Trump warns of 'attack' on 2nd Amendment ahead of Virginia gun rights rally

STFU, Daryl Klunt, you think you are the only one that served in the military? All of my uncles on my dad's side served in every war from WWII, Korea and Vietnam. My brother served in during Desert Storm. You wore a uniform.....bully for you. It doesn't give you more of a voice when it comes to the defense of the 2nd amendment. Molon Labe, bitchboy........

I protect the Integrity of my Fallen Comrades and Family. When you start trying to use them for your own small purposes then I have earned the right to speak out. Your Bother earned that right. Your Uncles earned that right. You didn't earn that right. Had you earned that right you would not be using the fallen comrades and family for such a petty en devour. Now, I suggest you go and earn that right. The Recruiter is available at your convenience.

"Comrades"? That's a term that commies like to use. Military rank and file refer to each other as "brothers in arms". Would I sign up to "serve" this corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental entity? Not only "NO" but "FUCK NO". General Smedley Butler's book "War Is A Racket" and the talks he gave were rather enlightening. USA.INC is just an organized crime syndicate and they use the "souls to die" aka "soldiers" to do their dirty work. The elites have backed and financed every war. There could have been no Hitler or Trotsky/Lenin without Wall St and the European bankers. There is shit going on with technology that is so fucking far over that sloped skull of yours that you would shit yourself if you knew the big picture. Do you really believe that those that control the fiat, debt based monetary system are going to subsidize the existence of non-employable (and in their words) "worthless eaters" with the coming robotic and A.I age coming upon us? I wouldn't bet so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig on that happening.

FYI, you are not an impressive poster and you are not someone whose opinion that anyone with any common sense would place any value on. You have a problem with what I have to say or post? I gave you my phone number to call and you can even hide your #. I don't hide......don't have to.

Why, thank you for that critique. I couldn't go the day without it. But remember, people like me are there to protect you. So sleep well.

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Hey, don't get pissed at me because I simply point out what a pretentious blowhard you are and that your postings are lamer than watching a cat try to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.

We find the problem with dealing with stupid people, they don't know they are stupid and everyone else is stupid. And your comments are stupid yet you believe you are brightest bulb in the pack.

Who is "we", Daryl? You and your fellow marxist pals? I wear that badge proudly. There are not that many "stupid" people as there are the willfully ignorant that can't see the totalitarian tip-toe that has been going on in slow, incremental steps for decades. There has been an intentional dumbing down of the masses and they have become domesticated, docile and subservient to "the state". It has made the people of this country to become very vulnerable and blind to this totalitarian tip-toe that has creeped up on us in slow, incremental steps. I know the things that I do because I knew something was wrong with the direction this country was going thus I dedicated my life to finding and seeking truth regardless of how ugly that truth is.... and it's very ugly as well as horrifying to a certain extent. The window to turn this around is closing. There is an awakening going on and only time will tell if it happened just in time or not.

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