Trump's Yemen Raid: He Tweeted As SEALs Fought For Their Lives


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The president was not in the Situation Room that evening. But his Twitter account, at least, was active.

WASHINGTON ― As a team of elite U.S. commandos found themselves under unexpectedly heavy fire in a remote Yemeni village last month, eight time zones away, their commander in chief was not in the Situation Room.

It’s unclear what he, personally, was doing. But his Twitter account was busy promoting an upcoming appearance on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“He was obviously aware of the strike occurring,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the day after the raid. “He was kept in constant contact Saturday night of the status of the mission, both of the success that it had and the tragic loss of life that occurred to that member.”

Spicer, though, has not specifically said what Trump was doing between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, other than to say he was in the White House residence ― not in the Situation Room. That’s the hour ― 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. local time ― when the firefight in Yemen resulted in the deaths of some 30 people, according to news reports. U.S. forces had called in air strikes because of the ferocity of the resistance they encountered. At least 10 of those killed were women or children.

Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens was killed in the raid, and four U.S. service members were wounded. A $75 million Osprey aircraft was damaged and had to be destroyed to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Subsequent reports pointed out that Trump did not participate in a formal National Security Council review of the plan, but instead was briefed over a dinner meeting three nights before the raid.

More: As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump's Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet

This seems very cold and sloppy. One SEAL was killed and four were wounded - included the deaths of ten women and children. A terrible and poorly planned debacle.
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"Cold and sloppy"? That's the way Hussein ran the eight freaking years of the war on terrorism. I don't have any proof but I bet the liberal shadow intell network tipped off the bad guys.
You do know Trump is not made aware every time soldiers are engaged in a firefight, right, you pathetic piece of liberal dung?!
He ordered it, dumb shit.

The president was not in the Situation Room that evening. But his Twitter account, at least, was active.

WASHINGTON ― As a team of elite U.S. commandos found themselves under unexpectedly heavy fire in a remote Yemeni village last month, eight time zones away, their commander in chief was not in the Situation Room.

It’s unclear what he, personally, was doing. But his Twitter account was busy promoting an upcoming appearance on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“He was obviously aware of the strike occurring,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the day after the raid. “He was kept in constant contact Saturday night of the status of the mission, both of the success that it had and the tragic loss of life that occurred to that member.”

Spicer, though, has not specifically said what Trump was doing between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, other than to say he was in the White House residence ― not in the Situation Room. That’s the hour ― 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. local time ― when the firefight in Yemen resulted in the deaths of some 30 people, according to news reports. U.S. forces had called in air strikes because of the ferocity of the resistance they encountered. At least 10 of those killed were women or children.

Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens was killed in the raid, and four U.S. service members were wounded. A $75 million Osprey aircraft was damaged and had to be destroyed to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Subsequent reports pointed out that Trump did not participate in a formal National Security Council review of the plan, but instead was briefed over a dinner meeting three nights before the raid.

More: As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump's Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet

This seems very cold and sloppy. One SEAL was killed and four were wounded - included the deaths of ten women and children. A terrible and poorly planned debacle.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CIC that gives the military a mission and actually has the confidence they will get the job done with out him micromanaging them. Who would have thought something like that was possible? LMFAO
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CIC that gives the military a mission and actually has the confidence they will get the job done with out him micromanaging them. Who would have thought something like that was possible? LMFAO

No one was told to stand down and I bet they are even allowed to fire on targets and even fight back when attacked. A foreign concept to libs to let the military do what it does best.
Anyone been busted for the tip off to AQ?

Or has the Commander who knew that AQ was aware of the operation even been investigated for why he continued the mission when the secrecy was blown because of the tip off to the terrorists?
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CIC that gives the military a mission and actually has the confidence they will get the job done with out him micromanaging them. Who would have thought something like that was possible? LMFAO

No one was told to stand down and I bet they are even allowed to fire on targets and even fight back when attacked. A foreign concept to libs to let the military do what it does best.

Yep, the military is there to break shit and kill people, they're not cops.
Nothing like the D media concentrating on Trump's tweets. Just zooming in with a laser focus on tweets as compared to never finding out what Obama and Hillary were doing during the terror attack in Benghazi.

The president was not in the Situation Room that evening. But his Twitter account, at least, was active.

WASHINGTON ― As a team of elite U.S. commandos found themselves under unexpectedly heavy fire in a remote Yemeni village last month, eight time zones away, their commander in chief was not in the Situation Room.

It’s unclear what he, personally, was doing. But his Twitter account was busy promoting an upcoming appearance on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“He was obviously aware of the strike occurring,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the day after the raid. “He was kept in constant contact Saturday night of the status of the mission, both of the success that it had and the tragic loss of life that occurred to that member.”

Spicer, though, has not specifically said what Trump was doing between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, other than to say he was in the White House residence ― not in the Situation Room. That’s the hour ― 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. local time ― when the firefight in Yemen resulted in the deaths of some 30 people, according to news reports. U.S. forces had called in air strikes because of the ferocity of the resistance they encountered. At least 10 of those killed were women or children.

Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens was killed in the raid, and four U.S. service members were wounded. A $75 million Osprey aircraft was damaged and had to be destroyed to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Subsequent reports pointed out that Trump did not participate in a formal National Security Council review of the plan, but instead was briefed over a dinner meeting three nights before the raid.

More: As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump's Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet

This seems very cold and sloppy. One SEAL was killed and four were wounded - included the deaths of ten women and children. A terrible and poorly planned debacle.
This sounds familiar...:bye1:
Anyone been busted for the tip off to AQ?

Or has the Commander who knew that AQ was aware of the operation even been investigated for why he continued the mission when the secrecy was blown because of the tip off to the terrorists?

Ever thought they considered the possible intel they might acquire worth the risk?
Anyone been busted for the tip off to AQ?

Or has the Commander who knew that AQ was aware of the operation even been investigated for why he continued the mission when the secrecy was blown because of the tip off to the terrorists?

Ever thought they considered the possible intel they might acquire worth the risk?

Oh certainly. AQ had enough notice unfortunately to be completely prepared including mounting their disgusting defence; human shields.

The tip off is very disturbing in light of what we are finding out about the Democrats IT team of brothers who had access to the House Intelligence Committee's data and others.

This scandal is going to be a biggie.
The president was not in the Situation Room that evening. But his Twitter account, at least, was active.

WASHINGTON ― As a team of elite U.S. commandos found themselves under unexpectedly heavy fire in a remote Yemeni village last month, eight time zones away, their commander in chief was not in the Situation Room.

It’s unclear what he, personally, was doing. But his Twitter account was busy promoting an upcoming appearance on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“He was obviously aware of the strike occurring,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the day after the raid. “He was kept in constant contact Saturday night of the status of the mission, both of the success that it had and the tragic loss of life that occurred to that member.”

Spicer, though, has not specifically said what Trump was doing between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 28, other than to say he was in the White House residence ― not in the Situation Room. That’s the hour ― 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. local time ― when the firefight in Yemen resulted in the deaths of some 30 people, according to news reports. U.S. forces had called in air strikes because of the ferocity of the resistance they encountered. At least 10 of those killed were women or children.

Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens was killed in the raid, and four U.S. service members were wounded. A $75 million Osprey aircraft was damaged and had to be destroyed to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Subsequent reports pointed out that Trump did not participate in a formal National Security Council review of the plan, but instead was briefed over a dinner meeting three nights before the raid.

More: As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump's Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet

This seems very cold and sloppy. One SEAL was killed and four were wounded - included the deaths of ten women and children. A terrible and poorly planned debacle.
Remember that time during the Obama administration when 25 Operators died in an operation to take out a Senior Taliban Leader. Where was your fucking outrage then ?
Anyone been busted for the tip off to AQ?

Or has the Commander who knew that AQ was aware of the operation even been investigated for why he continued the mission when the secrecy was blown because of the tip off to the terrorists?

Ever thought they considered the possible intel they might acquire worth the risk?

Oh certainly. AQ had enough notice unfortunately to be completely prepared including mounting their disgusting defence; human shields.

The tip off is very disturbing in light of what we are finding out about the Democrats IT team of brothers who had access to the House Intelligence Committee's data and others.

This scandal is going to be a biggie.

Like I've always said, we'll keep having to do things like this till the muslim parents decide to love their children more than they hate us. The Seals weren't expecting the women to join the fight, they did, they died.

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