Trump...Where is the paper trail?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

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I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

The Mafia in collusion with Fiedel Castro and them Anunnaki from Niburu (Planet X for you who don't know) as well as LBJ to assassinate JFK so they can take over the world and steal all our gold. Bastards.
Trumps response so far has been to declare the story "fake news", claim nothing happened, attack the sources, try to squash the FBI investigation, hire a lawyer and support Flynn taking the fifth

Not the actions of someone responding to some "innocent meetings"
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

Leftnutter it is nice to know you are on top of corruption by the POTUS. Where were you for the prior 8 years?
Trumps response so far has been to declare the story "fake news", claim nothing happened, attack the sources, try to squash the FBI investigation, hire a lawyer and support Flynn taking the fifth

Not the actions of someone responding to some "innocent meetings"

So are you like Trump in saying anyone who takes the fifth amendment right is guilty? So you would be good with Eric Holder being made open to law suits by the family members of the victims killed by the guns he sold Mexican drug dealers because he let one of his guys exsorsize his 5th amendment rights. even then, all you got is Flynn, who by the way, got his security clearances from Half Black Jesus.
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

The Mafia in collusion with Fiedel Castro and them Anunnaki from Niburu (Planet X for you who don't know) as well as LBJ to assassinate JFK so they can take over the world and steal all our gold. Bastards.
Look! Over there! Is that a
Russians definitely documented or recorded the conversations with the Trump campaigners and have Kompromant on the Trumpsters.....
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

The Mafia in collusion with Fiedel Castro and them Anunnaki from Niburu (Planet X for you who don't know) as well as LBJ to assassinate JFK so they can take over the world and steal all our gold. Bastards.
Look! Over there! Is that a View attachment 128532

It's a fact. Half Black Jesus hired Flynn first. He also gave Flynn his security clearance, so if we are investigating Flynn, should we not follow the paper trail ? If so, that starts with Bammer. It's a fact. Now, go load up your air plane. I hear they need ply wood in Alaska.
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

The Mafia in collusion with Fiedel Castro and them Anunnaki from Niburu (Planet X for you who don't know) as well as LBJ to assassinate JFK so they can take over the world and steal all our gold. Bastards.
Look! Over there! Is that a View attachment 128532

It's a fact. Half Black Jesus hired Flynn first. He also gave Flynn his security clearance, so if we are investigating Flynn, should we not follow the paper trail ? If so, that starts with Bammer. It's a fact. Now, go load up your air plane. I hear they need ply wood in Alaska.

The Pinocchio Test
Flynn’s security clearance was a routine matter, done mainly to benefit the head of the DIA, and it did not rise to a political level. So Trump and other White House officials are engaging in a distraction when they suggest that Obama failed to take action against Flynn.

Obama actually fired Flynn because of perceived management flaws. It’s unclear exactly what Obama told Trump in private, but that appears to have been a key message, given the central role the national security adviser has in coordinating U.S. foreign policy. The concerns about Flynn’s dealings with Russia came only later, after U.S. intelligence realized he was discussing U.S. sanctions with the Russians and then misleading other U.S. officials about the nature of his conversations. He also did not disclose his payment from RT to government officials until after he was fired by Trump.

I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

Leftnutter it is nice to know you are on top of corruption by the POTUS. Where were you for the prior 8 years?

For the past 8 years, Republicans repeatedly investigated corruption and came up with nothing

Let's see how Trump does
Trumps response so far has been to declare the story "fake news", claim nothing happened, attack the sources, try to squash the FBI investigation, hire a lawyer and support Flynn taking the fifth

Not the actions of someone responding to some "innocent meetings"

So are you like Trump in saying anyone who takes the fifth amendment right is guilty? So you would be good with Eric Holder being made open to law suits by the family members of the victims killed by the guns he sold Mexican drug dealers because he let one of his guys exsorsize his 5th amendment rights. even then, all you got is Flynn, who by the way, got his security clearances from Half Black Jesus.

Taking the 5th is a Constitutional right
So is Trump taking on a lawyer

But if you refuse to cooperate in an investigation and use these protections, you have no right to complain if the investigation is taking too long. If Trump had just cooperated, this whole thing could have been over six months ago
Russians definitely documented or recorded the conversations with the Trump campaigners and have Kompromant on the Trumpsters.....

And we're not the only country listening in...
So true....!!!! And in this case, Thank goodness! I'm certain the investigators are retrieving those conversations least the phone ones.

What doe Putin have?

If the US investigation hits a dead end, can Putin use his recordings to blackmail Trump?
rightwinger, where did you work that was so anal? I worked at a Fortune 500 company and they could care less what I talked about with the public accounting firm or the IRS dude always auditing. I actually played beer league hockey with one of the CPA's. :p
Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government.
So Russia is now considered our "enemy"? .... :cool:
They interfered with our democratic election process, they certainly are not our Best Friends Forever, BFFs Sunni.....

46 journalists and political opponents of PUTIN have been killed/murdered since Putin's election in 2012.....he's a murderer.....not a bff!
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

maybe it's none of your business?

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