Trumps debt ceiling problem

Bullshit. Democraps use it only as a bludgeon. They don’t actually care about the debt, the deficit or the debt “ceiling.” It is just a stage prop for that insidious group.

False. But, it is nevertheless true that the GOP is effectively a non-entity when it comes to controlling spending.
No. But it is largely true of many Republicans, unfortunately.

Yep, just the ones in DC. Maybe it is not true of some others, but it is true of all of them.

They will prove it to you soon when they fold on the debt ceiling.
Voters like me? You mean those of us that vote almost straight 3rd party and refuse to worship the duopoly like you all?
Good to hear, I am outspoken about the denial of equal rights to third and forth parties on up, not because I support one, but because it's not true democracy and party representation is artificially skewed to assure true democracy does not happen. I blame networks for their restrictions, including in debates not just coverage.
The doddering old fool and the rest of the corrupt democrat administration have us in a debt hole, with more to come, that we will never get out of and lefties are worried about Trump? Let's talk about what's happening now.
Yep, just the ones in DC. Maybe it is not true of some others, but it is true of all of them.

They will prove it to you soon when they fold on the debt ceiling.
Nah. Too much goes into the analysis than to just make one lump ‘em all together claim.

I wouldn’t want you being a representative or a Senator, but maybe you’d stand firm on that vote. Maybe. I suspect I’d also stand firm on opposing any raising of the debt ceiling. But tilting at windmills isn’t all that beneficial. We need to get a sea change in how our politicians do their jobs and in how they view their obligations.
Nah. Too much goes into the analysis than to just make one lump ‘em all together claim.

It is all a big show so people like you will keep voting for them. And you fall for it.

But tilting at windmills isn’t all that beneficial. We need to get a sea change in how our politicians do their jobs and in how they view their obligations.

That cannot happen until we quit reelecting them at a greater than 90% clip. As long as that happens they have no reason to change.
Feds create budget suggestion requests & submits them to the WH OMB
2nd step OMB submits to Pres
3rd step Pres submits to congress who has the purse strings.

Where president matters to budget is through policies he not congress causes spending or cuts that either helps revenue growth or causes more debt.
Departments, led by appointees of the President, submit their the extent that they conform to to declared fiscal policies of the administration they are either trimmed, or increased.

The WH then submits its budget proposal to congress.

Presidents can't escape responsibility for the fiscal consequences of their policies.

That Supply Side Hucksters spend more, achieving worse results, is not an's the inevitable denouement of the scam.
I'm British, so I was asking how many die hard Trump supporters are in America, and is there a statistical link.

Also, I'm sure the opposition are passionate in reducing Trump's national debt, so what level has Biden brought this down to?
Numbers are a great way to determine which of two items is larger.

Just sayin'
Obiden 1.0 opened the floodgates (-$11.5T). So bad Lyin Ryan had to suspend Debt ceiling caps during his entire reign of terror. Trump had it all going up....then they launched man-made virus to shut down the economy and usher in Fake Mail-In ballots by the tens' of millions. why keep rehashing it? //
Trump is a civilian. He doesn't have a debt ceiling problem. Biden has a debt ceiling problem (among other things) but for some reason lefties prefer not to live in the present. Maybe they conceded the election.
Good to hear, I am outspoken about the denial of equal rights to third and forth parties on up, not because I support one, but because it's not true democracy and party representation is artificially skewed to assure true democracy does not happen. I blame networks for their restrictions, including in debates not just coverage.
I agree. But you are blaming the wrong people. You can start by blaming me. For years I made the same mistake as most Americans - I voted for representatives based on how close their political opinions matched my own. I now realize this is wrong and is the cause of our government's inabilities to enact any meaningful, rational legislation. I have a plan, and I will soon post a message to elaborate.
The die hard Trump supporters, who keep complaining about the debt ceiling, need to decide to either support Trump and the debt ceiling. Or simply not support him.
If not raising the debt ceiling now is important to you, why in the world would you want someone like Trump in office with a debt ceiling increase record.

You can't have it both ways on everything. Eventually you're going to have to realize that Trump sucks on monetary policies. And realize just how much monetary policy affects everyone's lives.
You can't just keep supporting those who simply don't care how much they borrow, spend then increase the ceiling so they can borrow more.

Debt Ceiling Under Trump
The debt ceiling increased two times under President Donald Trump, but the Trump administration also tinkered with the budget and the debt ceiling in other ways throughout its four years. When Trump was sworn into office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. By November 2020, the debt had increased to over $27 trillion.

Under Trump the debt ceiling increased:

  • by $1.7 trillion to $19.8 trillion (de facto) in March 2017,
  • by $2.2 trillion to $22 trillion in March 2019.
Trump suspended the debt ceiling in August 2019, through July 2021. At the time of the 2020 election, the national debt stood at over $27 trillion, the fastest rate of increase of the national debt of any modern president.

Who Is President of The United States?

Come on, you know ... don't. Be afraid to say it.

Who just threatened the Republians vy declaring if tbe GOP place any artenpys to lower the deficit in their spending bill, he will veto it.

(What do Biden and Democrats have against lowering the deficit - paying off some of the $34 Trillion in spending they are partly responsible for?)

Who just declared anything but a clean spending bil giving Biden and Democrats what they want, any attempt to reduce spending or pay down tbe deficit, would be a 'threat to national security' and would cause 'economic disaster"?

This clesrly shows Biden and Democrats want to kerp their foot down in the sprnding gas pedsl and are against any attempt to get spending under contol, reduce the budget, or pay down the deficit.

Tell me again, WHO is the current President?

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