Trump Will Be Taken Down!...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

Seems likely. The Left and the .01% will do all it can to help the Rs take down Trump.

That means that nothing will change. Government will get bigger and more tyrannical...and we will have continuous war.
Crazy Ivan has already been taken down


The question is whether or not he finishes out his one term
Seems likely. The Left and the .01% will do all it can to help the Rs take down Trump.

That means that nothing will change. Government will get bigger and more tyrannical...and we will have continuous war.

Sadly, you are Spot On.
if anyone takes down Trump .. hes on a self destruct mission.

I sincerely hope he succeeds.
Seems unlikely to me. Just a bunch of crybaby bloviating.

I hope you're right, but Trump is under very serious threat. His own Party's Establishment Elite are aggressively undermining him. You expect that undermining from the other Party, but when it's your own, you are in serous danger.
Seems unlikely to me. Just a bunch of crybaby bloviating.

I hope you're right, but Trump is under very serious threat. His own Party's Establishment Elite are aggressively undermining him. You expect that undermining from the other Party, but when it's your own, you are in serous danger.
When your own party hates you, it might be a hint
Seems unlikely to me. Just a bunch of crybaby bloviating.

I hope you're right, but Trump is under very serious threat. His own Party's Establishment Elite are aggressively undermining him. You expect that undermining from the other Party, but when it's your own, you are in serous danger.
When your own party hates you, it might be a hint

When your own party hates you, it might be a hint

Yea that you are doing one hell of a good job.

This is scary stuff. Barely six freaking weeks since a radical Sanders democrat tried to murder an entire Republican baseball team the crazy angry incoherent left claims that "Trump will be taken down".
It is important for the chicken wingers to understand that Trump won the republican nomination, but he never had majority support in his own party.
Crazy Ivan has already been taken down

View attachment 143019

The question is whether or not he finishes out his one term
Trump approval rebounds to 45%, surges among Hispanics, union homes, men

Trump is currently enjoying a 51% approval rating among union households. If you'll recall, it was union households in the upper Midwest and Rust Belt that got him elected in the first place. If they continue to support him, he will be reelected. It doesn't matter if everyone in California, New York and Washington DC vote against him.
By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

Is this thread for informational purposes? Somebody please enlighten me.
If that happens and they can force an innocent man out of office like that, then we are living in the days of The AntiChrist.

When Truth, Justice and The Rule of Law take a back seat to agendas and ideologies, and people become pawns and human capital in a callous game of high stakes chess with a win at all costs mentality, then may judgement day come, and come quickly.

By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

Seems unlikely to me. Just a bunch of crybaby bloviating.

I hope you're right, but Trump is under very serious threat. His own Party's Establishment Elite are aggressively undermining him. You expect that undermining from the other Party, but when it's your own, you are in serous danger.
When your own party hates you, it might be a hint

When your own party hates you, it might be a hint

Yea that you are doing one hell of a good job.


Ha, i feel that way too. I like Trump. The GOP Establishment Elites can go to hell.
By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

David Stockman is crazy. Trump is responsible for his own mess. It was Trump who fired Comey and then admitted it was due to the Russia investigation. It was the Trump campaign that attended a meeting with a foreign national to get dirt on Clinton.
By the GOP Establishment Elite.

Great article by David Stockman

Trump, Another Nixon?

Approximately two months before the election on September 10th I locked down the final draft of my book, Trumped!

In the opening sentence I ventured the following opinion, which was most certainly not in the mainstream at the time:

FIRST THERE WERE 17. THEN LITTLE MARCO, LOW ENERGY JEB AND LYIN’ Ted were gone. At length, there was one. And now there is even a chance he may become President.

That he did, and contrary to all expectations, too. But now there is an excellent chance that Mike Pence will become the 46th occupant of that office.

This time the pundits do see it coming. That’s because they are complicit — functioning as self-appointed magistrates of a recount of the 2016 election.

Indeed, the mainstream media is no longer even in the news business. It’s conducting a grand witch hunt and venomous prosecution that will not be sated until the Donald vacates the Oval Office — one way or another, probably by a threatened invocation of the 25th Amendment by the GOP elders on Capitol Hill.

Yes, it sounds a tad far fetched. But the key to what comes next is hiding in plain sight.

The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation...

Read More:
Trump Will Be Taken Down - LewRockwell

David Stockman is crazy. Trump is responsible for his own mess. It was Trump who fired Comey and then admitted it was due to the Russia investigation. It was the Trump campaign that attended a meeting with a foreign national to get dirt on Clinton.

I know right? Digging for dirt on your political adversaries? It's definitely a first. That mean ole Trump.:crybaby:

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