Trumps approval rating jumps 7 points higher then Obama! Haha

Open borders lowers the worker class wages

Trump is gaining fast the worker class and the worker class is now seeing just how crooked the democrats have been in trying to lower their wages with open borders

Yeah,.....the same bullshit of blaming the brownies.....

Forget the trade truce: Trump's tariffs are killing U.S. jobs - MarketWatch

Trump has risen 18 points approval in the last 2 weeks

Trump is a real winner
Sure, his approval rating is about 160%.
That's easy. I didn't, you fucking moron.
Sure you did. Another imbecile claimed Hillary won only 1 state, with Trump winning 49. You chimed in he won 49 out of 57, leaving 8 for Hillary.
Man, you are one desperate MF.

sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
Definition of sarcasm

1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b : the use or language of sarcasm
Doesn't matter if it was sarcasm or not, you still said Hillary won only 8 states. I know, I know, reality is a real bitch to you.
She got her ass kicked pal
Well, sure, if winning by 80,000 votes out of more than 130 million cast is your idea of an ass-kicking. :eusa_doh:
She did look at the map all red even in California lol
The link says Trump's polls trail Obama's. But threads like these are useless. The polls in 16 weren't wrong, they actually were accurate. but Trump's internal polls showed him within striking distance with EV, and he won. His actions with immigration this week are actually unpopular even with the gop senators, but they are calculated to gin up his base. So nationwide polls are useless.

The overwhelming majority of Americans support Border Security. It is DemNazi leadership that opposes it because they see illegal immigration as a way to grow their party even though a lot of their supporters oppose this.
A majority does not support the wall and a supermaj does not support children being separated. But again that's irrelevant to Trump's purposes. If he's reelected he will probably again lose the popular vote.

Moving forward all good legitimate Presidents should lose the popular vote...Mexifornia and Loon York is just to full of pieces of shits and foreign filth.
Doesn't matter if it was sarcasm or not, you still said Hillary won only 8 states.
Post the quote, scumbag.
trump won the popular vote in 49 states
Hey, 49 out of 57 is pretty good, don't you think?
Idiot. You don't even know when you're being made fun of. LMAO
You should invest in a new irony meter.
You should invest in a brain.
Doesn't matter if it was sarcasm or not, you still said Hillary won only 8 states.
Post the quote, scumbag.
trump won the popular vote in 49 states
Hey, 49 out of 57 is pretty good, don't you think?
Idiot. You don't even know when you're being made fun of. LMAO
You should invest in a new irony meter.
You should invest in a brain.

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
Walls are very popular look at your living space haha
Most Americans support trump's wall. Stop lying about it! And I mean it.
I’m not I love it! Ca t want to visit it and laugh at the Latinos on there other side all hungry and stuff lol I’m going to eat a taco in front of them lol hahah
You lie. UYYYYgem majorities of Americans support Trump's Wall and policies.

That is why they gave the House to Democrats.
You picked up less seats then ever before and we gained the senate

The seats were gerrymandered and many of the seats were designed to be Republican. The Republicans picked up fewer seats than expected in the Senate considering the map heavily favored Republicans. Democrats picked up the Senate seat in Arizona.
Post the quote, scumbag.
trump won the popular vote in 49 states
Idiot. You don't even know when you're being made fun of. LMAO
You should invest in a new irony meter.
You should invest in a brain.

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL
Idiot. You don't even know when you're being made fun of. LMAO
You should invest in a new irony meter.
You should invest in a brain.

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
Idiot. You don't even know when you're being made fun of. LMAO
You should invest in a new irony meter.
You should invest in a brain.

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
So what's she doing now (besides getting drunk)? LOL
You should invest in a new irony meter.
You should invest in a brain.

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
So what's she doing now (besides getting drunk)? LOL
Making millions writing.
You should invest in a brain.

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
So what's she doing now (besides getting drunk)? LOL
Making millions writing.
Yeah, writing about LOSING to Donald Trump. LOL

Spits the idiot who said Hillary won only 8 states. :ack-1:
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
So what's she doing now (besides getting drunk)? LOL
Making millions writing.
Yeah, writing about LOSING to Donald Trump. LOL
So? She still made bank.

Hillary Clinton’s New Book Is Breaking Sales Records
You keep clinging to that you pathetic loser. Who's the POTUS, fuckwad? Come on, say his name. LOL

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
So what's she doing now (besides getting drunk)? LOL
Making millions writing.
Yeah, writing about LOSING to Donald Trump. LOL
So? She still made bank.

Hillary Clinton’s New Book Is Breaking Sales Records
She already had bank. What she doesn't have is the only thing she really be POTUS. And Donald Trump made sure that will never happen. She's a loser and so are you.

His name is Crazy Donald and Hillary still win more than 8 states.
So what's she doing now (besides getting drunk)? LOL
Making millions writing.
Yeah, writing about LOSING to Donald Trump. LOL
So? She still made bank.

Hillary Clinton’s New Book Is Breaking Sales Records
She already had bank. What she doesn't have is the only thing she really be POTUS. And Donald Trump made sure that will never happen. She's a loser and so are you.
And now she has more bank.
Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than Obama

You poor democrats doing anything you can to take trump down is hurting you haha
Poor media must be going crazy haha
Oops, false. Still 42.3%, with 52.4% disapproval: How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Obama at this point? 46.7% approval, 46.2% disapproval.

Another trumpkin thread goes *splat*
Ohh my poll is better sorry
Of course, it isn't.

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