Trump supporters being mobbed and assaulted as they leave San Diego rally! FIGHT BACK.

Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
HELL NO!!!! Jail means we have to house and feed and care for them with our taxes! Toss em over the border then wall that bitch up!!!
Not the way I would have it done; breaking rocks on bread and water.

Buc is losing his mind.
No, he is not.

Libtards like you lost your minds about 4 years ago.
There should be no rioting.

The far left has the far right scared shitless.

The far right are not the big bad bully boys they thought.
There should be no rioting.

The far left has the far right scared shitless.

The far right are not the big bad bully boys they thought.

You're such a moron. "Scared"??? Last night we saw the violent liberal mob get completely shut down in dominant fashion by about 250 riot cops with night sticks. Drove em away like a herd of wild hogs.

You violent liberals would be VERY VERY easy to deal with if needed. We just don't want to "need to" do it. We'd prefer you radicals just act like civil humans.

It's like misbehaving 12 year olds acting out and tearing the house up. We can handle it...swiftly if needed. We would just rather you behave.
Leftists on CNN are trying to take up for these animals.

Saying "This is what happens when people feel like they aren't being heard" (Anderson Cooper show 5:35pm PST).

NO bitch it's not. The Tea Party felt unheard and never did this shit.
Typical of the totalitarian left. They think they have the right to be heard. We have the right to speak but we have no right to demand that people listen.
Leftists on CNN are trying to take up for these animals.

Saying "This is what happens when people feel like they aren't being heard" (Anderson Cooper show 5:35pm PST).

NO bitch it's not. The Tea Party felt unheard and never did this shit.
Typical of the totalitarian left. They think they have the right to be heard. We have the right to speak but we have no right to demand that people listen.

They said that many times on CNN.

Crying like babies "Oh...they just feel like they aren't being heard".


It seems like the riot police had their crap together and went hardcore on the Anarcho-Leftists asses, they need to do this every time these lunatics start the Organised Agitation.

Zero Tolerance, you can't have mob rule, you must show these bottom feeder types who's the Boss, you must crack the whip.


They look so manly and sexy, those batons look sexy, I love black uniforms, Order and Discipline look great in black, the policeman at the left is wearing black leather gloves :smoke:

Every society needs Order and Discipline, Anarcho-Leftists have NO Order or Discipline, they're feral, they need teaching a lesson, wield the baton and crack the whip.
Sorry....where's the fan I need to cool down a bit....what day is it :itsok:
I have no I sea what you are talking about...I have no girlfriend. But it's interesting that you would have a woman do what you are too timid to do yourself.

Of course you dont. A Tic Tac might help.

View attachment 76223
You are making no sense...why would I want a girlfriend when I'm happily will have to find some girl to be tough in your place on your own.

If America needs me to help throw some lefties over the wall so be it I'm a patriot!! Where do I report to Mr. Trump?!!
Who are you trying to can't throw anything while hiding under your bed, making excuses....

I only hide when bulldykes like you are grazing and begging for a man to turn them. Sorry. It's too much of a job for me to take on and I don't have a gas mask that would be required when you unzip. Gross.
See?...we knew you would have excuses for your great fear of the world around you.
Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.

ahhh...sounds like they are already defeated.....and they know it.

It's a sweet sound.

Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
You laugh but the Trump supporters have been nice so far. As for me, like most conservatives, I've been ready for the last 8 years. Bring it.
Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
You laugh but the Trump supporters have been nice so far. As for me, like most conservatives, I've been ready for the last 8 years. Bring it.

Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
You laugh but the Trump supporters have been nice so far. As for me, like most conservatives, I've been ready for the last 8 years. Bring it.
Sounds just like I thought. If you are waiting for someone to bring something then that means you are just going to sit on your ass and whine.
Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
You laugh but the Trump supporters have been nice so far. As for me, like most conservatives, I've been ready for the last 8 years. Bring it.

Amen-Ra. People like you typically use words and have no clue where they came from.
Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
You laugh but the Trump supporters have been nice so far. As for me, like most conservatives, I've been ready for the last 8 years. Bring it.
Sounds just like I thought. If you are waiting for someone to bring something then that means you are just going to sit on your ass and whine.
No,conservatives are trying to do things the right way and I still have hope this issue will resolve itself with Trumps election. Unlike the dying left who are desperate and using thug tactic's to win the election. Of course you lefty's would love for for the right to attack so you can crucify us in the liberal MSM. Thus far we've resisted the bait.
Watching the American hard left fight with American fascists on the hard right.

Nooooo. This is an example of no doubt paid scumbags assaulting political rally attendee's. Who are not fighting back. Sort of like when your Brownshirts were beating up on the opposition during an election cycle many, many years ago.
Watching CNN trying to downplay Trump rally attendees are trying to leave the venue the mob of liberal vermin are swarming towards them, shoving them, punching them, throwing shit at them....cops are now circling the attendees and escorting them as as if they are politicians themselves!!!

This is fucking disgusting.

It's time to fight back against these leftist scum.

How fucking dare you leftists accuse US of being the violent ones when you show you true colors and attack us and our supporters like this.

Fight these scum back. Fuck em. Stand your ground. And put me on the jury of any trial against someone who does....NOT GUILTY no matter what.
I'm sick of the thug tactic's being used by the opposition at Trump rallies.They are desperate because they know their reign is ending and a Republican is taking over the white house. If this is the way the left is going to handle things from now on then it's time to fight back and put them back in their place.
So what are you personally going to do to stop them?
You laugh but the Trump supporters have been nice so far. As for me, like most conservatives, I've been ready for the last 8 years. Bring it.

Amen-Ra. People like you typically use words and have no clue where they came from.

You mean Amun-Ra? Look in the mirror when you hurl insults moron.
The TPM could get violent as you well know, bucs90.

The difference is that the lefties here are far better organized and out to get righty fascist ass.
prove it fakey jakey, where are your links? lying faggot libtard.

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