Trump The Liar

The tards have such low self respect, they line up to be lied to by Trump.

And their actual reasoning is, "It's okay for Trump to lie to me since Obama did!"
Why the fuck are you still here, if you don't like what President Trump is doing, then go to the Socialist Utopian Paradise that Obama opened up for you. Just jump on a cruise ship and head there, just leave your passport at the border. God you are such a whiney ass bitch.

Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
You sound like a brainwashed delusional cult member. That nut jobs The Presidency is in demise. His alleged accomplishments are temporary Executive Orders. They will disappear in a flash once he is booted from office. Congress has already taken steps to reduce his Presidential authority. More reductions are on the way. The guy is despised.
The tards have such low self respect, they line up to be lied to by Trump.

And their actual reasoning is, "It's okay for Trump to lie to me since Obama did!"
Why the fuck are you still here, if you don't like what President Trump is doing, then go to the Socialist Utopian Paradise that Obama opened up for you. Just jump on a cruise ship and head there, just leave your passport at the border. God you are such a whiney ass bitch.

False Dichotomy, retard. You idiots seriously need to take courses in logic and critical thinking.

Oh, but then you wouldn't be able to be Trump supporters any more...

Are these people all socialists?
Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
I would say President Trump has EATEN more in his 6 months than Obama did in 8 years.

But done more? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump can't even repeal ObamaCare!
Trump can't even repeal ObamaCare!

He's got a pen and a phone, all he would need to do is sign an Executive Order.

It's Congress that can't repeal it.
Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
I would say President Trump has EATEN more in his 6 months than Obama did in 8 years.

But done more? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump can't even repeal ObamaCare!
Trump can't even repeal ObamaCare!

He's got a pen and a phone, all he would need to do is sign an Executive Order.

It's Congress that can't repeal it.
Congress passed ObamaCare and yet it is called ObamaCare.

Trump can't repeal it. He's a loser. He does not know how to lead his way out of a wet paper bag.
Congress, including the Republican House, doubled our national debt and yet Obama gets the blame.

Trump can't get shit done and yet he is somehow magically blameless.

"It duh stablishment fault!"
Despite the humongous terrible obstructionism of TH3 Establishment, Donald Trump has been able to carry the Dow over 22,000. But that very same Establishment is to blame for Trump golfing so much.

Yeah. Okay.

Now...was Obama a liar?
Deflection noted
Just be grateful he didn't mention Hilary's Emails or Benghazi.
It is a simple question, but some leftists refuse to answer.

Trump lies. So did Obama. See?
"It's okay for Trump to lie to me since Obama did!"

Don't be stupid. I know not possible.
You are the one who keeps bringing up Obama in a Trump topic!

"It's okay for Trump to lie to me since Obama did!"
1000 documented lies since Jan 20.
At least 5 more in Phoenix last night.
Lyingest president in history. No one is even a close 2nd.

DEPLORABLES: we love our liar in Chief.
Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
You sound like a brainwashed delusional cult member. That nut jobs The Presidency is in demise. His alleged accomplishments are temporary Executive Orders. They will disappear in a flash once he is booted from office. Congress has already taken steps to reduce his Presidential authority. More reductions are on the way. The guy is despised.
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President? Only people despised are you lefties and G5000 and CNN but I repeat myself.
Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
You sound like a brainwashed delusional cult member. That nut jobs The Presidency is in demise. His alleged accomplishments are temporary Executive Orders. They will disappear in a flash once he is booted from office. Congress has already taken steps to reduce his Presidential authority. More reductions are on the way. The guy is despised.
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President? Only people despised are you lefties and G5000 and CNN but I repeat myself.
The Republican Congress has a lower poll rating than the Republican President. And this somehow communicates something to you about lefties.

Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
You sound like a brainwashed delusional cult member. That nut jobs The Presidency is in demise. His alleged accomplishments are temporary Executive Orders. They will disappear in a flash once he is booted from office. Congress has already taken steps to reduce his Presidential authority. More reductions are on the way. The guy is despised.
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President? Only people despised are you lefties and G5000 and CNN but I repeat myself.
Yes, you repeat yourself. That is what brainwashed cult followers do. It is like wearing a sign around your neck.
Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
You sound like a brainwashed delusional cult member. That nut jobs The Presidency is in demise. His alleged accomplishments are temporary Executive Orders. They will disappear in a flash once he is booted from office. Congress has already taken steps to reduce his Presidential authority. More reductions are on the way. The guy is despised.
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President? Only people despised are you lefties and G5000 and CNN but I repeat myself.
The Republican Congress has a lower poll rating than the Republican President. And this somehow communicates something to you about lefties.

So there are no Dimocrats in Congress? And still I find you humorous when you say you are a conservative. You sure do love sucking liberal dicks and try to defend them all the time.
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President?

I've actually addressed this many times in the past.

Congress: Single Digit Approval, 98 Percent Re-Election Rate

If you want to know who is to blame for the mess we are in, look in the mirror.

"B-b-b-b-but Mexicans!"

Congress: Single digit approval rating, 98 percent re-election rate.

If we keep re-electing these people we hate so much, then who are the real idiots?

You get the government you deserve.

I've pointed out many times Congress gets single digit approval rates, but a 98 percent re-election rate.

"Those other bastards spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"
Remember this doozy?


Before he was sworn in, President Trump made a bold promise: The as-yet-unreleased Obamacare repeal and replacement plan would have “insurance for everybody.”

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”

While House Republicans and the White House have indicated repealing and replacing Obamacare may take multiple legislative steps, the bill currently on the table would not meet Trump’s pledge. Per the CBO’s score, 14 million people would immediately lose coverage, a number that would eventually rise to 24 million over the next 10 years.

And now:

Trump: Repeal ObamaCare now, then 'start from a clean slate'

President Trump on Monday said Republicans should repeal ObamaCare now and "start from a clean slate" on a new healthcare plan, arguing doing so will help gain Democratic support.

"Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that will start from a clean slate. Dems will join in!" Trump tweeted Monday night.

And you suckers fell for it hook, line and sinker :lmao:

Trump supporters don't even care that Trump lies to them. Isn't that amazing?

He told them he was going to build a wall. Then he got busted admitting to the President of Mexico that he was just talking shit

"Because you and I are both at a point now where we are both saying we are not to pay for the wall. From a political standpoint, that is what we will say. We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out. Believe it or not, this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important talk about"

Then yesterday he lied to his supporters again when he said “If we have to shut down that government, we’re building that wall,” Trump said. “One way or another, we’re going to get that wall.”
You do realize, that not only are you a tard, but more illegals are self deporting themselves, just by President Trump talking about the wall. Shame you are too stupid to know that. But then if you weren't so stupid you would be a Conservative.

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Actually I'm not a brainwashed right or left winger who's incapable of admitting when Trump does something right. Yes illegals are leaving the country and I love it. I hear Canada is having trouble with all the asylum seekers. Illegals fleeing the USA for fear of being deported back to their countries. I fucking LOVE IT!

So we don't need a wall but Trump keeps pumping that bullshit to his stupid base. Hey, whatever he feels will get him re elected. I probably won't vote for him but I think he knows he needs to rile up his base.

But he's counting on low voter turn out like what Hillary got. Do you think people won't show up to vote against him in 2020? I think he's a one term president. Even with a good economy, he's too divisive. He got lucky Hillary didn't energize liberals and moderates but maybe Trump's opponent will. Oprah.
Is there an app for keeping up with the flood of trump lies?
President Trump has done more in his 6 months than Obama did in his 8 years. The problem with you libfucks, is that he is a winner and man, while you are losers and pussies. That is why you hate him so much.
You sound like a brainwashed delusional cult member. That nut jobs The Presidency is in demise. His alleged accomplishments are temporary Executive Orders. They will disappear in a flash once he is booted from office. Congress has already taken steps to reduce his Presidential authority. More reductions are on the way. The guy is despised.
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President? Only people despised are you lefties and G5000 and CNN but I repeat myself.
The Republican Congress has a lower poll rating than the Republican President. And this somehow communicates something to you about lefties.

So there are no Dimocrats in Congress? And still I find you humorous when you say you are a conservative. You sure do love sucking liberal dicks and try to defend them all the time.
I find it says a lot about your character that you think integrity and defending the truth are the qualities of a liberal.

If you tell a lie about Obama, honesty demands that lie be exposed. That is not "sucking liberal dicks". That is integrity. Get some, retard.

And boy oh boy, do you tards parrot a vast ocean of lies.

I wouldn't have to smack you around if you just stopped being piss drinking parroting retards!
You do realize that the congress has an even lower poll rating than CNN's Fake poll of the President?

I've actually addressed this many times in the past.

Congress: Single Digit Approval, 98 Percent Re-Election Rate

If you want to know who is to blame for the mess we are in, look in the mirror.

"B-b-b-b-but Mexicans!"

Congress: Single digit approval rating, 98 percent re-election rate.

If we keep re-electing these people we hate so much, then who are the real idiots?

You get the government you deserve.

I've pointed out many times Congress gets single digit approval rates, but a 98 percent re-election rate.

"Those other bastards spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"
I live in Virginia and voted out Eric Cantor, I did my job, I cant do your job, sorry bunch of liberal fucks, just keep getting that free stuff, and keep voting back in those who want to give you that stuff.

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