Trumps tax plan ..


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
MAJOR-MAJOR cuts ... 5 of them !!

and then, he drop-kicks the tax paying little guy DEAD SQUARE IN THE FUCKING NUTS ...

6 small-business bombshells in Trump's tax plan

6. Elimination of mortgage interest deduction. Where can we find the money to make up for all these tax cuts for big corporations and the rich? By eliminating major deductions. One that’s being considered is eliminating the mortgage interest deduction. This helps many middle class Americans buy a home. Without it, there’s likely to be fewer home owners, and middle class homeowners hire a lot of small business people — home improvement contractors, painters, carpenters, landscapers and realtors, for instance. Less business for all of them.
MAJOR-MAJOR cuts ... 5 of them !!

and then, he drop-kicks the tax paying little guy DEAD SQUARE IN THE FUCKING NUTS ...

6 small-business bombshells in Trump's tax plan

6. Elimination of mortgage interest deduction. Where can we find the money to make up for all these tax cuts for big corporations and the rich? By eliminating major deductions. One that’s being considered is eliminating the mortgage interest deduction. This helps many middle class Americans buy a home. Without it, there’s likely to be fewer home owners, and middle class homeowners hire a lot of small business people — home improvement contractors, painters, carpenters, landscapers and realtors, for instance. Less business for all of them.
The MID raises the cost of houses, and increases tax rates on EVERYONE. The only people who win with higher home prices are bankers, home builders, and realtors.

It's a massive wealth transfer UP the food chain.

The MID is a boondoggle which needs to go so everyone can have lower tax rates.
Where you need to watch closely is how lowering the corporate tax rate will be paid for. The RIGHT way to do that is to eliminate all the tax breaks given to special interests.

However, the Republicans in Congress already tried that, and the special interests bribed and twisted arms until they got all their government gifts put back in, making it IMPOSSIBLE to lower corporate tax rates without creating a WHOLE NEW TAX. The infamous "border adjustment tax".

THAT is where you are getting fucked up the ass, boys and girls.

I covered this in detail here: Lowering Corporate Tax Rates The Coward’s Way
"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

Bend over, boys and girls. No one is paying attention, including you.
MAJOR-MAJOR cuts ... 5 of them !!

and then, he drop-kicks the tax paying little guy DEAD SQUARE IN THE FUCKING NUTS ...

6 small-business bombshells in Trump's tax plan

6. Elimination of mortgage interest deduction. Where can we find the money to make up for all these tax cuts for big corporations and the rich? By eliminating major deductions. One that’s being considered is eliminating the mortgage interest deduction. This helps many middle class Americans buy a home. Without it, there’s likely to be fewer home owners, and middle class homeowners hire a lot of small business people — home improvement contractors, painters, carpenters, landscapers and realtors, for instance. Less business for all of them.
The MID raises the cost of houses, and increases tax rates on EVERYONE. The only people who win with higher home prices are bankers, home builders, and realtors.

It's a massive wealth transfer UP the food chain.

The MID is a boondoggle which needs to go so everyone can have lower tax rates.

The bigger question is, when will anyone find a viable example of government based on libertarianism.
seems like I remember W trying to cross the MID at one time ..

tax you cant spend - refunding taxes increases spending, seemed to be his stance at the time ... maybe not.
This is the end of it, the middle class if officially going to be over. No employer health ins, no overtime pay, no foodstamps for those in need,

and the death panel will now include all the lower class.

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