Trump's ‘terrible things are going to happen’


If these pathetic yokels REALLY thought the election were stolen, they would have started shooting already. Outside of straight up assassination, what could be a more grotesque violation?

What you have in most Trump supporters are folks who are simply not very bright, like that he legitimizes their latent (or developed) bigotry, and/or just really hate the changes they see in the country. The fact that they cannot fathom that he is the poster child of globalization and elitism is what is really astonishing. Was it PT Barnum that said that nobody has ever went broke underestimating the idiocy of the average American or something like that? Trump has made his political life out of this very thing.

Can't share a nation with this mindset.

It must either be pushed back or broken away from. That's it.
It looks like sporadic violence is now all but inevitable. I wonder if there is a point at which it gets bad enough that MAGA media has to turn down the fire-stoking.

All the posts now are basically "REPUBLICANS POUNCE!!!"

It's that bad now, see. Can't defend the FBI or the DOJ, the fact that they took his attorney/client papers, that they took his passports, that the DOJ won't release the affidavit.

So now the only thing left for sad "Ol' Mac" to do is wring his hands over just how mad we'll get.
Yep, most of the stuff he says would be enough to convict, even this, except that the FBI are literally walking on eggshells because they know how quickly this could turn very, very nasty.

They screwed up. Big.

And all you folks can discuss, again, is how mad we might be.

Mad. Now you figure out how bad, and when we might act. But whatever you do, don't discuss that our nation is a banana republic. Just focus all that hatred and seething on our response.

Way to go
A flamboyant, hypersensitive, fast-talking, hair sprayed, manicured, makeup-caked, juvenile, vulgar, gold-plated New York City billionaire.

They've not only bought the whole act, but they've forced the GQP to go along with it. It's still inexplicable to me.

What does this say about this country? That's the bottom line for me, beyond all the bullshit.

Mac's got big feelings, they're really hurt, and they appear to be really hurt right in his butt. Mac big butthurt over Donald.

Poor Mac.

How much contradiction can we get in one Trump communication?

He said:

"The country is in a very dangerous position."

Yes it is, and mostly it seems to be caused by a guy who'll open his mouth and shout to get what he wants without thinking about the consequences to his actions.

"There is tremendous anger, like I’ve never seen before,"

Well, there's tremendous anger, if he's not see anything like this before, race riots for example, then he's either not been watching closely, or, more likely, everything he says he exaggerates in order to make it sound worse than it actually is.

"over all of the scams, and this new one, years of scams and witch hunts, and now this,”

It's not a "witch hunt" if they ACTUALLY FIND WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR. And they did find what they were looking for.

"The former president told the outlet that he “will do whatever” he can “to help the country”,"

What does he think his actions are doing? He's not helping the country one bit, never did. He helped himself and nobody else.

"Mr Trump said that Americans are “not going to stand for another scam”"

The scam is Trump saying whatever he wants, putting people's lives in danger, putting the country in danger. It's not a "witch hunt" or a "scam" if they actually find what they're looking for.

You've fallen for the lunatic MSM propaganda, and you're smarter than that.

Trump's just another shitty US president, but easily the best since Clinton (also just another shitty US president).

And he's simply speaking the truth.

He's been targeted since Election Day 2016 (before actually, but especially since) because he's a political outsider with a conscience (pig that he can be), and not a swamp monster, and the swamp monsters and oligarchy do NOT like that.

They wanted World War III under Clinton, but his populism scuttled all that, and now he could delay that war ANOTHER 4-6 years if re-elected?

They are NOT going to stand for it.

Or so they believe.

They REALLY need to leave the guy alone...
"Stop investigating me, or I'll keep telling my violent brownshirt followers to go on a terrorist rampage."

That's called "extortion".

Needless to say, every Trump cult thug here supports it. All Trump cultists support treason and terrorism.

So deluded, so mentally compromised Trump that say exactly the OPPOSITE of this IN THE OP and the words that they read are above.

How much contradiction can we get in one Trump communication?

He said:

"The country is in a very dangerous position."

Yes it is, and mostly it seems to be caused by a guy who'll open his mouth and shout to get what he wants without thinking about the consequences to his actions.

"There is tremendous anger, like I’ve never seen before,"

Well, there's tremendous anger, if he's not see anything like this before, race riots for example, then he's either not been watching closely, or, more likely, everything he says he exaggerates in order to make it sound worse than it actually is.

"over all of the scams, and this new one, years of scams and witch hunts, and now this,”

It's not a "witch hunt" if they ACTUALLY FIND WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR. And they did find what they were looking for.

"The former president told the outlet that he “will do whatever” he can “to help the country”,"

What does he think his actions are doing? He's not helping the country one bit, never did. He helped himself and nobody else.

"Mr Trump said that Americans are “not going to stand for another scam”"

The scam is Trump saying whatever he wants, putting people's lives in danger, putting the country in danger. It's not a "witch hunt" or a "scam" if they actually find what they're looking for.
It's like watching a master class in Orwellian tactics.
It's enlightening reading posts like this, they give a real insight into the progressive hive mind group think.
If we really thought the election was stolen we would've started shooting already?
That's hilarious! We KNOW the election was stolen & Pedo Joe is an illegit fraud in a dirty diaper.

Ya'll are so pumped full of propaganda & false narratives it's sad & pathetic to hear how delusional & deranged they have made you.
If you & the rest of your sheeple weren't supporting such dangerous lunatics I'd be tempted to just laugh but there is nothing funny about the real harm you have done to the country.

As I said.

Much of their mentally must either be beaten back to a small tiny minority (figuratively) or we must separate from it. You can't share a nation with this. You just cannot.
I think there is an intersection of interests in this case. Combine the win-at-all-costs Republicans who are completely without principle or scruples with a cult of personality and you get this. For all of your stating that the "democrats have lost their shit" can pretty much draw a straight line through every democrat nominated for President since Mondale to Biden. pro-unions, pro-choice, pro-free trade, pro-social safety net.... The GOP who pride themselves on being "conservative", "family values", "free trade"? Nope. Its going to be a hard landing in the post Trump era
The two ends of the spectrum have lost their shit in different ways. What has happened on the Right is a far more pressing, immediate matter, granted. That is clear.

But not coincidentally, much of what has animated these poor manipulated souls on the Right has at least a basis in reality. It's not 100% fantasy. And that's the fault of the Left losing ITS shit on PC, Identity Politics, and other cultural issues. The most effective lies include a kernel of truth.

As always, the two ends of the spectrum feed into the worst impulses of the other.
Yep, most of the stuff he says would be enough to convict, even this,

This is your cultural ignorance of your former colonies speaking.

Free speech is VERY different in the United States, and MUCH more restricted in the Commonwealth.
except that the FBI are literally walking on eggshells because they know how quickly this could turn very, very nasty.
They'd best, because they've angered a LOT of good people.

I liken it to a wife (or husband) who is beaten and beaten and beaten time after time, and they're not going to allow themselves to be treated this way ever again.
You can see how he talks to people on the phone. He's always trying to figure out how to manipulate that person into doing whatever he wants.

And he managed it on a huge scale to become president.
^ Describing pretty much every politician ever...
Ooh, a lefty circle jerk... have a ball , nobody believes you lying fraudsters anymore. Why do you all hate America and Americans... don't answer that , I won't believe you.
Liberal, not lefty.

None of these people are lefties.
The two ends of the spectrum have lost their shit in different ways. What has happened on the Right is a far more pressing, immediate matter, granted. That is clear.

But not coincidentally, much of what has animated these poor manipulated souls on the Right has at least a basis in reality. It's not 100% fantasy. And that's the fault of the Left losing ITS shit on PC, Identity Politics, and other cultural issues. The most effective lies include a kernel of truth.

As always, the two ends of the spectrum feed into the worst impulses of the other.

You are wrong again, and are too short sighted to see that the personal things you don't like about Trump, which you typed in this thread, are what motivates you to be wrong. Again.

But you're the most self-satisfied wrong person I have ever encountered online. So smug that you think anyone who doesn't agree with you must be studied by psychologists, and no amount or number of people who tell you to "look in the mirror" will change your mind.

But no worries, Mac. It's us. It's not you.
Wow. Taken you a while to abandon your 'they're all the same' shtick.
Yeah, and as usual, he has it backwards.

The Democrats and their swamp masters have raised the stakes to an incredibly dangerous level.

Even for them, and they have no apparent conscience... :(

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