Jimmy Dore analyzes Keith Olberman's insane leftist rant.

I could not find a single podcast from Olberman that was less than a year old. I think the guy is finished.
I miss Keith bashing Bill O'Riled Up's face in every night.
Olberman marginalized himself when he bought into the belief that anyone outside of himself give's a fuck about what he "thinks".

He's a very witty and poignant observer/commenter on all things sports.....He's a shit political editorialist.
jimmy is as crazy as the day is long.
I don't think you like him because he doesn't parrot the corporate media. That makes you uncomfortable.

It is the MSM that is crazy, not Jimmy.
I could not find a single podcast from Olberman that was less than a year old. I think the guy is finished.
He came back in May of 2018 to ESPN for the SIXTH TIME. He does bit parts and commentary. What a freaking tool that guy is. He's gotten fired like a dozen times from various jobs and the stupid Liberal networks keep bringing him back.
Keith Olbermann on his ESPN return: 'I can't wait' - al.com

He did his assignment for his CFR overlords with aplomb. It does not matter how wrong, how bad, how awful a propagandist he was. Folks will soon forget that. He took his assignment, ran with it, and did his job, his overlords will not leave him hanging. Otherwise, other "journalists" would not propagandize the public when they clearly know what they are saying is bullshit.

This deep state/ruling class corporate journalist cabal takes care of it's own.


Democracy Now, TruthDig and RT have some good articles too.

Netherlands joins Germany in halting Iraq mission due to security threat

By the time I was 14 years old around 1975, I had acquired more information about science, history and even politics than most of today's high school graduates. And that's truly not saying much....Japan, China, Germany and many other countries are passing us.
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Democracy Now, TruthDig and RT have some good articles too.

Netherlands joins Germany in halting Iraq mission due to security threat

By the time I was 14 years old around 1975, I had acquired more information about science, history and even politics than most of today's high school graduates. And that's truly not saying much....Japan, China, Germany and many other countries are passing us.

I tend to only go with sources that don't have an agenda.

The sources I listed are only sponsored by viewers or readers who support independent investigative research. Of the ones you listed, only TruthDig is not a "gate keeper," controlling which story narrative the public chooses to see the world through. IOW, if you go to Democracy NOW, or RT, they will report on the same damn stories the corporate press is talking about, telling YOU what to think about the issues that the elites tell you are important. There are, after all, many more issue out there than what the ruling class journalists think are issues. Of course, all those other issues never get talked about on this forum among the sheep, but it is good to read and be aware of them.

RT is supported by Russia, and tends to shy away from anything critical of Russia, and Democracy Now is a pro-western, pro-corporate/banking cabal, IMF/world bank/UN, global socialism site. It is mostly supported by the Ford foundation, which has historically had deep ties to the intel agencies of the U.S.
jimmy is as crazy as the day is long.

Hahaha.... look at the race baiter!.... Olberman does a Billy Carter act and it is the other guy that is crazy!
Funny guy... you should go back and find some whacky article about white racist and stick to that.

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