Trump To Pull Immigration Inforcement Out Of California


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Property is about to get real cheap in Cali.

President Donald Trump said on Thursday heā€™s considering pulling federal immigration enforcement agents out of California, which declared itself a so-called sanctuary state and limits local police cooperation with U.S. authorities enforcing the presidentā€™s immigration policies.

ā€œFrankly, itā€™s a disgrace, the sanctuary city situation,ā€ Trump said at the White House. If the administration were to remove Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials from California, the state would be ā€œbeggingā€ for them to come back, he said. ā€œIā€™m thinking about doing it.ā€

Trump Says He May Pull Immigration Enforcement From California
California has been shooting themselves int he foot, and one big way in which to draw votes to Conservatives is to leave them to their own devices. See how quickly people get angry and reject Democratic mayors and governors when the budgets are stretched and thy cannot even afford proper law enforcement.

Trump is telling them "you don't want to stand up for Federal Law and help out our agencies? Fine, you're on your own then, I don't want to place ICE officers in any more danger than they already face".

Democrats have been allowing the alt-left, global socialists to dictate their policy at the cost of America. It's disgusting to me, that I as a Canadian (albeit, I admit I'm a special case due to the covert rat police I have confronted), have more patriotic feelings towards America than many Americans! It boggles my mind, it truly does.

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