Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

Wrong again asshole. By law, and their own rules, that committee must still adhere to the laws. Seems that you swung and missed again. As usual. Still waiting for that SCOTUS decision declaring Trump’s taxes public record.

The court addressed that law, word for word. And found that the Rules of the House of Representatives allowed for the disclosure to the public with a vote by the committee.

"However, despite no guarantee of confidentiality in the Chairman’s Request, the statute does address the Trump Parties’ concerns. “[A]ny return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.” 26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)(1). What occurs during an executive session of a committee may not be disclosed to the public without a vote of the committee. Rules of the House of Representatives, 117th Cong., Rule XI, cl. 2(k)(7) (2021).

And the SCOTUS upheld the ruling above......without a single dissent.

Laughing....but tell us again how no court has ever found that Trump’s tax returns can be released to the public.

For the giggles.
I have long argued that all tax returns of major government officials, elected and appointed, should be by law made public … as in most Scandinavian countries. Here in the U.S. “privacy laws” often help disguise corporate and individual financial crimes — not just tax thievery and government officials’ corruption. See my comment #261 above.

I haven’t argued anything about the tax laws and Trump, but just pointed out his hypocrisy and lying about volunteering to release them after (then nonexistent) audits were complete. Trump was (like most real estate oligarchs) among the worst “legal tax avoiders” precisely because our laws are so “flexible” and poorly enforced for the wealthiest Americans.

It amazes me that MAGA supporters rail against corporate corruption and global banking while their party has opposed almost every significant attempt to increase financial transparency, close global tax schemes of multinational corporations, Hedge Funds, etc. To my mind, tax files (of “public servants” especially) should be public. The Scandinavian experience shows the way. Safety measures like a time delay for normal filers, and notifying filers of names of those seeking their individual tax return info is certainly appropriate. Tax filings for corporations and wealthy individuals do not even indicate actual wealth, and often require experts to interpret them.

An end to big money corruption of politicians in both parties first of all requires maximum transparency. The problem lies in the whole system. No “savior” or party, least of all Trump and his cult, can solve these problems without a radical social-democratic program that addresses systemic issues.
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No,'re citing yourself as the supreme legal authority again....insisting that you override the Supreme Court, the law and all caselaw.

You don't.
No I'm not, dumbass. I'm not going to bother proving it to a brain damaged douchebag like you. Everyone can read what the Constitution actually says, and it's not what the Supreme Court says. They're just a bunch of butt sucking toadies. Their opinion may have the force of law, but that doesn't make it correct in the absolute sense.

Again, the Supreme Court has explicitly contradicted your 5th amendment claims. And a 4th amendment violation isn't even possible as the Ways and Means Committee didn't search Trump, his person, his home, anything.
Again, reality is the Constitution doesn't agree with SC rulings.

They called on the government to turnover documents in the possession of the government.

This is why even Trump's lawyers never argued your dogshit 5th or 4th amendment gibberish. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

The government isn't legally entitled to have those documents, so fuck off.
No I'm not, dumbass. I'm not going to bother proving it to a brain damaged douchebag like you. Everyone can read what the Constitution actually says, and it's not what the Supreme Court says. They're just a bunch of butt sucking toadies. Their opinion may have the force of law, but that doesn't make it correct in the absolute sense.

Again, reality is the Constitution doesn't agree with SC rulings.

The government isn't legally entitled to have those documents, so fuck off

Your argument is literally that the Supreme Court is wrong and that you're right. Because you say so. Its the same silly, meaningless nonsense....and its not a legal argument.

The constitution doesn't say what you do. Its not even possible for there to be a 4th amendment violation, as the Ways and Means Committee didn't demand anything from Trump. There was no search of Trump, his person, his home, or car.

The government sought the documents from the government.

There is no prohibition in the Constitution against the government retrieving documents it already possesses.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.
Your argument is literally that the Supreme Court is wrong and that you're right. Because you say so. Its the same silly, meaningless nonsense....and its not a legal argument.
Yes, but not because I say so. Numberers legal scholars have discussed the issue, but I'm not going to present their arguments here. That's too much work, and I simply don't care what you think. You're a fucking bonehead who is incapable of committing logic.

The constitution doesn't say what you do. Its not even possible for there to be a 4th amendment violation, as the Ways and Means Committee didn't demand anything from Trump. There was no search of Trump, his person, his home, or car.
They demanded his tax returns, moron. The IRS handed them over without Trump's permission. End of story.

The government sought the documents from the government.

There is no prohibition in the Constitution against the government retrieving documents it already possesses.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

The government obtained them illegally,
Yes, but not because I say so. Numberers legal scholars have discussed the issue, but I'm not going to present their arguments here. That's too much work, and I simply don't care what you think. You're a fucking bonehead who is incapable of committing logic.
'Numberers scholars', huh? Let me check the constitution really quick to see if 'numberers scholars' are imbued with the judicial power?

Just a sec.....

Almost there.....


That would be the judiciary. So you're ignoring the Supreme Court, imbued with the judicial power for 'numberers scholars' which you can't even cite. To support an argument that is just you....saying it must be so.

Laughing.....that's not a legal argument.

A 4th amendment violation isn't the Ways and Means Committee didn't search trump. The government got documents from the government.

And 'poof', your entire silly pseudo-legal nonsense argument collapses.
They demanded his tax returns, moron. The IRS handed them over without Trump's permission. End of story. just demonstrated my point. The Ways and Means Committee didn't get the documents from Trump. They got them from the IRS.

Making a 4th amendment violation impossible, as Trump was never searched.

And the Ways and Means Committee doesn't need Trump's permission to gain access to those documents from the IRS. Says who? Says the judicary AND the USC.

Try again.

The government obtained them illegally,

Illegally, says you, citing you. Perfectly legally says the Rules of the House of Representatives, the United States Code, and the appellant court.

Remember, you're nobody.
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It has been IRS policy to audit the taxes of the sitting President and Vice-President.

I am not as concerned with Trump's previous tax returns as I am concerned as to why his taxes were not audited while he was in the White House.
i paid more in taxes thrn that motherfucker did & there's plenty more like him. That's why they're howling about restoring IRS funding, because the're greedy asses may get caught for screwing the rest of us. Guess who does their bidding? Slime such as Ted Cruz appearing on Fox News.
you paid 1.1 million in taxes???
It has been IRS policy to audit the taxes of the sitting President and Vice-President.

I am not as concerned with Trump's previous tax returns as I am concerned as to why his taxes were not audited while he was in the White House.

And that is among the reasons the Ways and Means Committee sought Trump's tax docs from the IRS.

With the appellant court affirming it was thoroughly constitutional. And the Supreme Court upholding the appellant ruling without a single dissent.
It has been IRS policy to audit the taxes of the sitting President and Vice-President.

I am not as concerned with Trump's previous tax returns as I am concerned as to why his taxes were not audited while he was in the White House.
they were his last two years..with that said did the committee interview the first IRS Commish under his admin? which was obama’s holdover, or the second which was the acting IrS Commish, prior to his being put in?

where is their testimony?
No. Trump paid $0 in taxes in two years, I believe 2020 was one of them.
yeah he had no income those years…why would he? he did however pay 1.1 million during that four year span…you won’t make that much in your life let alone pay it in taxes.
'Numberers scholars', huh? Let me check the constitution really quick to see if 'numberers scholars' are imbued with the judicial power?

Just a sec.....

Almost there.....


That would be the judiciary. So you're ignoring the Supreme Court, imbued with the judicial power for 'numberers scholars' which you can't even cite. To support an argument that is just you....saying it must be so.

Laughing.....that's not a legal argument.

A 4th amendment violation isn't the Ways and Means Committee didn't search trump. The government got documents from the government.

And 'poof', your entire silly pseudo-legal nonsense argument collapses.
You entire line of "argument," if you can call it that, is based on the premise that the SC is infallible. Only morons believe that. just demonstrated my point. The Ways and Means Committee didn't get the documents from Trump. They got them from the IRS.

Making a 4th amendment violation impossible, as Trump was never searched.

And the Ways and Means Committee doesn't need Trump's permission to gain access to those documents from the IRS. Says who? Says the judicary AND the USC.

Try again.

Illegally, says you, citing you. Perfectly legally says the Rules of the House of Representatives, the United States Code, and the appellant court.

Remember, you're nobody.
You've already proven your inability to commit logic.

We're done.
We are. The current law states that Congress has a right to the tax returns of any American.
no that’s not true. The current law only allows the ways and means committee the right to review them if it’s for a legit legislative purpose. That’s why the House first lost in the courts when they went after trump’s…the case was remanded then they said it was to review the irs policy on review presidential returns…oddly they never called any of the irs commissioners…but the court said that was enough
Trump is arguably the most audited person on the planet.
He's been continually audited by every Federal Agency you can name for years, and they haven't found anything to use against him for prosecution.
Nothing, nada, zilch, zip, zero
But the looney liberal Democrats keep trying and trying. .. :bang3:
no that’s not true. The current law only allows the ways and means committee the right to review them if it’s for a legit legislative purpose.
No it doesn't because the 5th Amendment doesn't allow government to force us to report our income.

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