Trump’s Separation of Families is a ‘Negotiating Tool’


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.
The kids are getting better care, better food and are safer than they have ever been in their life. The entire reason they are at our border is their parents are unable to provide for them. Otherwise they wouldn't be here.
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.
The Law states men and women can not be jailed together, therefore, Juveniles can not be jailed with adults this is why you have to separate them.
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.

Don't read to well..hunh.

We don't abuse them, moron.

Shouldn't your avatar say Bullshit ?
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.

Don't read to well..hunh.

We don't abuse them, moron.

Shouldn't your avatar say Bullshit ?

Snatching a breast feeding child from his mother and giving it to straingers is abuse.
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

Let's put those kids to work on helping build that border wall; for every foot of wall they help get erected, they get one month government benefits. Get 1000 feet of wall put up, they automatically get citizenship into the United States!
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.

Don't read to well..hunh.

We don't abuse them, moron.

Shouldn't your avatar say Bullshit ?

Snatching a breast feeding child from his mother and giving it to straingers is abuse.

Sure...because you said so. A true left winger.

Well, there are different POV's (that you pricks can't seem to grasp) and one of them is that if your mother if a criminal....she won't be breast feeding you.

End of story.
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

Let's put those kids to work on helping build that border wall; for every foot of wall they help get erected, they get one month government benefits. Get 1000 feet of wall put up, they automatically get citizenship into the United States!

Of course, we'll have to tattoo a number on their arms to keep up with them, and make them wear some sort of insignia on their shirt. Perhaps a Jewish star. Great idea. What could go wrong?
“Trump again falsely blamed Democrats for his administration's actions, and said they could put a stop to the family separations by working with Republicans in Congress. Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.”

Clearly Trump’s idea of ‘sound, responsible governance’ is lying, intimidation, and holding children hostage.

You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.

Don't read to well..hunh.

We don't abuse them, moron.

Shouldn't your avatar say Bullshit ?

Snatching a breast feeding child from his mother and giving it to straingers is abuse.

Sure...because you said so. A true left winger.

Well, there are different POV's (that you pricks can't seem to grasp) and one of them is that if your mother if a criminal....she won't be breast feeding you.

End of story.

I'm aware that lots of heartless Trump supporters share your point of view. That's really disturbing.
You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.

Don't read to well..hunh.

We don't abuse them, moron.

Shouldn't your avatar say Bullshit ?

Snatching a breast feeding child from his mother and giving it to straingers is abuse.

Sure...because you said so. A true left winger.

Well, there are different POV's (that you pricks can't seem to grasp) and one of them is that if your mother if a criminal....she won't be breast feeding you.

End of story.

I'm aware that lots of heartless Trump supporters share your point of view. That's really disturbing.

That criminals don't get

Talk about disturbing.
You might have a foot to stand on if the children being seperated were U.S. born and not illegal immigrants that were brought here by their parent.

Also where was your concern for the many illegal children that were brought here that ended up being enslaved by the Cartel and gangs?

As you post about Trump words let get to what is true and it is Obama failure and you know why?

He lied when he ran for President and promised to fix the immigration issue in his first year!

Instead he waited until Democrats lost the House to then ask for some form of reform knowing he would meet opposition.

Also I never noticed Obama offering any form of compromise to get something done in fact just lied and had those like you fall for his lies!

Finally, you should ask the Countries of Mexico and El Salvador to fix their Countries so their people will stop coming but no you prefer to blame Trump and make the claim that Trump and Republicans are ripping children from their parents arms so you can score political points from the ignorant while not really caring about the plight of the illegal immigrant or the fact if they did sneak in they would be enslaved to the Cartels while being abused by the Cartels...

So for once maybe your political party should offer something that can garner votes in the House from both sides...

I know you will not support that idea because something bipartisan is against the rules for those like you and you would hate the system to be fix then how could you run on the GOP hate children!?!

Is that the best you can do? The cartels abuse kids, so we can too? That's disgusting.

Don't read to well..hunh.

We don't abuse them, moron.

Shouldn't your avatar say Bullshit ?

Snatching a breast feeding child from his mother and giving it to straingers is abuse.

Sure...because you said so. A true left winger.

Well, there are different POV's (that you pricks can't seem to grasp) and one of them is that if your mother if a criminal....she won't be breast feeding you.

End of story.

I'm aware that lots of heartless Trump supporters share your point of view. That's really disturbing.

BTW: Where in the exchange did I say I supported Trump ?

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