Trump Syria Plan Brilliant!


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Let's review....In my opinion, we hate Turkey for all the right reasons. We hate Syria for all the right reasons. We feel pretty much the same about the Kurds and Russians....useful idiots. So dig this....The President tells Urdogan not to piss him off with his half-ass excursion into Syria. He does. So Trump lowers the BOOM on his economy. Meanwhile the Kurds run to their natural ally, Assad, who sends troops north to fight with them. Meanwhile the Ivans are now patrolling between the two forces, daring the Turks to fire on them! So much for their budding romance. I mean how PERFECT is this working out? BTW, the Iranians, now dead-broke, made a token effort to warn Turkey away from their border, so there's more friction for us to exploit. We do have 50 tactical nukes at a Turk airbase, but they are under US control and probably defused and useless by now. BRILLIANT. :04:

The msm is now into how evil sanctions on Turkey are

Meanwhile breaking from ABC news
Kurds are fleeing Kentucky into ohio after Turkey attacks
Let's review....In my opinion, we hate Turkey for all the right reasons. We hate Syria for all the right reasons. We feel pretty much the same about the Kurds and Russians....useful idiots. So dig this....The President tells Urdogan not to piss him off with his half-ass excursion into Syria. He does. So Trump lowers the BOOM on his economy. Meanwhile the Kurds run to their natural ally, Assad, who sends troops north to fight with them. Meanwhile the Ivans are now patrolling between the two forces, daring the Turks to fire on them! So much for their budding romance. I mean how PERFECT is this working out? BTW, the Iranians, now dead-broke, made a token effort to warn Turkey away from their border, so there's more friction for us to exploit. We do have 50 tactical nukes at a Turk airbase, but they are under US control and probably defused and useless by now. BRILLIANT. :04:

Like Trump told the idiot news guy who said it was "complicated" - it's not complicated if you're smart.

President Trump has long opposed the idea of entering into avoidable foreign wars. His Reaganesque policy of peace through strength is part of that. In addition, there was developed after the Vietnam War a policy for deciding when it is proper to go to war. It consisted of several acid tests. They included a clearly defined national interest and objective, reasonable prospects of victory, strong public support, a well thought out war-fighting plan, and a calculated exit strategy.

Whenever there is any doubt as to whether an imminent war is optional or is forced upon us — if there is any doubt as to which it is, the singular test should be this: any policy-maker who declares the proposed war worthwhile should first send his own son or daughter to the very front of the front line before he sends yours. Failing that, he should go himself, rifle in hand, up close and personal with the enemy. Those should be among the first, if any, to die. Otherwise, send no one.

War is that serious.
well trump ran on it. where were all these loud mouths back when he was running for president? hmmmmmm not one of them said shit.
well trump ran on it. where were all these loud mouths back when he was running for president? hmmmmmm not one of them said shit.

So, how's the undeclared war in Yemen going?

We're not in it....was Obama? We furnished SA a missile defense and techs to operate it after their refineries were struck by Iran. Now admit Yemen has nothing to do with my OP and take a hike.
well trump ran on it. where were all these loud mouths back when he was running for president? hmmmmmm not one of them said shit.

So, how's the undeclared war in Yemen going?

We're not in it....was Obama? We furnished SA a missile defense and techs to operate it after their refineries were struck by Iran. Now admit Yemen has nothing to do with my OP and take a hike.

Drone strikes are covert action. We are absolutely in it.

The reason for Trumpybears about face is still unknown. Either he got something for it, or Egodon had something on the Dirty Don.
well trump ran on it. where were all these loud mouths back when he was running for president? hmmmmmm not one of them said shit.

So, how's the undeclared war in Yemen going?

We're not in it....was Obama? We furnished SA a missile defense and techs to operate it after their refineries were struck by Iran. Now admit Yemen has nothing to do with my OP and take a hike.

Drone strikes are covert action. We are absolutely in it.

The reason for Trumpybears about face is still unknown. Either he got something for it, or Egodon had something on the Dirty Don.
or..........................we weren't there to fight for land. hmmmmmmm prove we were.
Let's review....In my opinion, we hate Turkey for all the right reasons. We hate Syria for all the right reasons. We feel pretty much the same about the Kurds and Russians....useful idiots. So dig this....The President tells Urdogan not to piss him off with his half-ass excursion into Syria. He does. So Trump lowers the BOOM on his economy. Meanwhile the Kurds run to their natural ally, Assad, who sends troops north to fight with them. Meanwhile the Ivans are now patrolling between the two forces, daring the Turks to fire on them! So much for their budding romance. I mean how PERFECT is this working out? BTW, the Iranians, now dead-broke, made a token effort to warn Turkey away from their border, so there's more friction for us to exploit. We do have 50 tactical nukes at a Turk airbase, but they are under US control and probably defused and useless by now. BRILLIANT. :04:

Trump has been underestimated for the past three years, and he is still sticking it to everyone who is dumb enough to do so.
Let's review....In my opinion, we hate Turkey for all the right reasons. We hate Syria for all the right reasons. We feel pretty much the same about the Kurds and Russians....useful idiots. So dig this....The President tells Urdogan not to piss him off with his half-ass excursion into Syria. He does. So Trump lowers the BOOM on his economy. Meanwhile the Kurds run to their natural ally, Assad, who sends troops north to fight with them. Meanwhile the Ivans are now patrolling between the two forces, daring the Turks to fire on them! So much for their budding romance. I mean how PERFECT is this working out? BTW, the Iranians, now dead-broke, made a token effort to warn Turkey away from their border, so there's more friction for us to exploit. We do have 50 tactical nukes at a Turk airbase, but they are under US control and probably defused and useless by now. BRILLIANT. :04:

Trump has been underestimated for the past three years, and he is still sticking it to everyone who is dumb enough to do so.
Critics not Syria-ous


The "war" is over.

The House voted 354-60 to condemn President Donald John Trump's decision not to get involved in a dispute between Turkey and Syria. If members were Syria-ous, they would have voted to declare war. Put up or shut up.

2 1/2 years earlier, these chicken hawks in Washington accused President Donald John Trump of trying to start World War III in Syria.

On April 7, 2017, President Donald John Trump ordered 59 cruise missiles to wipe out the air base from which the Assad government had launched a chemical warfare attack on Khan Sheikhun. He was dining with Chairman Xi at Mar-a-Lago at the time.

USA Today accused the president of risking World War III.

Jessica Estepa, then an editor in its Washington bureau, wrote, "Is this the start of World War III? That's what people are worried about."

The people she cited were Magneto's Fear, Penguin, Deplorable Winner, and other intellectual luminaries on Twitter.

Her story said, "Let's take a step back for a moment. World War I began in 1914, following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. A month-long diplomatic crisis ensued, eventually leading to the empire declaring war on Serbia."

Serbia sounds just like Syria, so I can see the connection.

The president said, "They have a problem at the border; it's not our border."

But the American press is the fog machine when it comes to the fog of war. ABC took footage off You Tube from a Kentucky training exercise, labeled it "Slaughter In Syria," and reported it as news. Who needs Baghdad Bob when you have George Stephanopoulos running the show?

The president has a plan in Syria called let-them-figure-it-out. The USA is in a no win situation there.

We do know that his promise of economic sanctions will keep Erdogan in check.

President Trump has the U.S. military and tariffs at his disposal. When he uses the latter, Washington howls. When he doesn't use the former, Washington howls even louder.

It's as if they want wars and the exportation of jobs.

President Trump once again proved the elitist slobs and snobs dead wrong.

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