Trump tax plan calls for repeal of death tax and amt shrinks brackets to 3


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Tax Plan Calls for Repeal of Death Tax and AMT, Shrinks Brackets to 3

The White House on Wednesday unveiled President Donald Trump’s tax cut plan, which includes repeal of the death tax and the alternative minimum tax and the reduction of the seven tax brackets down to only three.

“The president is going to seize this opportunity by leading the most significant tax reform legislation since 1986 and one of the biggest tax cuts in the American history,” National Economic Director Gary Cohn said at the White House.

“The president has focused on three things since his campaign: job creation, economic growth and helping the low and middle-income families who have been left behind by this economy,” Cohn said.

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But MSM is teaching their sheep he's funneling it all to the rich, which so far is pure bs. But nooooo they won't get that.

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