspected. FAUXRAGE!

Giving the government uber power is only okay when it is a Republican president.


The nun thing happened, period.

And there's no rage, much less faux rage, raving lunacy.

There is a degree of indignation and there is the voicing of some objection.

Providing for security need not be an all or nothing proposition.

When the liberal Democrat Administration conducts this business as though there is a choice only of either safety or submission to indecent behavior, then there is something wrong. It's a ridiculous false dichotomy.

You may not be honest enough to admit that. But lots of other people are.
Publicly mauling 3yr. Olds on suspicion of Terrorism probably woke a lot of Americans up. They were certainly asleep before. Things will get worse before they get better. The TSA has lots of plans...Mandatory Cavity Searches for All!!! I'm Big Brother and i approve this message.
The nun thing happened over a year ago, as did the child being inspected. FAUXRAGE!

Giving the government uber power is only okay when it is a Republican president.


The nun thing happened, period.

And there's no rage, much less faux rage, raving lunacy.

There is a degree of indignation and there is the voicing of some objection.

Providing for security need not be an all or nothing proposition.

When the liberal Democrat Administration conducts this business as though there is a choice only of either safety or submission to indecent behavior, then there is something wrong. It's a ridiculous false dichotomy.

You may not be honest enough to admit that. But lots of other people are.

The nun didn't complain and in fact she wasn't groped.
Publicly mauling 3yr. Olds on suspicion of Terrorism probably woke a lot of Americans up. They were certainly asleep before. Things will get worse before they get better. The TSA has lots of plans...Mandatory Cavity Searches for All!!! I'm Big Brother and i approve this message.

What's that called when your argument is so weak that you resort to the use of fear and sensationalism, again?

Oh yeah, HYSTERIA.
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Just give the kiddos this book.... it explains it all :eek:

The nun thing happened over a year ago, as did the child being inspected. FAUXRAGE!

Giving the government uber power is only okay when it is a Republican president.


The nun thing happened, period.

And there's no rage, much less faux rage, raving lunacy.

There is a degree of indignation and there is the voicing of some objection.

Providing for security need not be an all or nothing proposition.

When the liberal Democrat Administration conducts this business as though there is a choice only of either safety or submission to indecent behavior, then there is something wrong. It's a ridiculous false dichotomy.

You may not be honest enough to admit that. But lots of other people are.

The nun didn't complain and in fact she wasn't groped.

Ah. So she was the ONLY nun ever subjected to a TSA pat down.

Good to know.

LOVE how you "argue," Raving lunacy. :rolleyes:

OH, by the way, if you GOOGLE search TSA pat down searches of nuns, you will find (on page one!) a wonderful piece: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sour...sg=AFQjCNFZPwkhgjJ5TjutXoqOO8x1iEKQCg&cad=rja :lol:
Personally, I like having a TSA, even though I can appreciate the argument of some of my libertarian friends that holds that it is the job of the various AIRLINES to protect passengers.

You only like the TSA because you are hoping for a body cavity search!
I don't know about you, but back after 9/11, we libertarian types didn't like the knee-jerk reaction of trading our liberty for security with things like the Patriot Act and the TSA. The Republicans and Democrats passed them overwhelmingly and President Bush signed them into law and everyone seemed happy and warm and fuzzy. I remember the mantra being, "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about".

As the terrorist change tactics and look for innovative ways to get a bomb on board an airliner, the TSA has had to change how and what they are looking for. My question is why all of the pant wetting all of a sudden over how the TSA does their job? You guys were happy to have them when the were created. You liked big gubmint then. Now not so much. What did you expect long term? What changed for you?

Oh yeah...........I told you so. :eusa_whistle:

all the pantwetting is because its a dem administration.
I don't know about you, but back after 9/11, we libertarian types didn't like the knee-jerk reaction of trading our liberty for security with things like the Patriot Act and the TSA. The Republicans and Democrats passed them overwhelmingly and President Bush signed them into law and everyone seemed happy and warm and fuzzy. I remember the mantra being, "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about".

As the terrorist change tactics and look for innovative ways to get a bomb on board an airliner, the TSA has had to change how and what they are looking for. My question is why all of the pant wetting all of a sudden over how the TSA does their job? You guys were happy to have them when the were created. You liked big gubmint then. Now not so much. What did you expect long term? What changed for you?

Oh yeah...........I told you so. :eusa_whistle:

all the pantwetting is because its a dem administration.

Naw, i was pissed with all of it when it was a repub administration too :lol:

I think people are finally just getting it. The media blitz on the new procedures are up front and center.
Personally, I like having a TSA, even though I can appreciate the argument of some of my libertarian friends that holds that it is the job of the various AIRLINES to protect passengers.

You only like the TSA because you are hoping for a body cavity search!

Well, "doctor," I would find it ironic and amusing to have somebody put on a rubber glove and stick a finger up YOUR ass, rather than having YOU do it to other folks ALL the time.


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