trump would abandon NATO if re-elected

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.
Good. If Russia can't even knock off a small fry like Ukraine in two years of fighting then they are no match whatsoever for Western Europe.

We're wasting money and resources defending against a paper tiger.

Time to cut our loses.

Let Europe finance their own defense.

We should be focusing our resources on our own country...not subsidizing others.
There are 44 countries in Europe with their own militaries. Why can't they deal with Russia? It's their backyard, not ours.

If you're asking why the US is involved in NATO, it might have something to do with the second of the three goals of NATO.

Keep Germany down.
Keep America in.
Keep Russia out.

America is the world's premier superpower. A key feature of being a superpower is the ability to exert global geopolitical influence, economically and militarily. Now, if you don't want America to be the world's premier superpower anymore and would rather relinquish that role to China then, um....what the fuck?
What's the purpose of NATO? The purpose of NATO was to act as a deterrent in Western Europe against the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries. Now, there's no Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries are independent now. There were only 16 (I believe) NATO countries when the Soviets fell. Now, the membership has nearly doubled. What's the reason for NATO needing to expand if the primary reason for its existence went away?
What's the purpose of NATO? The purpose of NATO was to act as a deterrent in Western Europe against the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries. Now, there's no Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries are independent now. There were only 16 (I believe) NATO countries when the Soviets fell. Now, the membership has nearly doubled. What's the reason for NATO needing to expand if the primary reason for its existence went away?
Russia is still there… still aggressive… and massively nuclear armed

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