Trump's "Go Back To Where You Came From" Comments Apply To Every Democrat


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Trump didn't name names...but they eventually self-identified.
If the shoe fits....wear it.

What he said could apply to every Democrat.
Democrats live in districts that are literally 3rd world shitholes.
Trump has been listening for months to Democrats complaining about how much America sucks.
So his answer to that was, "Before you complain about America....why don't you go back to where you live and fix it first".

Democrats love illegals and ignore the homeless living in the streets that surrounds their mansions back home.

What he said wasn't racist.
The 4 members of the Death Squad have been bitching and whining about America for months and doing nothing about it....other than making it worse.
He simply pointed out their hypocrisy.
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Democrats can't fix it they are the ones that created it. To fix it would mean to abandon every ideal that they claim. It would mean having to give power, prestige up and hand it over to someone else.
There is nothing as unpatriotic as........America, love it or leave it

Sure there is.
Lots of things.
Coming into a country to live illegally, and then protest against it while carrying signs praising your old country and carrying their flag.
Coming into a country and make no effort to assimilate, but taking every effort to gain as much free programs as you can get.
Coming into a country to organize and commit crimes.
Coming into a country for the sole purpose of getting an under the table job, pay no taxes to that country, and send your money back to your old country.
Democrats can't fix it they are the ones that created it. To fix it would mean to abandon every ideal that they claim. It would mean having to give power, prestige up and hand it over to someone else.
What is going to happen is going to be Legendary Judo Move by the Democratic Party Establishment.

By claiming adherence to Identity Politics, they will make room for White Nationalists-Light, then these will expand into White Nationalist-Full-Nazi about ten years after that.

The driving force will be the vanishing job market due to Strong AI Androids that will make cheap black market labor from illegals totally obsolete.
Democrats can't fix it they are the ones that created it. To fix it would mean to abandon every ideal that they claim. It would mean having to give power, prestige up and hand it over to someone else.
What is going to happen is going to be Legendary Judo Move by the Democratic Party Establishment.

By claiming adherence to Identity Politics, they will make room for White Nationalists-Light, then these will expand into White Nationalist-Full-Nazi about ten years after that.

The driving force will be the vanishing job market due to Strong AI Androids that will make cheap black market labor from illegals totally obsolete.
So androids will take over the work force?

I thought the work force was being taken over by damned stinking Apes!!!
Democrats have a problem.
They only do one thing, make a mess and then blame that mess on their political opponents.
They have to create chaos and suffering so they can use it on Republicans.
First they took over the Hollywood and then the media.
How did they do that?
By removing anyone with any principles and replacing them with corrupt flawed individuals with skeletons in their closets. Either they are gay or into pedophilia.
Sounds like the Catholic Church.

Nope, this is our media.
Trump didn't name names...but they eventually self-identified.
If the shoe fits....wear it.

What he said could apply to every Democrat.
Democrats live in districts that are literally 3rd world shitholes.
Trump has been listening for months to Democrats complaining about how much America sucks.
So his answer to that was, "Before you complain about America....why don't you go back to where you live and fix it first".

Democrats love illegals and ignore the homeless living in the streets that surrounds their mansions back home.

What he said wasn't racist.
The 4 members of the Death Squad have been bitching and whining about America for months and doing nothing about it....other than making it worse.
He simply pointed out their hypocrisy.
Trump's the most recent racist incarnation of one of three factions that was dominant in US politics prior to the (first) US Civil War:

Trump's Racist Tweets Fan Hatred, Defining the Coming Election

" There was a pro-slavery faction in Dixie.

"There was a white man’s country faction that said that black people should not be part of the United States of America and the only people who should be part of the United States of America are those defined as white..."

" Now, the historians mostly focus on the third faction, the abolitionist faction— John Brown, Frederick Douglass of Baltimore, William Garrison of New England, etc.

"But that’s a misreading of history and I think what’s happening now is that Mr. Trump is bringing to the surface this white man’s country faction, which encompasses— I’m afraid to say— a goodly number of his 63 million-strong base that voted for him in 2016, and are probably going to vote for him again in November 2020."
I will continue to hammer the same point. Why expect peoples whose genetic roots lay in places which are backward, impoverished, corrupt, shit holes to lead, maintain and grow our country? This is absolutely beyond me.
When are people going to wake up to the fact that this is simply not possible?
So androids will take over the work force?
I thought the work force was being taken over by damned stinking Apes!!!

I never saw any apes in the work force so far other than Homo Sapiens, which is a species in the ape family.

The coming Android work force will take over once Strong AI linked to supercomputer databases finally emerg.

Estimated cost of these androids will be about $2000, yes two thousand dollars US.

What human being can compete with that?

It will be a slow transition, but it will happen and the job mongering politics will flip the Democratic Party back into the party of the enlightened champions of white workers.

There is nothing as unpatriotic as........America, love it or leave it

propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda
propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda

Get my drift? :lmao:
I Went to a Socialism Conference. Here Are 6 Shocking Things I Learned.

......... Open Borders Is Becoming a Litmus Test

It’s perhaps not surprising that socialists embrace open borders. After all, that’s becoming a much more mainstream position on the left in general.

The AFL-CIO used to support immigration restrictions until it flipped in 2000 and called for illegal immigrants to be granted citizenship.

As recently as 2015, Sanders rejected the idea of open borders as a ploy to impoverish Americans.

But Justin Akers-Chacon, a socialist activist, argued on a panel, “A Socialist Case for Open Borders,” that open borders are not only a socialist idea, but vital to the movement.

Akers-Chacon said that while capital has moved freely between the United States and Central and South America, labor has been contained and restricted.

He said that while working-class people have difficulty moving across borders, high-skilled labor and “the 1%” are able to move freely to other countries.

South of the border, especially in Mexico and Honduras, Akers-Chacon said, there’s a stronger “class-consciousness, as part of cultural and historical memory exists in the working class.”

“My experiences in Mexico and my experiences working with immigrant workers, and my experiences with people from different parts of this region, socialist politics are much more deeply rooted,” he said.

That has implications for the labor movement.

Despite past attempts to exclude immigrants, Akers-Chacon said, it’s important for organized labor to embrace them. He didn’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.

For instance, he said one of the biggest benefits of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was that there was a brief boost in union membership amid a more general decline in unionism.

Besides simply boosting unions, the influx “changed the whole AFL-CIO position on immigrants, [which was] still backwards, restrictive, anti-immigrant,” Akers-Chacon said.

“So, there’s a correlation between expanding rights for immigrants and the growth, and confidence, and militancy of the labor movement as a whole,” he said.

4. ‘Clickbait’ Communism Is Being Used to Propagandize Young Americans

The magazine Teen Vogue has come under fire recently for flattering profiles of Karl Marx and promoting prostitution as a career choice, among other controversial pieces.

It would be easy to write these articles off as mere “clickbait,” but it’s clear that the far-left nature of its editorials—and its attempt to reach young people with these views—is genuine.

Teen Vogue hosted a panel at Socialism 2019, "System Change, Not Climate Change: Youth Climate Activists in Conversation with Teen Vogue."

The panel moderator was Lucy Diavolo, news and politics editor at the publication, who is transgender.
I Went to a Socialism Conference. Here Are 6 Shocking Things I Learned.

......... Open Borders Is Becoming a Litmus Test

It’s perhaps not surprising that socialists embrace open borders. After all, that’s becoming a much more mainstream position on the left in general.

The AFL-CIO used to support immigration restrictions until it flipped in 2000 and called for illegal immigrants to be granted citizenship.

As recently as 2015, Sanders rejected the idea of open borders as a ploy to impoverish Americans.

But Justin Akers-Chacon, a socialist activist, argued on a panel, “A Socialist Case for Open Borders,” that open borders are not only a socialist idea, but vital to the movement.

Akers-Chacon said that while capital has moved freely between the United States and Central and South America, labor has been contained and restricted.

He said that while working-class people have difficulty moving across borders, high-skilled labor and “the 1%” are able to move freely to other countries.

South of the border, especially in Mexico and Honduras, Akers-Chacon said, there’s a stronger “class-consciousness, as part of cultural and historical memory exists in the working class.”

“My experiences in Mexico and my experiences working with immigrant workers, and my experiences with people from different parts of this region, socialist politics are much more deeply rooted,” he said.

That has implications for the labor movement.

Despite past attempts to exclude immigrants, Akers-Chacon said, it’s important for organized labor to embrace them. He didn’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants.

For instance, he said one of the biggest benefits of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was that there was a brief boost in union membership amid a more general decline in unionism.

Besides simply boosting unions, the influx “changed the whole AFL-CIO position on immigrants, [which was] still backwards, restrictive, anti-immigrant,” Akers-Chacon said.

“So, there’s a correlation between expanding rights for immigrants and the growth, and confidence, and militancy of the labor movement as a whole,” he said.

4. ‘Clickbait’ Communism Is Being Used to Propagandize Young Americans

The magazine Teen Vogue has come under fire recently for flattering profiles of Karl Marx and promoting prostitution as a career choice, among other controversial pieces.

It would be easy to write these articles off as mere “clickbait,” but it’s clear that the far-left nature of its editorials—and its attempt to reach young people with these views—is genuine.

Teen Vogue hosted a panel at Socialism 2019, "System Change, Not Climate Change: Youth Climate Activists in Conversation with Teen Vogue."

The panel moderator was Lucy Diavolo, news and politics editor at the publication, who is transgender.

The combination of single payer free health care and open borders is fiscal suicide for our nation and I doubt less than 80% of the country is too stupid to grasp that point.
Democrats can't fix it they are the ones that created it. To fix it would mean to abandon every ideal that they claim. It would mean having to give power, prestige up and hand it over to someone else.
What is going to happen is going to be Legendary Judo Move by the Democratic Party Establishment.

By claiming adherence to Identity Politics, they will make room for White Nationalists-Light, then these will expand into White Nationalist-Full-Nazi about ten years after that.

The driving force will be the vanishing job market due to Strong AI Androids that will make cheap black market labor from illegals totally obsolete.
You mean if they survive as a party that long into the future. They are currently Turing themselves apart. The idea that AOC is smart enough to pour water out of a pitcher without a two hour instructional video little own have enough brains for some future judo move is laughable at best.

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