TrumpUSA: Spiritual Dropkick?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Every Mother's Day, kids from around the USA ask, "Does my mom cook better than the chefs who work at Smashburger?"

It's a sane question for our commerce-centric and capitalism-geared 'TrumpUSA.'

So the question is, "Who governs over the spirit in a regime umbrella'd purely by shopping?"


SATAN: I should be a History professor at Yale University!
GOD: Are you being cynical about the formality of education in a consumerism-obsessed society?
SATAN: Why not? Is Starbucks coffee the same as National Geographic?
GOD: You can be a sociologist of capitalism without being cynical about megatrends...
SATAN: Perhaps, but shoppers don't care about intellect --- they care about instant gratification.
GOD: Do you realize how many comic book adapted vigilantism-daydream movies there are now?
SATAN: American citizens have become hypnotized by 'mallrats.'
GOD: What's wrong with toys?
SATAN: There's a difference between water-guns and Kwanzaa...
GOD: I think Americans will always differentiate between consumerism and the human spirit.
SATAN: Perhaps, and maybe that's why Oliver Stone made Wall Street, but do people care about dystopia?
GOD: Professors at Ivy League schools will continue to teach courses about fascism...
SATAN: Maybe Uncle Ben's Rice is a good thing!
GOD: We can allow such youthful optimism, since Americans will always honor democracy...
SATAN: American women will always appreciate credit card gifts from their hubbies!
GOD: The Trump Administration will coordinate capitalism with cardiology...



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