Trump's Toxic Influence Goes Well Beyond the Headlines


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

ROTFLMAO!!!! "The Washington Compost!!!!! And an OPINION PIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The biggest tragedy of it all is that it seems he does not even realize just how badly he is harming our country in his vain attempts to simply cover his ass and pump his ego.
Clayton's on yet another parasite and hate Trump rampage ... nothing of value or new here...
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
The biggest tragedy of it all is that it seems he does not even realize just how badly he is harming our country in his vain attempts to simply cover his ass and pump his ego.

It's not "our country" any more and it sure as hell isn't "your country".

How can any Democrat claim this country while refusing to take part in the legislative process, as you people are doing?
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
You missed the point, he expressed an opinion that is counter to values that have stood firm since the founding of our country. This opinion shows he does not fully grasp the fact that he is a public servant now. People are going to write books about him and he no longer has any means to shut people up.
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
You missed the point, he expressed an opinion that is counter to values that have stood firm since the founding of our country. This opinion shows he does not fully grasp the fact that he is a public servant now. People are going to write books about him and he no longer has any means to shut people up.

Your unstated assumption that any effort to hold people responsibly for false statements is completely contradictory to Freedom of Speech is unsupported.

Your hysteria over this non issues is utter nonsense.

And this was the TOP example offered in support of the moronic conclusion of the article and this thread title.

The biggest tragedy of it all is that it seems he does not even realize just how badly he is harming our country in his vain attempts to simply cover his ass and pump his ego.

It's not "our country" any more and it sure as hell isn't "your country".

How can any Democrat claim this country while refusing to take part in the legislative process, as you people are doing?
LOL that's fucking pathetic, typical short memory Trumpbot.
Democrats have lost all their credibility and their outrage is pure hypocrisy after the non-presidential and traitorous behaviors of the Clinton/Obama years.

To trust a Democrat is to trust the word of an emotional basket case with racist tendencies, especially in the Trump years.
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“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
You missed the point, he expressed an opinion that is counter to values that have stood firm since the founding of our country. This opinion shows he does not fully grasp the fact that he is a public servant now. People are going to write books about him and he no longer has any means to shut people up.

No. Apparently you missed the point, were you living in a cave for the last 8 years or something? Barack Obama was a prime example of someone who had a toxic influence influence on this country. He repeatedly undermined not only democratic values, but the values expressed in the United States Constitution in very spectacular ways, which also went relatively unchallenged. And yet, where was the widespread outrage? For 8 years, we never saw a single instance where the left and the Democrat Party even attempted to hold Obama accountable for his blatant disregard for the U.S Constitution or for traditional American values. Instead, he went prancing all over the world, denigrating America at every given opportunity.
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
You missed the point, he expressed an opinion that is counter to values that have stood firm since the founding of our country. This opinion shows he does not fully grasp the fact that he is a public servant now. People are going to write books about him and he no longer has any means to shut people up.

Your unstated assumption that any effort to hold people responsibly for false statements is completely contradictory to Freedom of Speech is unsupported.

Your hysteria over this non issues is utter nonsense.

And this was the TOP example offered in support of the moronic conclusion of the article and this thread title.

Once you become an elected official you pretty much have no recourse to punish people who say things about you that you don't like. You should be glad about that since it allows all your favorite propaganda sources to tell all the unbelievable whoppers you embrace as the gospel.
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
You missed the point, he expressed an opinion that is counter to values that have stood firm since the founding of our country. This opinion shows he does not fully grasp the fact that he is a public servant now. People are going to write books about him and he no longer has any means to shut people up.

Your unstated assumption that any effort to hold people responsibly for false statements is completely contradictory to Freedom of Speech is unsupported.

Your hysteria over this non issues is utter nonsense.

And this was the TOP example offered in support of the moronic conclusion of the article and this thread title.

Once you become an elected official you pretty much have no recourse to punish people who say things about you that you don't like. You should be glad about that since it allows all your favorite propaganda sources to tell all the unbelievable whoppers you embrace as the gospel.

Your sensitivity over just a hint that maybe someday, your vile lefty allies in the vile media, might have to show some restraint in their vile lies,

is noted as evidence as to how scared you are anything that might limit your ability to spew lies.

AND once again, this was the TOP example to support the bullshit article conclusion/thread title.

Consider this thread refuted.
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

You of course, do not bother to present any examples, in your op, you are too busy making strong and negative statements, over and over again, as a form of propaganda.

So, I did it. I clicked on your link that went to the piece of shit Washington post.

Here is their top example to support their bullshit claim.

"Following the publication of an unflattering book, Mr. Trump insisted that the country should have tougher libel laws that would make it easier for powerful public figures such as himself to sue writers who say things that are “false” —"

Wow. Such a terrible person. He voiced an off the cuff wish for tougher libel laws.

Not the lack of any actual actions.

Then the piece of shit media went on to mis characterize this as

"that is, to gag critics the president does not like."

Big leap from a vague and weak wish "tougher libel laws" and the President having the power to gag critics.

From such panic mongering to be reasonable, the law would have to be in a final or near final form and being put forth in congress, and the points of the bill that could reasonable be abused to lead to censorship would have to cited and

THEN, real concerns about censorship would be called for.

As it is, this was nothing but shit.

AND this was their TOP example to support their shit headline.

This is nothing but propaganda, based on the idea of just drowning out all competing voices with a din of negative bullshit, until it creates the illusion of a point.

YOu are a vile propagandist.
You missed the point, he expressed an opinion that is counter to values that have stood firm since the founding of our country. This opinion shows he does not fully grasp the fact that he is a public servant now. People are going to write books about him and he no longer has any means to shut people up.

No. Apparently you missed the point, were you living in a cave for the last 8 years or something? Barack Obama was a prime example of someone who had a toxic influence influence on this country. He repeatedly undermined not only democratic values, but the values expressed in the United States Constitution in very spectacular ways, which also went relatively unchallenged. And yet, where was the widespread outrage? For 8 years, we never saw a single instance where the left and the Democrat Party even attempted to hold Obama accountable for his blatant disregard for the U.S Constitution or for traditional American values. Instead, he went prancing all over the world, denigrating America at every given opportunity.
Your president respects none of your alleged values and you do not care.
“PRESIDENT TRUMP held a televised meeting with lawmakers last week, in part to rebut claims that he was unfit for the presidency. Since that meeting, he did and said some awful things that dominated the news. But part of Mr. Trump’s toxic influence lies in how he undermines democratic values in less spectacular ways that go relatively unchallenged. In any other presidency, these violations of norms and standards, all of which occurred in the few days after Tuesday’s meeting, would have produced widespread outrage.”

Opinion | Trump’s toxic influence goes well beyond the headlines

Widespread outrage among the right with any other Democratic presidency.

We're stuck with one of the 2 Meglomanical Power Whores that were deemed "winners" by the mindless politic circus of the 2016 election. Not my war at all. But from the outside looking in -- we're circling the drain in a tub full of hypocrisy and SELECTIVE outrage from the warring primitive tribes that are intent on destroying our entire political process. And that INCLUDES partisan shills like the WashPo..

The Meglo we're stuck with DOES exaggerate and arrogantly self-promote. It's a trademark of entrepreneurs and NOT a mental condition. BUT -- the distinction is --- what he ADVOCATES is not that different from what MOST of his "resisters" were advocating just a decade or so before. AND -- it usually reflects a CONVICTION to put America's best interests first. A concept that is NOW reviled and considered unacceptable to those used to promotion of the idea that America should prostrate itself in the greater interests of the world.

Only folks so fixated on racial, sexual, religious, class divisions as the current Dem party could turn the observation that hellholes or shitholes EXIST in the world into a RACIST meme. Not even Lindsey could avoid calling Mexico a hellhole just a few years back. BUT -- there was no "racial connotation" there -- was there? That places exist where tyranny, despair, corruption, poverty and systemic dysfunction are the HALLMARKS of life in those places is not offensive or insensitive. IN FACT -- it's a pre-requisite to ACKNOWLEDGE those facts to even postulate that there might a humanitarian refugee NEED to emmigrate from those places. And they exist in all colors and all types of "cultures".
Democrats have lost all their credibility and their outrage is pure hypocrisy after the non-presidential and traitorous behaviors of the Clinton/Obama years.

To trust a Democrat is to trust the word of an emotional basket case with racist tendencies, especially in the Trump years.

how long have you been a democrat, dumpy?
Democrats have lost all their credibility and their outrage is pure hypocrisy after the non-presidential and traitorous behaviors of the Clinton/Obama years.

To trust a Democrat is to trust the word of an emotional basket case with racist tendencies, especially in the Trump years.

how long have you been a democrat, dumpy?

More of a had been a Democrat in those me me me adolescent years.

I suspect you're still dedicated to being a jackass... :eusa_clap:

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