Trying to blame Obama for GSA

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
John Mica Admits Using GSA Hearings To Pin 'Big Spender' Label On President Obama

The scum even admits to it.

Dumb pubs don't realize that not everyone falls for this. The idiotic "he eats dogs" crap from rw's who don't even know that Indonesia is not a state but Hawaii is or, Obama should know what every single soldier is doing at every single moment, or Mark Sullivan is not responsible for the actions of his own people but Obama is and on and on and on.
So, a pub admits its a ploy to blame the president for something he could not possibly control but dishonest rw's call it "deflection".

Thanks for clearing that up.
There's no ploy or big conspiracy. These scandals are happening under O's watch. Yes, O is ultimately responsible just like I am ultimately responsible for what happens at my company....even if I'm not directly involved.
John Mica Admits Using GSA Hearings To Pin 'Big Spender' Label On President Obama

The scum even admits to it.

Dumb pubs don't realize that not everyone falls for this. The idiotic "he eats dogs" crap from rw's who don't even know that Indonesia is not a state but Hawaii is or, Obama should know what every single soldier is doing at every single moment, or Mark Sullivan is not responsible for the actions of his own people but Obama is and on and on and on.

Oh goodie!!

So Abu Ghraib wasn't Bush's fault?
Waterboarding wasn't Bush's fault?

He cant know "what every single soldier is doing at every single moment" right?

You people are so damn desperate to cover for this failed president.

And maybe some dont know Indonesia is not a state and Hawaii is. But I bet they know there aren't 57 states like Obama thought there were! And I bet they dont think the Navy has dead zombies working as medics, as the president called them the "corpse" men.

Just admit it. Your boy is just as stupid as the last prez and it's time he gets replaced. Eventually we'll find a good one.
So, libtards, I ask....was Bush responsible for Abu Ghraib? Was Bush responsible for what the New Orleans Mayor, the state National Guard of Louisiana and FEMA did? I mean...he had 2 wars going on, and it's a big govt, he cant be expected to keep up with all people at all times, right?
Why not Obama still blames Bush despite his being out of office for three plus year's. FYI sitting Presidents tend to get the blame for things that happen during their term in office it comes with job so suck it up and deal with it.
Trying to blame Obama for GSA
The right attempts to blame Obama for everything else – from cats stuck in trees to rush hour traffic – why should this be any different.

and this is new? the media took every opportunity ( which they aren't doing now ala Obama) to pin whatever they could on Bush.

The right sans media back up will do and does same, of course it will never gain the same steam because the media won't employ the same standard so, its a win for the dems......... it doesn't matter.

for the record no of course obama isn't to blame, but, hes responsible, just as bush wasn't to blame for abu graib, but he was responsible.
Trying to blame Obama for GSA
The right attempts to blame Obama for everything else – from cats stuck in trees to rush hour traffic – why should this be any different.

and this is new? the media took every opportunity ( which they aren't doing now ala Obama) to pin whatever they could on Bush.

The right sans media back up will do and does same, of course it will never gain the same steam because the media won't employ the same standard so, its a win for the dems......... it doesn't matter.

for the record no of course obama isn't to blame, but, hes responsible, just as bush wasn't to blame for abu graib, but he was responsible.

The colors are starting to come out with all of these scandals.
What would obama know about what is going on under leadership..He is either golfing, on vacation, or using our tax dollars to campaign for the last four years.
So, a pub admits its a ploy to blame the president for something he could not possibly control but dishonest rw's call it "deflection".

Thanks for clearing that up.

The President has no control? You mean he can't fire them? He can't investigate what they are doing? He can't deny their funding?

You're honestly trying to say that the President of the United States, the man who runs the executive branch has absolutely no power to stop something people in one department of his government do?

Then why exactly are we paying him?
John Mica Admits Using GSA Hearings To Pin 'Big Spender' Label On President Obama

The scum even admits to it.

Dumb pubs don't realize that not everyone falls for this. The idiotic "he eats dogs" crap from rw's who don't even know that Indonesia is not a state but Hawaii is or, Obama should know what every single soldier is doing at every single moment, or Mark Sullivan is not responsible for the actions of his own people but Obama is and on and on and on.

[ame=]7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Michelle Malkin OWNS Matt Lauer, Speaks Truth about Obama - YouTube[/ame]
So, a pub admits its a ploy to blame the president for something he could not possibly control but dishonest rw's call it "deflection".

Thanks for clearing that up.

The problem is he doesn't seem to be able to control ANYTHING.. NONE of it's his fault.. ya see? NOTHING
Everyone involve in the party should have been fired without a doubt.

The amount wasted on this stupid party funds the government for about 7 seconds.

They still deserved to be fired.
Everyone involve in the party should have been fired without a doubt.

The amount wasted on this stupid party funds the government for about 7 seconds.

They still deserved to be fired.

I don't know.........Obama wastes a hell of a lot more than they ever did!!!

He's the most abusive spender of them all. It just seems to be a systemic problem with this whole administration.
John Mica Admits Using GSA Hearings To Pin 'Big Spender' Label On President Obama

The scum even admits to it.

Dumb pubs don't realize that not everyone falls for this. The idiotic "he eats dogs" crap from rw's who don't even know that Indonesia is not a state but Hawaii is or, Obama should know what every single soldier is doing at every single moment, or Mark Sullivan is not responsible for the actions of his own people but Obama is and on and on and on.

Indonesia is one of the 57 isn't it?

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