Trump’s Former WH Lawyer “Trump in Serious Legal Water”

what about it? yeah he was saying how many they needed to win.
No, he was saying he needed for Raffensburger to produce 11,780 votes. I was right, you are brain dead. Because anyone with a brain knows what Trump was asking for. Damn you're an idiot.
No, he was saying he needed for Raffensburger to produce 11,780 votes. I was right, you are brain dead. Because anyone with a brain knows what Trump was asking for. Damn you're an idiot.
i didn’t hear him ask for anything. He clearly was discussing the number they needed to win
Post#19 is the whole list DA.
there is not one name on post 19 of any GA official that he supposedly conspired with.

there is a clip from Shify’s parody hearing, and some propaganda videos…but no list
so there wasn’t anyone from GA?

Eastman was a lawyer that wrote a legal theory…your demafasict gonna start prosecuting lawyers for giving legal advice you dislike?
If your lawyers advice is criminal in nature, yes.
Like when he and Putin conspired to steal the 2016 election?

Whatever happened to that case?
Similar but different.

Putin is a foreign national in a national with no extradition.

Numerous Russians however were indicted

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