Trump threatens to end health care 'bailouts' for insurers, lawmakers


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Excellent idea. Those who callously don't wish to have premiums addressed for the American people can now pay their fair share if he proceeds with it.

Trump threatens to end health care 'bailouts' for insurers, lawmakers

President Trump on Saturday threatened to end health care “bailouts” for insurers and lawmakers in Washington as he continues to push Congress to pass legislation repealing ObamaCare.

“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.

He also tweeted, “After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!”

Trump appears to be talking about cost-sharing subsidies for insurers. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told insurers such subsidies could end.

“We are looking at the cost-sharing payments on a month-to-month basis. We made them today. We'll make them tomorrow,” Mulvaney said, according to the Independent Journal Review. “But I don't think we'll see a long-term commitment from this administration.”

Some conservatives have also been pushing the White House to end subsidies to lawmakers and their employees made possible by an Office of Personnel Management exemption.

“It’s also troubling that the Trump administration used executive powers to bail out insurers but will not use his lawful executive power to end Obama’s order exempting members of Congress from paying the full Obamacare freight,” Daniel Horowitz recently wrote at

Senate Republicans have repeatedly tried, but failed, to pass legislation that eliminates or overhauls former President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had hoped to pass a “skinny repeal” measure late Thursday. But when the vote finally took place early Friday morning, three Republicans -- John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- joined with Democrats in opposition, killing the plan.
Excellent idea. Those who callously don't wish to have premiums addressed for the American people can now pay their fair share if he proceeds with it.

Trump threatens to end health care 'bailouts' for insurers, lawmakers

President Trump on Saturday threatened to end health care “bailouts” for insurers and lawmakers in Washington as he continues to push Congress to pass legislation repealing ObamaCare.

“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.

He also tweeted, “After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!”

Trump appears to be talking about cost-sharing subsidies for insurers. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told insurers such subsidies could end.

“We are looking at the cost-sharing payments on a month-to-month basis. We made them today. We'll make them tomorrow,” Mulvaney said, according to the Independent Journal Review. “But I don't think we'll see a long-term commitment from this administration.”

Some conservatives have also been pushing the White House to end subsidies to lawmakers and their employees made possible by an Office of Personnel Management exemption.

“It’s also troubling that the Trump administration used executive powers to bail out insurers but will not use his lawful executive power to end Obama’s order exempting members of Congress from paying the full Obamacare freight,” Daniel Horowitz recently wrote at

Senate Republicans have repeatedly tried, but failed, to pass legislation that eliminates or overhauls former President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had hoped to pass a “skinny repeal” measure late Thursday. But when the vote finally took place early Friday morning, three Republicans -- John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- joined with Democrats in opposition, killing the plan.
/----/ Excellent. I hope Pres Trump follows through.
Excellent idea. Those who callously don't wish to have premiums addressed for the American people can now pay their fair share if he proceeds with it.

Trump threatens to end health care 'bailouts' for insurers, lawmakers

President Trump on Saturday threatened to end health care “bailouts” for insurers and lawmakers in Washington as he continues to push Congress to pass legislation repealing ObamaCare.

“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.

He also tweeted, “After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!”

Trump appears to be talking about cost-sharing subsidies for insurers. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told insurers such subsidies could end.

“We are looking at the cost-sharing payments on a month-to-month basis. We made them today. We'll make them tomorrow,” Mulvaney said, according to the Independent Journal Review. “But I don't think we'll see a long-term commitment from this administration.”

Some conservatives have also been pushing the White House to end subsidies to lawmakers and their employees made possible by an Office of Personnel Management exemption.

“It’s also troubling that the Trump administration used executive powers to bail out insurers but will not use his lawful executive power to end Obama’s order exempting members of Congress from paying the full Obamacare freight,” Daniel Horowitz recently wrote at

Senate Republicans have repeatedly tried, but failed, to pass legislation that eliminates or overhauls former President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had hoped to pass a “skinny repeal” measure late Thursday. But when the vote finally took place early Friday morning, three Republicans -- John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- joined with Democrats in opposition, killing the plan.
More theater for the rubes. All show and no go.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
That's what I tried to keep telling those idiot liberals! A program on paper is not worth the ink without funding.
Not understanding must be the reason people view Democrats as I idiots in the first place.
Excellent idea. Those who callously don't wish to have premiums addressed for the American people can now pay their fair share if he proceeds with it.

Trump threatens to end health care 'bailouts' for insurers, lawmakers

President Trump on Saturday threatened to end health care “bailouts” for insurers and lawmakers in Washington as he continues to push Congress to pass legislation repealing ObamaCare.

“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.

He also tweeted, “After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!”

Trump appears to be talking about cost-sharing subsidies for insurers. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told insurers such subsidies could end.

“We are looking at the cost-sharing payments on a month-to-month basis. We made them today. We'll make them tomorrow,” Mulvaney said, according to the Independent Journal Review. “But I don't think we'll see a long-term commitment from this administration.”

Some conservatives have also been pushing the White House to end subsidies to lawmakers and their employees made possible by an Office of Personnel Management exemption.

“It’s also troubling that the Trump administration used executive powers to bail out insurers but will not use his lawful executive power to end Obama’s order exempting members of Congress from paying the full Obamacare freight,” Daniel Horowitz recently wrote at

Senate Republicans have repeatedly tried, but failed, to pass legislation that eliminates or overhauls former President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had hoped to pass a “skinny repeal” measure late Thursday. But when the vote finally took place early Friday morning, three Republicans -- John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- joined with Democrats in opposition, killing the plan.
Do it. The government usually finds a way to screw the healthplans out of their subsidies anyway.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.

What is interesting about this though, is that those same companies who have lobbied the Democrats to obstruct and resist changes will now potentially face bankruptcy since Obamacare hasn't been adjusted and they are forced to offer services. This in turn will place major heat on the Democrats.

Of course they will blame Trump for wanting to fix Obamacare and for actually wanting to be fiscally responsible. The $10 trillion added to Americas debt in eight years which threatens Americas sovereignty and economic strength was never a concern for far too many, this has to change.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
Or the insurance companies will raise rates. Chaos would ensue. This is just tough talk, they won't go through with it.
I see no reason why Congress or their staffs should not fall under the same system as everyone else. No carve outs or exceptions for anybody IMHO.

As far as bailouts are concerned, I've never liked the concept of bailouts and subsidies for anybody. And that includes HCI companies; but it all depends on the rules you wanna make, you can't force HCI companies to insure people with expensive pre-existing conditions. They cannot stay in business doing that, which is why ObamaCare had to go with the mandates, which failed. Only alternative I see is a consumption tax that is solely used for catastrophic or really expensive healthcare for those who can't afford it, along with some sort of IPAB type board that decides the criteria for who gets what treatment. Yes, a death panel. But it ain't like we have unlimited funds and resources here, so choices will have to be made.
Excellent idea. Those who callously don't wish to have premiums addressed for the American people can now pay their fair share if he proceeds with it.

Trump threatens to end health care 'bailouts' for insurers, lawmakers

President Trump on Saturday threatened to end health care “bailouts” for insurers and lawmakers in Washington as he continues to push Congress to pass legislation repealing ObamaCare.

“If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon.

He also tweeted, “After seven years of ‘talking’ Repeal & Replace, the people of our great country are still being forced to live with imploding ObamaCare!”

Trump appears to be talking about cost-sharing subsidies for insurers. Mick Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told insurers such subsidies could end.

“We are looking at the cost-sharing payments on a month-to-month basis. We made them today. We'll make them tomorrow,” Mulvaney said, according to the Independent Journal Review. “But I don't think we'll see a long-term commitment from this administration.”

Some conservatives have also been pushing the White House to end subsidies to lawmakers and their employees made possible by an Office of Personnel Management exemption.

“It’s also troubling that the Trump administration used executive powers to bail out insurers but will not use his lawful executive power to end Obama’s order exempting members of Congress from paying the full Obamacare freight,” Daniel Horowitz recently wrote at

Senate Republicans have repeatedly tried, but failed, to pass legislation that eliminates or overhauls former President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had hoped to pass a “skinny repeal” measure late Thursday. But when the vote finally took place early Friday morning, three Republicans -- John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska -- joined with Democrats in opposition, killing the plan.

Trumps threat is noting less than a shakedown, if he does what he has promised - always problematic - he will set himself up for impeachment.

Shakedown - a radical change or restructuring, particularly in a hierarchical organization or group

Extortion - the practice of obtaining something through force or threats.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
Or the insurance companies will raise rates. Chaos would ensue. This is just tough talk, they won't go through with it.
I agree. If you read the linked article, all it actually says is that this administration won't give permanent approval to the subsidies. But they will continue to pay them.
I think Trump should do exactly as he said. Cut it all off. The country will be proud of him for being a strong leader even if it means some of their family members die. While he's at it, he should go ahead and clean house in the FBI CIA and all the other security agencies, and replace them with people willing to pledge loyalty to the president. Fire them all so they stop all the Russia investigations. Some say that he has small hands, and doesn't have the balls to go ahead and do all the things he's threatened, to do. I say that it would take a pussy to make all those threats and not follow through with them. Come on Mr Trump. Show us you aren't a pussy.
I think Trump should do exactly as he said. Cut it all off. The country will be proud of him for being a strong leader even if it means some of their family members die. While he's at it, he should go ahead and clean house in the FBI CIA and all the other security agencies. Fire them all so they stop all the Russia investigations. Some say that he has small hands, and doesn't have the balls to go ahead and do all the things he's threatened, to do. I say that it would take a pussy to make all those threats and not follow through with them. Come on Mr Trump. Show us you aren't a pussy.
/----/ "even if it means some of their family members die. " -- Oh knock it off you drama queen. Your strawman arguments are laughable.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
Or the insurance companies will raise rates. Chaos would ensue. This is just tough talk, they won't go through with it.
I agree. If you read the linked article, all it actually says is that this administration won't give permanent approval to the subsidies. But they will continue to pay them.
Don't hold your breath! You ever read Trump's art of the deal? It's in the book.
I think Trump should do exactly as he said. Cut it all off. The country will be proud of him for being a strong leader even if it means some of their family members die. While he's at it, he should go ahead and clean house in the FBI CIA and all the other security agencies. Fire them all so they stop all the Russia investigations. Some say that he has small hands, and doesn't have the balls to go ahead and do all the things he's threatened, to do. I say that it would take a pussy to make all those threats and not follow through with them. Come on Mr Trump. Show us you aren't a pussy.
/----/ "even if it means some of their family members die. " -- Oh knock it off you drama queen. Your strawman arguments are laughable.
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Which of the things I mentioned has he not threatened to do? He should either follow through with his threats, or admit he's just full of shit.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
Or the insurance companies will raise rates. Chaos would ensue. This is just tough talk, they won't go through with it.
I agree. If you read the linked article, all it actually says is that this administration won't give permanent approval to the subsidies. But they will continue to pay them.
Don't hold your breath! You ever read Trump's art of the deal? It's in the book.

Pretty sure Trump never read The Art of the Deal. He certainly didn't write it. The windbag hired someone else to write it, and then slapped his own name on it.
I think Trump should do exactly as he said. Cut it all off. The country will be proud of him for being a strong leader even if it means some of their family members die. While he's at it, he should go ahead and clean house in the FBI CIA and all the other security agencies, and replace them with people willing to pledge loyalty to the president. Fire them all so they stop all the Russia investigations. Some say that he has small hands, and doesn't have the balls to go ahead and do all the things he's threatened, to do. I say that it would take a pussy to make all those threats and not follow through with them. Come on Mr Trump. Show us you aren't a pussy.
You're naughty. LOL
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
Or the insurance companies will raise rates. Chaos would ensue. This is just tough talk, they won't go through with it.
I agree. If you read the linked article, all it actually says is that this administration won't give permanent approval to the subsidies. But they will continue to pay them.
Don't hold your breath! You ever read Trump's art of the deal? It's in the book.
Fury, if this administration stops paying the subsidies, insurers may raise their rates obscenely. This will not be a popular move by our President/Republican Congress, because it will mean premiums flying through the roof. Again. Don't forget, we've still got the individual mandate. Obamacare stands.
Insurance bailouts? I heard Rand Paul talking about this last week. He said the insurance companies made 4 billion last year, and he doesn't want to give them a penny. However, it's a game of chicken. The insurance companies have the freedom to walk away if they are not making enough money in a state or a particular county. If the government doesn't make up the difference, how many insurers will we have left? We would have to hope the insurance companies actually want to provide the insurance and would go ahead without getting "subsidies." Game of chicken.
Or the insurance companies will raise rates. Chaos would ensue. This is just tough talk, they won't go through with it.
I agree. If you read the linked article, all it actually says is that this administration won't give permanent approval to the subsidies. But they will continue to pay them.
Don't hold your breath! You ever read Trump's art of the deal? It's in the book.

Pretty sure Trump never read The Art of the Deal. He certainly didn't write it. The windbag hired someone else to write it, and then slapped his own name on it.

Take a MIdol and settle down. Obama already proved how big taxpayer-funded government bailouts don't work. We bought an Obama-era GM bailout Chevy in 2013 and the stupid thing didn't even make it to 150,000 miles.

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