Trump's ‘terrible things are going to happen’

You should just change your name to YaBut1958. Your posts are all the same. The left does something stupid and you barge in to inform us all how, Both Sides Have Crazies You Know! Until it’s a right winger that says something dumb then it’s all the rights fault. For a guy who try’s so hard to be thought of as smart (not working). It’s amazing how you can’t connect obvious dots. When a right winger says something kind of dumb it’s just that one person. When a lefty says something dumb at least half the democrats will agree with it.

If these pathetic yokels REALLY thought the election were stolen, they would have started shooting already. Outside of straight up assassination, what could be a more grotesque violation?

What you have in most Trump supporters are folks who are simply not very bright, like that he legitimizes their latent (or developed) bigotry, and/or just really hate the changes they see in the country. The fact that they cannot fathom that he is the poster child of globalization and elitism is what is really astonishing. Was it PT Barnum that said that nobody has ever went broke underestimating the idiocy of the average American or something like that? Trump has made his political life out of this very thing.
I admire those bright democrats like Obama who thinks there is 57 states and who doesnt appreciate democrats reminding us what idiots the american people are??????
Yet nobody has been indicted, including Gaetz.

Well, good poster you think if we could turn loose your favorite sleuths --the CyberNinjas..... this whole thing could be peaceably resolved?
You remember your Ninja' doncha?
They were your 9 million dollar Paladins who were gonna save your bacon on the 'stolen election' laugher.
Instead, they found MORE votes for Joe.
And LESS votes for DonT.

So, amigo, maybe you should hire Inspector Clouseau? Or Wiley Coyote?

Good luck. ;)
Let it turn nasty and let end this nonsense once and for all so the Country can move forward!
trump won't hesitate to incite enough anger and violence to injure and kill thousands. It is all about him. His cult cannot see that he does not care about the party...he does not care about the country.

Look at the people that have died and been injured because of the Big Lie.
trump won't hesitate to incite enough anger and violence to injure and kill thousands. It is all about him. His cult cannot see that he does not care about the party...he does not care about the country.

Look at the people that have died and been injured because of the Big Lie.
Trump as you pointed out only cares about himself because if he cares about the Nation he would have done what George W. Bush did and slithered off and not stayed in Politics.
I really think that would thrill trump. He was said to do the same thing with his staff in the WH. He enjoyed seeing strife and conflict.
He loves for Chaos!

Trump didn't do intelligent.
'Liberal commentators argue that Trump should be prosecuted, whatever his ultimate rationale, because his ability to get away with lawless conduct in the past has strengthened him, and that his followers shouldn’t have a violent heckler’s veto over proper law enforcement.
What was the response by the "liberal commentators" when it was pointed out to them that liberalism owes its birth and very existence to those claims, and that when convenient to/for them it still exists to this day...
... and that their above claim is the foundational cornerstone of liberalism and that donald trump has found his own use for it?...
...or did they just get to once again walk away from their part in all this without having to answer for it?

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