Trump Supporters ONLY I Need Your Help

If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D

There are no constitutional provisions for do overs once the EC has voted. You're energy would be better spent on unseating the commies in congress next year.

Once the Senate certified the election it was over and the USSC will not hear any case.
We were warned in the 1950s about the communist infiltraors inside our politics and universities. The ones warning us were destroyed socially and persecuted personally till they died of hopelessness and stress.

The media and news were just as bad back then as they are now and our parents loved them.
If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D

What if this one of the years when the word is coming to an end? Or, what if god/Jesus is coming back this year?

You need to take these things into consideration. Doncha think?

But, also of importance is, if you're a trump supporter, you're beyond help. Sorry
He wasn't kidding when he said " Good Night and Good Luck" because he knew when they got thrugh with America we were going to need all the luck we could handle. My parents liked him like most parents did in the 40s,late 50s.


That's why I posted this thread idiot I'm looking for one to see if it's true. Can't you and don't you read? :rolleyes:
I see you've learned how to be nasty and biting for no reason. Google is yer friend.

I was obviously having trouble finding it and that's why I was asking.

You will not find anything except possible blogs that are not legitimate.

As OKTexas told you it is better to focus on 2022 and 2024 than think Trump will be reinstated because the possibility is not possible once the VP and Senate on January 6th 2021 certified the election it was all over and the USSC is not overturning the election.

Yes, Biden is president.

Is he really? Cause I haven't seen much governing going on from my end. Sorry, I like you and all but the guy's a puppet. Plain and simple.

So is every President including former President Trump.

Those like Pelosi, McConnell and others actually run the country and the President is usually a puppet to convince the people they ( The President ) are leading.

The overturning of the 2020 Presidential election will never happen and any links supporting such idea will be based on false information.

As I have stated once the Senate and former VP Pence certified the election on January 6th 2021 that ended any chances for Trump to stay in power or the USSC would get involved.
Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me)

- I'll try to be polite about this.

Who are "they"??

Audits and recounts have been done and multiple states, and all of them declared Joe Biden the winner.
Donald Trump's own hand picked judges found no evidence of voter fraud and have rejected his claims he won the election. You might want to get a more reliable source to "find out" from there, Mr. Potterhead.

P.S. Donald J. Trump is not going to be reinstated in August, or any other month. Joe Biden is President. You're going to have to accept it.
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If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D
I guess you don't get it or understand it.

Every state that was in question could go to their state Supreme Court and legally change the outcome of the vote for Trump.


The gatekeepers hold the power and regardless of a sweeping change in the election outcome;


The SCOTUS will not overturn it.

So, you would be better suited in putting all of your energy into turning the Senate back into a rational body and oveturning Pelosi's House.

Then, start procedings into impeaching the vegetable and his running mate.
Lefties will cause mass rioting if Trump gets re-instated. Judges who side with Trump will get canceled by the Democrat controlled media, their families and homes will be threatened, etc. We are facing no less than an attempt to take over America by force. Soros money is a big driver through his many radical, but nicely named, foundations that funnel money to Marxist candidates, causes and political appointments. We are losing our country to leftist-Marxists who have infiltrated the Democrat party and the main stream media.
Good job. All them buzz words...Lefties, Democrat-controlled mainstream media, Marxist, Soros... All in one indecipherable spaghetti vomit.

Next time throw in... Chinese, Mooslems, Clinton, Obama... Because, why not? LOL
If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D

There are no constitutional provisions for do overs once the EC has voted. You're energy would be better spent on unseating the commies in congress next year.

Which is impossible since Dems are now in control of the voting system.
If you aren't a Trump supporter and you cause havoc in this thread then you will be dealt with by putting on ignore as I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. Anyways, I recently found out today from a neighbor of mine that they've completed a lot of audits already that declare that Trump is the true winner (which comes no surprise to me) and that Arizona will be changing to red soon and I was wondering if you've seen any articles or videos that confirm this.

I also heard that Trump will be reinstated by August 15th and I really hope that's true, but I'm afraid that's currently only rumors and conspiracy theories. The only reason that I didn't post this thread in conspiracy theories is there's a good chance that it might be true and I'm crossing my fingers tightly for this. :D

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