Trump’s Syria Plan Was/Is GENIUS! Here’s why...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Just imagine if Trump had some support from the House. He could repair a lot of damage if he had just a little support. But don't hold your breath. Democrats hate Trump more than they love our country, people be damned. So chances are he will have to keep fighting liberal obstructionists just to break even.

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
Well we know you haven't got a clue!

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen
Let's Roll!!!...Can't wait fur Freedom caucus delegates to be able to cross examine DemonRAT witnesses and to call their own....WHAT FUN THAT WILL BE!!!

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sorry...Ukraine ain't goin away...neither is Impeachment

And with his comments about the oil...he shot himself in the usual
Just imagine if Trump had some support from the House. He could repair a lot of damage if he had just a little support. But don't hold your breath. Democrats hate Trump more than they love our country, people be damned. So chances are he will have to keep fighting liberal obstructionists just to break even.

Did you mean: Democrats hate Trump even more than they hate the country?
Sadly, I agree with Don Trump that Democrats could not have been trusted with information about the Bagdadi operation beforehand. Not Pelosi; definitely not Schiff.

It's what the Country has come to.

Very SAD.
Sadly, I agree with Don Trump that Democrats could not have been trusted with information about the Bagdadi operation beforehand. Not Pelosi; definitely not Schiff.

It's what the Country has come to.

Very SAD.
That kind of rhetoric is what is "sad"

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sorry...Ukraine ain't goin away...neither is Impeachment

And with his comments about the oil...he shot himself in the usual

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen
You are correct. ImoeaImpeac gives him a way out, and saves face.

He will resign and Pence will give him a blanket pardon.

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen
Let's Roll!!!...Can't wait fur Freedom caucus delegates to be able to cross examine DemonRAT witnesses and to call their own....WHAT FUN THAT WILL BE!!!
Republicans have been able to question the witnesses at every hearing. They are on the committees.

You brainwashed morons know this, Dickless.

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen
Let's Roll!!!...Can't wait fur Freedom caucus delegates to be able to cross examine DemonRAT witnesses and to call their own....WHAT FUN THAT WILL BE!!!
Republicans have been able to question the witnesses at every hearing. They are on the committees.

You brainwashed morons know this, Dickless.
But unlike Schitt who let's out what he wants the Rep. Are prohibited from doing so!....faggot!
Lol, you really believe that?

Personal attack removed
Last edited by a moderator:

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen
Let's Roll!!!...Can't wait fur Freedom caucus delegates to be able to cross examine DemonRAT witnesses and to call their own....WHAT FUN THAT WILL BE!!!
I think you and I have different ideas of fun

1) He makes the announcement during the Sunday morning MSM news shows, forcing them to talk about his foreign policy/military victory instead of Ukraine.

2) It matters not whether al-Baghdadi was killed years earlier. Why? Because Trump is taking a page out of the Democrat playbook — an election year major foreign policy/military victory (as Obama did with the phony “Bin Laden killing” raid in Abottabad, Pakistan in 2012). And if the Dems accuse Trump of lying about killing al-Baghdadi, Trump can and will accuse them of lying about having killed Bin Laden in 2012.

3) Opponents of Trump will think long & hard about attacking Trump policies in the future. They don’t want egg on their face. Mitt Romney’s face is sunny-side down this morning. Lol He got his name in the headlines bashing Trump for his “Syria withdrawal”. This morning, Romney looks like a rider on the special bus with an IQ of 25. I wonder if Romney had a clean pair of magic Mormon underwear at the ready when he heard the news this morning.

Genius! Absolutely genius.

Still not tired of winning.



The most INGENIOUS part of his plan was not telling the Democrats, thereby preventing the mission from being undercut, or worse, allowing ISIS to set an ambush and killing our boys.

Several news reports indicated Sunday that House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had not been notified in advance about the successful raid on the hideout of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the so-called “Islamic State,” or ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi was killed in the raid; there were no U.S. casualties aside from a wounded K-9 dog.

CNN and MSNBC both reported that Schiff had been left in the dark:..(ROTFLMFAO!!)

President Donald Trump confirmed in remarks to the press Sunday after his address to the nation that he had deliberately kept some congressional leaders out of the loop, without naming Schiff directly.

“We notified some; others are being notified as I speak,” Trump said.

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

Trump said that tU.S. forces would have been placed in greater danger due to leaks in Washington tipping off the terrorists.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Lol, you think tRump has a plan......
The best thing that could happen to trump would be impeachment and he is working damn hard to make that happen
Let's Roll!!!...Can't wait fur Freedom caucus delegates to be able to cross examine DemonRAT witnesses and to call their own....WHAT FUN THAT WILL BE!!!
Republicans have been able to question the witnesses at every hearing. They are on the committees.

You brainwashed morons know this, Dickless.
But unlike Schitt who let's out what he wants the Rep. Are prohibited from doing so!....faggot!
ill give you that. The leaks are bullshit. Either release it all or keep it tight. The rest of your narrative is full of lies though. Do better

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