Trump shuts down disrespectful reporter

Trump shuts down disrespectful reporter

Her father is Robert "Bob" Tur aka Hanna Zoey Tur

Dayem, so there really are TRANSGENDERS! The question for Keith Olbermann is does Katy have a penis or a vagina, or kind of a mix like a steroid cycling female bodybuilder? Or is Olbermann a fucking transgender also. WTF is going on...and why are these freaks broadcasting on major networks?
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"Fuck off main stream media. I'm the Birther's candidate. I'm talking to the conspiracy theorist out there, Alex Jones and stuff. They love me for talking down to that woman reporter and her obvious 'gotcha' clarification questions. Besides, look at her face! Oh, and is she bleeding from, you know,,,,uh, somewhere?"

What a guy.
'Be quiet . . .' - Trump derails NBC reporter trying to shill for Hillary during presser

What a bitch! Ask a question wait for his answer! Love having a candidate that puts these bastards in their place
If you wait for Trump to answer a question, you will be drawing Social Security first.

Trumps answer about Putin invading the Ukraine, "...if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

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