Trump was so wrong about Sweden, it's outrageous.

Anyone remember Trump's outrageous claims about Sweden? Everyone knows Sweden's immigration policy has been a complete success!

Turns out if you immigrate enough third world people into first world countries, they won't turn into third world countries. Instead, obviously a paradise is the result!

We could be well on our way to the paradise, if only had Hillary won.

SWEDEN: Abandoning Malmo To Its Criminals.

“I think they just shot someone right across from my balcony,” my friend told me.

The gunshot rang out even as we were texting about another recent act of violence here in the Swedish city of Malmö—a car bomb that went off in a residential area close to my home.

Acts of violence occur so frequently in Malmö that news of one blurs into the next. This year, there already have been 29 explosions in a city of just 320,000. Sweden as a whole is on pace for about 150—or about three per week (as Quillette has reported previously). These are attacks by criminal gangs that usually target other criminals. But the victims are sometimes innocent bystanders. In one recent case, for instance, a female student was severely injured in the face when she happened to pass by a shop that exploded in Lund, a ten-minute car ride from Malmö. The more spectacular attacks have left whole cities such as Malmö fearful and traumatized, as a grandmother explained in a recent Facebook post about a bombing that blew out the windows of a residential building where her grandchildren were sleeping—”… two very frightened Swedish children, whose safe existence just fell apart.”


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