Trump's 4th of July Celebration


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Trump's tweet: "HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!"

David Gergen Rips Trump for Inserting Himself Into 4th of July: Wildly Inappropriate'

David Gergen said this: “It’s wildly inappropriate for the president to step in… This is not his 4th of July. It’s our 4th of July, that belongs to all Americans. And to have the president sort of take charge and plan this address is just — it goes against the grain and this is what tinpot dictators dream of doing. The president of the United States needs to show restraint and respect for the nation’s traditions especially on the 4th of July.”

Well David, Americans VOTED for Trump to be President!!! He represents...US sorry little TDSer.
Trump's tweet: "HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!"

David Gergen Rips Trump for Inserting Himself Into 4th of July: Wildly Inappropriate'

David Gergen said this: “It’s wildly inappropriate for the president to step in… This is not his 4th of July. It’s our 4th of July, that belongs to all Americans. And to have the president sort of take charge and plan this address is just — it goes against the grain and this is what tinpot dictators dream of doing. The president of the United States needs to show restraint and respect for the nation’s traditions especially on the 4th of July.”

Well David, Americans VOTED for Trump to be President!!! He represents...US sorry little TDSer.

Someone give David a hanky to wipe his tears. What an asshole.

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The biggest part of why Trump is doing this is to give democrats some triviality to tantrum over. Anything to keep them focused on get Trump and away from actual plans and policies. The public is bored with the daily outrages over nothing. They have moved on.
Trump is desperate to distract from the obvious lifetime of criminality that's been exposed over the last couple years
Trump is desperate to distract from the obvious lifetime of criminality that's been exposed over the last couple years

Trump is President of the United States of America!!! He is honoring July 4th you fucking moron.
Trump's tweet: "HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called “A Salute To America” and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!"

David Gergen Rips Trump for Inserting Himself Into 4th of July: Wildly Inappropriate'

David Gergen said this: “It’s wildly inappropriate for the president to step in… This is not his 4th of July. It’s our 4th of July, that belongs to all Americans. And to have the president sort of take charge and plan this address is just — it goes against the grain and this is what tinpot dictators dream of doing. The president of the United States needs to show restraint and respect for the nation’s traditions especially on the 4th of July.”

Well David, Americans VOTED for Trump to be President!!! He represents...US sorry little TDSer.

If President Trump had elected to avoid a 4th of July celebration, Gergen would be criticizing him for that.

For myself, I can't think of a more appropriate time for the President to give a patriotic address than a 4th of July event in DC.
CNN is gearing up to criticize Melania's shoes right now.

Oh man! I love her shoes!!! And her legs...and.....Oh never mind. Let's face it, compared to the last FLOTUS, Melania is a goddess!!!
Again? Or still? All that bruhaha over Melania's shoes was not journalism's finest hour.

And I don't think we have ever had a first lady quite as classy as Melania, shoes and all. :)


OK I take it back those are some UGLY sandals. Tell me it's not Melania....Please....LOL
Can’t wait to celebrate America in front of all you anti American democrats!
Again? Or still? All that bruhaha over Melania's shoes was not journalism's finest hour.

And I don't think we have ever had a first lady quite as classy as Melania, shoes and all. :)


OK I take it back those are some UGLY sandals. Tell me it's not Melania....Please....LOL

I think they're beautiful. And yes, that is Melania.
I bet fireworks display is better than his speeches.

I dunno. Tens of thousands of people show up for all his speeches. Whatever venue he uses fills up so they have to set up big screen TVs outside for the overflow. I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

By contrast a few hundred showed up for Hillary's speeches and even fewer have been showing up for Biden speeches. Beto O'Rourke and Kamala Harris have done quite a bit better among the Democrats in the early running but their crowds are fading now. None of the Democrats are able to offer a vision or have any ideas about how to achieve one other than punish/control/restrict/take from people and offer free stuff. That appeals to a certain demographic, but just isn't enough to keep them interested in hearing it.

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